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Caelia had absolutely refused granting to Sempronius leave to ask her aunt's consent察till she should come to some explanation with Chloe察which seemed every day farther off than ever。

The great perturbation of Chloe's mind threw her into a disorder not many degrees short of madness察and at last she was seized with a violent fever so as to keep her bed。  She said she could not bear to look on Amanda察but begged Caelia to be with her as much as possible察which she did察in hopes of bringing herself to ease her mind察by speaking to her of what had given them all this torment。

Caelia watched with her night and day for three days察when the physician who attended her pronounced that there was no hope of her life。  Caelia could not any longer bear to stay in the room察and went downstairs察expecting every moment to hear she was expired。

Chloe soon perceived by Caelia's abrupt leaving the room察and the looks of those who were left in it察that her fate was pronounced察which察instead of sinking her spirits察and making her dejected察gave a tranquillity to her mind察for she thought within herself察'I shall now make my dear cousin happy察by removing out of her way an object that must embitter all her joy察and now likewise察as she is convinced I am on my death´bed察she will once more believe me capable of speaking truth察and will察in the manner I could wish察receive my sincere repentance。'  Then sending for Caelia up to her bedside察she in a weak voice察with hardly strength for utterance察spoke in this manner此 'My dear Caelia察though you know me to be a worthless base wretch察yet do not think so hardly of me察as to imagine I would deceive you with my last breath。  Believe me then when I tell you察that I sincerely repent of my treachery towards you察and as sincerely rejoice that it has in reality been the cause of your happiness with Sempronius。  Tell him this察and then察perhaps察he will not hate my memory。'  Here she fainted away察and they forced Caelia out of the room察thinking her breath was for ever flown。  But in some time she came again to herself察and cried out察'What would not my dear Caelia say that she forgave me拭 Methinks I would not die察till I had obtained her pardon。  She is too good to refuse her friend this last request。'  Her attendants then told her察that seeing her faint away察they had forced Caelia out of the room察and they begged her to try to compose herself察for they were sure that seeing her friend again察at this time察would only disturb her mind察and do her an injury。

Chloe察from the vent she had given her grief in speaking to Caelia察found herself something more easy and composed察and desiring the room to be made perfectly quiet察she fell into a gentle sleep察which lasted two hours察and when she awaked she found herself so much better察that those about her were convinced察from her composed manner of speaking察that she was now able to bear another interview。

They again called for Caelia察and told her of her cousin's amendment。  She flew with all speed to her chamber察and the moment she entered察Chloe cried out察'Can you forgive me察Caelia'  'Yes察with the greatest joy and sincerity imaginable察my dearest Chloe' answered Caelia察'and never let it be again mentioned or remembered。'

The sudden recovery of Chloe was almost incredible察for in less than a week she was able to quit both her bed and room察and go into her aunt's chamber。  The good old lady shed tears of joy察to see such a return of Chloe's health察and of cheerfulness in the family察and was perfectly contented察now she saw their melancholy removed察not to inquire into the late cause of it察for fear of renewing their trouble even one moment by the remembrance of it。

Sempronius察in the meantime察upon some affairs of his duty in the army察had been called away察and was absent the whole time of Chloe's illness察and was not yet returned。  Caelia spent almost her whole time with Chloe察but three weeks passed on察and they were often alone察yet they had never once mentioned the name of Sempronius察which laid Caelia still under the greatest difficulty how to act察so as to avoid giving her friend any uneasiness察and yet not disoblige Sempronius察for she had promised him at his departure察that she would give him leave to ask her aunt's consent immediately upon his return。  But the very day he was expected察she was made quite easy by what passed between her and her friend。

Chloe察in this time察by proper reflections察and a due sense of Caelia's great goodness and affection to her察had so entirely got the better of herself in this affair察that she found she could now察without any uneasiness察see them married察and calling Caelia to her察she said with a smile察'I have察my dear friend察been so long accustomed to read in that intelligible index察your countenance察all your most inmost thoughts察that I have not been unobserving of those kind fears you have had on my account察and the reason I have so long delayed speaking was察my resolution察if possible察never again to deceive you。  I can with pleasure now assure you察that nothing can give me so much joy as to see your wedding with Sempronius。  I make no doubt察but if you ask it察you will have my aunt's consent察and察if any intercession should be wanting towards obtaining it察I will if you can trust me use all my influence in your behalf。  Be assured察my dear Caelia察I have now no farther regard left for Sempronius察than as your husband察and that regard will increase in proportion as he is the cause of your happiness。'

They were interrupted in their discourse by news being brought of the arrival of Sempronius察and Chloe received him with that ease and cheerfulness as convinced Caelia her professions were unfeigned。

Caelia related to Sempronius all that had passed between her and Chloe察and by her continued cheerfulness of behaviour察the peace and tranquillity of the family was perfectly restored察and their joy greatly increased by Amanda's ready consent to the marriage of Sempronius and Caelia察having first settled all her fortune to be divided at her death equally between her nieces察and in her lifetime there was no occasion of settlements察or deeds of gift察for they lived all together察and separate property was not so much as mentioned or thought on in this family of harmony and peace。

Here Miss Dolly ceased reading察and all her hearers sat some little time silent察and then expressed their great joy that Caelia and Chloe were at last happy察for none of them had been able to refrain from tears whilst they were otherwise。  On which Miss Jenny Peace begged them to observe from this story察the miserable effects that attend deceit and treachery此 'For' continued she察'you see you could not refrain from tears察only by imagining what Chloe must feel after her wickedness by which indeed she lost the very happiness she intended treacherously to gain察nor could she enjoy one moment's peace察till by confessing her fault察and heartily repenting of it察her mind was restored to its former calm and tranquility。'  Miss Dolly thanked Miss Jenny for her remarks察but Miss Lucy Sly was most sensibly touched with this story察as cunning had formerly entirely possessed HER mind察and said察that if her companions were not weary at present of their arbour察she would now recount to them the history of her life察as this story was a proper introduction to it。


Miss Lucy Sly was of the same age as Miss Dolly Friendly察but shorter察at least察by half the head。  She was generally called a pretty girl察from having a pair of exceeding fine black eyes察only with the allay of something cunning in their look。  She had a high forehead察and very good curling black hair。  She had a sharp high nose察and a very small mouth。  Her complexion was but indifferent察and the lower part of her face ill´turned察for her chin was too long for due proportion。


From the time I was two years old察。said Miss Lucy my mamma was so sickly察that she was unable to take any great care of me herself察and I was left to the care of a governess察who made it her study to bring me to do what she had a mind to have done察without troubling her head what induced me so to do。  And whenever I did anything wrong察she used to say it was the foot´boy察and not miss察that was naughty。  Nay察she would say察it was the dog察or the cat察or anything she could lay the blame upon察sooner than own it was me。  I thought this pure察that I was never in fault察and soon got into a way of telling any lies察and of laying my own faults on others察since I found I should be believed。  I remember once察when I had broken a fine china´cup察that I artfully got out of the scrape察and hid the broken cup in the foot´boy's room。  He was whipped for breaking it察and the next day whilst I was at play about the room察I heard my governess say to a friend who was with her察 Yesterday Miss Lucy broke a china´cup察but the artful little hussy went and hid it in the foot´boy's room察and the poor boy was whipped for it。  I don't believe there was ever a girl of her age that had half her cunning and contrivance。;  I knew by her tone of voice察and her manner of speaking察that she did not blame me in her heart察but rather commended my ing

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