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anthology of massachusetts poets-第5节

小说: anthology of massachusetts poets 字数: 每页4000字

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A wild rose; or a crescent moon;…a book

Of little verses; or a dancing child。

My heart turns crying from the rose and book;

My heart turns crying from the thin bright moon;

And weeps with useless sorrow for the child。

The Moods have loosed a wind to vex my hair;

And made my heart too wise; that was a child。

Now I shall blow like smitten candle…flame:

I shall desire all things that may not be:

The years; the stars; the souls of ancient men;

All tears that must; and smiles that may not be;

Yes; glimmering lights across a windy ford;

And vagrant voices on a darkened plain;

And holy things; and outcast things; and things;

Far too remote; frail…bodied to be plain。

My pity and my joy are grown alike。

I cannot sweep the strangeness from my heart。

The Moods have laid swift hands across my hair:

The Moods have drawn swift fingers through my heart。



SITTETH by the red cairn a brown One; a

hoofed One;

High upon the mountain; where the grasses fail。

Where the ash…trees flourish far their blazing

Bunches to the sun;

A brown One; a hoofed One; pipes against the gale。

Up scrambled I then; furry fingers helping me。

I was on the mountain; wandering; wandering;

No one but the pine trees and the white birch knew。

Over rocks I scrambled; looked up and saw that

Strange Thing;

Peaked ears and sharp horns; pricked against the


Oh; and; how he piped there! piped upon the high


Till the blue air crackled like a frost…film on a pool!

Oh; and how he spread himself; like a child whom

no one heeds;

Tumbled chuckling in the brook; all sleek and kind

and cool!

He had berries 'twixt his horns; crimson…red as


Bobbing; wagging wantonly they tickled him; and oh;

How his deft lips puckered round the reed;

seemed to chase and steal

Sky…music; earth…music; tree…music low!

I said 〃Good…day; Thou!〃 He said; 〃Good…day;


Wiped his reed against the spotted doe…skin on his back;

He said; 〃Come up here; and I will teach thee piping


While the earth is singing so; for tunes we shall not


Up scrambled I then; furry fingers helping me。

Up scrambled I。 So we sat beside the cairn。

Broad into my face laughed that horned Thing so


Oh; it was a rascal of a woodland Satyr's bairn!

'So blow; and so; Thou! Move thy fingers faster; look!

Move them like the little leaves and whirling midges。


Soon ‘twill twist like tendrils and out…twinkle like

the lost brook。

Move thy fingers merrily; and blow! Blow! Blow!〃

Brown One! Hoofed One! Beat time to keep me


Kick it on the red stone; whistle in my ear。

Brush thy crimson berries in my face; then hold

Thy breath; for…wait!

Joy comes bubbling to me lips。 I pipe; oh; hear!

Blue sky; art glad of us? Green wood; art glad of


Old hard…heart mountain; dost thou hear me; how

I blow?

Far away the sea…isles swim in sun…haze luminous。

Each one has a color like the seven…splendor bow。

Wind; wind; wind; dost thou mind me how I pipe;


Chipmunk chatt'ring in the beech; rabbit in the


Furry arm around my neck: 〃Oh; Thou art a brave

one; Thou!〃

Satyr; little satyr…friend; my heart with joy doth

ache !

Sky…music; earth…music; tree…music tremulous;

Water over steaming rocks; water in the shade;

Storm…tune and sun…tune; how they flock up unto us;

Sitting by the red cairn; gay and unafraid!

Brown One; Hoofed One; give me nimble hoofs;


Give me furry fingers and a secret furry tail!

Pleasant are thy smooth horns: if their like were

on my brow

Might I not abide here; till the strong sun fail?

Oh; the sorry brown eyes!  Oh; the soft kind hand…


Sudden brush of velvet ears across my wind…cool


〃Play…mate; Pipe…mate; thou askest one good boon

too much。

I could never find thee horns; though day…long

I seek。

〃Yet; keep the pipe; Thou: I will cut another one。

Keep the pipe and play on it for all the world to hear。

Ah; but it was good once to sit together in the sun!

