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heart overflowed at my eyes察and I was for some time inconsolable。

'My indulgent mamma comforted without blaming me察till she thought I had sufficient time to vent my grief察and then察sending for me into her chamber察spoke as follows

';Jenny察I have watched you ever since the death of your little favourite cat察and have been in hopes daily察that your lamenting and melancholy on that account would be at an end。  But I find you still persist in grieving察as if such a loss was irreparable。  Now察though I have always encouraged you in all sentiments of good nature and compassion察and am sensible察that where those sentiments are strongly implanted察they will extend their influence even to the least animal察yet you are to consider察my child察that you are not to give way to any passions that interfere with your duty察for whenever there is any contention between your duty and your inclinations察you must conquer the latter察or become wicked and contemptible。  If察therefore察you give way to this melancholy察how will you be able to perform your duty towards me察in cheerfully obeying my commandsand endeavouring察by your lively prattle and innocent gaiety of heart察to be my companion and delight拭 Nor will you be fit to converse with your brother察whom as you lost your good papa when you were too young to know that loss I have endeavoured to educate in such a manner察that I hope he will be a father to you察if you deserve his love and protection。  In short察if you do not keep command enough of yourself to prevent being ruffled by every accident察you will be unfit for all the social offices of life察and be despised by all those whose regard and love are worth your seeking。  I treat you察my girl察as capable of considering what is for your own good察for though you are but eleven years of age察yet I hope the pains I have taken in explaining all you read察and in answering all your questions in search of knowledge察has not been so much thrown away察but that you are more capable of judging察than those unhappy children are察whose parents have neglected to instruct them。  And therefore察farther to enforce what I say察remember察that repining at any accident that happens to you察is an offence to that God to whom I have taught you daily to pray for all the blessings you can receive察and to whom you are to return humble thanks for every blessing。

';I expect therefore察Jenny察that you now dry up your tears察and resume your usual cheerfulness。  I do not doubt but your obedience to me will make you at least put on the appearance of cheerfulness in my sight。  But you will deceive yourself察if you think that is performing your duty察for if you would obey me as you ought察you must try heartily to root from your mind all sorrow and gloominess。  You may depend upon it察this command is in your power to obey察for you know I never require anything of you that is impossible。;

'After my mamma had made this speech察she went out to take a walk in the garden察and left me to consider of what she had said。

'The moment I came to reflect seriously察I found it was indeed in my power to root all melancholy from my heart察when I considered it was necessary察in order to perform my duty to God察to obey the best of mothers察and to make myself a blessing and a cheerful companion to her察rather than a burden察and the cause of her uneasiness察by my foolish melancholy。

'This little accident察as managed by my mamma察has been a lesson to me in governing my passions ever since。

'It would be endless to repeat all the methods this good mother invented for my instruction察amendment察and improvement。  It is sufficient to acquaint you察that she contrived that every new day should open to me some new scene of knowledge察and no girl could be happier than I was during her life。  But察alas when I was thirteen years of age察the scene changed。  My dear mamma was taken ill of a scarlet fever。  I attended her day and night whilst she lay ill察my eyes starting with tears to see her in that condition察and yet I did not dare to give my sorrows vent察for fear of increasing her pain。'

Here a trickling tear stole from Miss Jenny's eyes。  She suppressed some rising sobs that interrupted her speech察and was about to proceed in her story察when察casting her eyes on her companions察she saw her sorrow had such an effect upon them all察that there was not one of her hearers who could refrain from shedding a sympathising tear。  She therefore thought it was more strictly following her mamma's precepts to pass this part of her story in silence察rather than to grieve her friends察and having wiped away her tears察she hastened to conclude her story察which she did as follows

'After my mamma's death察my Aunt Newman察my father's sister察took the care of me察but being obliged to go to Jamaica察to settle some affairs relating to an estate she is possessed of there察she took with her my Cousin Harriet察her only daughter察and left me under the care of the good Mrs。 Teachum till her return。  And since I have been here察you all know as much of my history as I do myself。'

As Miss Jenny spoke these words察the bell summoned them to supper into the presence of their governess察who having narrowly watched their looks ever since the fray察had hitherto plainly perceived察that though they did not dare to break out again into an open quarrel察yet their hearts had still harboured unkind thoughts of one another。  She was surprised NOW察as she stood at a window in the hall that overlooked the garden察to see all her scholars walk towards her hand in hand察with such cheerful countenances察as plainly showed their inward good humour。  And as she thought proper to mention to them her pleasure in seeing them thus altered察Miss Jenny Peace related to her governess all that had passed in the arbour察with their general reconciliation。  Mrs。 Teachum gave Miss Jenny all the applause due to her goodness察saying察she herself had only waited a little while察to see if their anger would subside察and love take its place in their bosoms察without her interfering again察for THAT she certainly should otherwise have done察to have brought about what Miss Jenny had so happily effected。

Miss Jenny thanked her governess for her kind approbation察and said察that if she would give them leave察she would spend what time she was pleased to allow them from school in this little arbour察in reading stories察and such things as she should think a proper and innocent amusement。

Mrs。 Teachum not only gave leave察but very much approved of this proposal察and desired Miss Jenny察as a reward for what she had already done察to preside over these diversions察and to give her an account in what manner they proceeded。  Miss Jenny promised in all things to be guided by good Mrs。 Teachum。  And now察soon after supper察they retired to rest察free from those uneasy passions which used to prevent their quiet察and as they had passed the day in pleasure察at night they sunk in soft and sweet repose。



Early in the morning察as soon as Miss Jenny arose察all her companions flocked round her察for they now looked on her as the best friend they had in the world察and they agreed察when they came out of school察to adjourn into their arbour察and divert themselves till dinner´time察which they accordingly did。  When Miss Jenny proposed察if it was agreeable to them to hear it察to read them a story which she had put in her pocket for that purpose察and as they now began to look upon her as the most proper person to direct them in their amusements察they all replied察What was most agreeable to her would please them best。  She then began to read the following story察with which we shall open their first day's amusement。


A great many hundred years ago察the mountains of Wales were inhabited by two giants察one of whom was the terror of all his neighbours and the plague of the whole country。  He greatly exceeded the size of any giant recorded in history察and his eyes looked so fierce and terrible察that they frightened all who were so unhappy as to behold them。

The name of this enormous wretch was Barbarico。  A name which filled all who heard it with fear and astonishment。  The whole delight of this monster's life was in acts of inhumanity and mischief察and he was the most miserable as well as the most wicked creature that ever yet was born。  He had no sooner committed one outrage察but he was in agonies till he could commit another察never satisfied察unless he could find an opportunity of either torturing or devouring some innocent creature。  And whenever he happened to be disappointed in any of his malicious purposes察he would stretch his immense bulk on the top of some high mountain察and groan察and beat the earth察and bellow with such a hollow voice察that the whole country heard and trembled at the sound。

The other giant察whose name was Benefico察was not so tall and bulky as the hideous Barbarico。  He was handsome察well proportioned察and of a very good´natured turn of mind。  His delight was no less in acts of goodness and bene

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