Though I have but half a soul; it finds thee very


〃Wise Thing; Mortal Thing; yet my half…soul fears thee!

Take the pipe and go thy ways;quick now; for

the sun

Reels across the hot west and stumbles dazzled to

the sea。

Take the pipe; and oh…one kiss! then run; run; run! run!〃

Silence on the mountain。  Lonely stands the high cairn;

All the leaves a…shivering; all the stones dead…gray。

O thou cold small pipe; which way is fled that

Satyr's bairn?

I am lost and all alone; and down drops the day。

I was on the mountain; wandering; wandering

There I got this Pipe o' dreams。  Strange; when

I blow;

Something deep as human love starts a…crying;


Is it only sky…music; earth…music low?



ACROSS the Bay are low…lying cliffs;

Where stand fishermen's cottages:

I can barely distinguish them with the naked eye。

But to…day the cliffs are lifted; escarpt;

Perpendicular; mysterious; inaccessible;

And those sordid dwellings have become

The magnificent fortified castles of Sea…kings。



A ROAD goes up a pleasant hill;

And a little house looks down:

Ah! but I see the roadway still

And the day I left the town。

The day I left my father's home;

It's many a year ago;

And a heart and hope were brave to roam

the long; long road I know。

The long; long road by hill and plain;

It's tired the heart might be:

But hope stayed bright in sun or rain;

And a Voice that called to me。

A Voice that called me over the hill

And out of the little town:

Ah! but I see the roadway still。

And the good house looking down。

The house that spake me never a No!

As I started brave away;

But said with a blessing; Go!

And followed me every day。

It followed me down the road of years;

For a father's heart is true;

And joy is sweet in a mother's tears

For the deeds her child may do。

The poor little deeds; all powerless

For the Kingdom of God would be;

Save in His mercy will He bless

The road that goes with me:

The road that left a pleasant hill;

Where a little house looks down:

Ah! but I bless the roadway still;

And the land beyond the town。



THE scent of lilac in the air

Hath made him drag his steps and pause

Whence comes this scent within the Square;

Where endless dusty traffic roars?

A push…cart stands beside the curb;

With fragrant blossoms laden high;

Speak low; nor stare; lest we disturb

His sudden reverie!

He sees us not; nor heeds the din

Of clanging car and scuffling throng;

His eyes see fairer sights within;

And memory hears the robin's song

As once it trilled against the day;

And shook his slumber in a room

Where drifted with the breath of May

The lilac's sweet perfume。

The heart of boyhood in him stirs;

The wonder of the morning skies;

Of sunset gold behind the firs;

Is kindled in his dreaming eyes:

How far off is this sordid place;

As turning from our sight away

He crushes to his hungry face

A purple lilac spray。




GOD; through his offspring Nature; gave me love;

Though man in opposition saith me nay;

And taketh from my heart its life to…day;

As through the valley of the world I rove。

Still unaccompanied; within the grove

That doth enamored beings hold at play;

My spirit must pursue its lonely way;

And strive to pluck some flowers that bloom above。

Oh; wherefore then doth Nature give desire

To have that which mankind may not possess;

And force him to endure on earth hell's fire;

And live in one perpetual distress?

Some evil power must such love inspire;

And with it masquerade in Cupid's dress!



〃Music; the language; the atmosphere of the Soul。〃

FLY back where Melodies like lilies grow;

My weary heart is bending low;

Fly higher yet to joyful realms above;

Where holy Angels dwell in love。

Fly higher still and hear the Angel throng

And bring to me their Glory…song:

Ah Music; thou and I above the World

May dwell where heaven with shining song is


While Sun and Moon and all the planets roll

I'll love thee; Music; language of my soul!

Music…lark from on high; song that doth fly;

Spark of the sky!



HIGH in the apple bough jauntily swinging;

Hid by the branches in bridal array;

Straight from his heart; all his life in his singing;

Chants a wee bird; lures his mate with his lay。

〃Sweet; sweet; my sweet;

Hear I entreat!

Say; love; together; this bright

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