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小说: antigone 字数: 每页4000字

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    Yea; and more;…the seller of thy life for silver。


    Alas! 'Tis sad; truly; that he who judges should misjudge。


    Let thy fancy play with 'judgment' as it will;…but; if ye show

me not the doers of these things; ye shall avow that dastardly gains

work sorrows。

                                        (CREON goes into the palace。)


    Well; may he be found! so 'twere best。 But; be he caught or be

he not…fortune must settle that…truly thou wilt not see me here again。

Saved; even now; beyond hope and thought; I owe the gods great thanks。

                        (The GUARD goes out on the spectators' left。)

  CHORUS (singing)

                                                            strophe 1

    Wonders are many; and none is more wonderful than man; the power

that crosses the white sea; driven by the stormy south…wind; making

a path under surges that threaten to engulf him; and Earth; the eldest

of the gods; the immortal; the unwearied; doth he wear; turning the

soil with the offspring of horses; as the ploughs go to and fro from

year to year。

                                                        antistrophe 1

    And the light…hearted race of birds; and the tribes of savage

beasts; and the sea…brood of the deep; he snares in the meshes of

his woven toils; he leads captive; man excellent in wit。 And he

masters by his arts the beast whose lair is in the wilds; who roams

the hills; he tames the horse of shaggy mane; he puts the yoke upon

its neck; he tames the tireless mountain bull。

                                                            strophe 2

    And speech; and wind…swift thought; and all the moods that mould a

state; hath he taught himself; and how to flee the arrows of the

frost; when 'tis hard lodging under the clear sky; and the arrows of

the rushing rain; yea; he hath resource for all; without resource he

meets nothing that must come: only against Death shall he call for aid

in vain; but from baffling maladies he hath devised escapes。

                                                        antistrophe 2

    Cunning beyond fancy's dream is the fertile skill which brings

him; now to evil; now to good。 When he honours the laws of the land;

and that justice which he hath sworn by the gods to uphold; proudly

stands his city: no city hath he who; for his rashness; dwells with

sin。 Never may he share my hearth; never think my thoughts; who doth

these things!

  (Enter the GUARD on the spectators' left; leading in ANTIGONE。)


    What portent from the gods is this?…my soul is amazed。 I know

her…how can I deny that yon maiden is Antigone?

    O hapless; and child of hapless sire;…Of Oedipus! What means this?

Thou brought a prisoner?…thou; disloyal to the king's laws; and

taken in folly?


    Here she is; the doer of the deed:…caught this girl burying

him:…but where is Creon?

                            (CREON enters hurriedly from the palace。)


    Lo; he comes forth again from the house; at our need。


    What is it? What hath chanced; that makes my coming timely?


    O king; against nothing should men pledge their word; for the

after…thought belies the first intent。 I could have vowed that I

should not soon be here again;…scared by thy threats; with which I had

just been lashed: but;…since the joy that surprises and transcends our

hopes is like in fulness to no other pleasure;…I have come; though

'tis in breach of my sworn oath; bringing this maid; who was taken

showing grace to the dead。 This time there was no casting of lots; no;

this luck hath fallen to me; and to none else。 And now; sire; take her

thyself; question her; examine her; as thou wilt; but I have a right

to free and final quittance of this trouble。


    And thy prisoner here…how and whence hast thou taken her?


    She was burying the man; thou knowest all。


    Dost thou mean what thou sayest? Dost thou speak aright?


    I saw her burying the corpse that thou hadst forbidden to bury。 Is

that plain and clear?


    And how was she seen? how taken in the act?


    It befell on this wise。 When we had come to the place;…with

those dread menaces of thine upon us;…we swept away all the dust

that covered the corpse; and bared the dank body well; and then sat us

down on the brow of the hill; to windward; heedful that the smell from

him should not strike us; every man was wide awake; and kept his

neighbour alert with torrents of threats; if anyone should be careless

of this task。

    So went it; until the sun's bright orb stood in mid heaven; and

the heat began to burn: and then suddenly a whirlwind lifted from

the earth storm of dust; a trouble in the sky the plain; marring all

the leafage of its woods; and the wide air was choked therewith: we

closed our eyes; and bore the plague from the gods。

    And when; after a long while; this storm had passed; the maid

was seen; and she cried aloud with the sharp cry of a bird in its

bitterness;…even as when; within the empty nest; it sees the bed

stripped of its nestlings。 So she also; when she saw the corpse

bare; lifted up a voice of wailing; and called down curses on the

doers of that deed。 And straightway she brought thirsty dust in her

hands; and from a shapely ewer of bronze; held high; with

thrice…poured drink…offering she crowned the dead。

    We rushed forward when we saw it; and at once dosed upon our

quarry; who was in no wise dismayed。 Then we taxed her with her past

and present doings; and she stood not on denial of aught;…at once to

my joy and to my pain。 To have escaped from ills one's self is a great

joy; but 'tis painful to bring friends to ill。 Howbeit; all such

things are of less account to me than mine own safety。


    Thou…thou whose face is bent to earth…dost thou avow; or

disavow; this deed?


    I avow it; I make no denial。


    Thou canst betake thee whither thou wilt; free and clear of a

grave charge。

                                                         (Exit GUARD)

    (To ANTIGONE) Now; tell me thou…not in many words; but

briefly…knewest thou that an edict had forbidden this?


    I knew it: could I help it? It was public。


    And thou didst indeed dare to transgress that law?


    Yes; for it was not Zeus that had published me that edict; not

such are the laws set among men by the justice who dwells with the

gods below; nor deemed I that thy decrees were of such force; that a

mortal could override the unwritten and unfailing statutes of

heaven。 For their life is not of to…day or yesterday; but from all

time; and no man knows when they were first put forth。

    Not through dread of any human pride could I answer to the gods

for breaking these。 Die I must;…I knew that well (how should I

not?)…even without thy edicts。 But if I am to die before my time; I

count that a gain: for when any one lives; as I do; compassed about

with evils; can such an one find aught but gain in death?

    So for me to meet this doom is trifling grief; but if I had

suffered my mother's son to lie in death an unburied corpse; that

would have grieved me; for this; I am not grieved。 And if my present

deeds are foolish in thy sight; it may be that a foolish judge

arraigns my folly。


    The maid shows herself passionate child of passionate sire; and

knows not how to bend before troubles。


    Yet I would have thee know that o'er…stubborn spirits are most

often humbled; 'tis the stiffest iron; baked to hardness in the

fire; that thou shalt oftenest see snapped and shivered; and I have

known horses that show temper brought to order by a little curb; there

is no room for pride when thou art thy neighbour's slave。…This girl

was already versed in insolence when she transgressed the laws that

had been set forth; and; that done; lo; a second insult;…to vaunt of

this; and exult in her deed。

    Now verily I am no man; she is the man; if this victory shall rest

with her; and bring no penalty。 No! be she sister's child; or nearer

to me in blood than any that worships Zeus at the altar of our

house;…she and her kinsfolk shall not avoid a doom most dire; for

indeed I charge that other with a like share in the plotting of this


    And summon her…for I saw her e'en now within;…raving; and not

mistress of her wits。 So oft; before the deed; the mind stands

self…convicted in its treason; when folks are plotting mischief in the

dark。 But verily this; too; is hateful;…when one who hath been

caught in wickednes then seeks to make the crime a glory。


    Wouldst thou do more than take and slay me?


    No more; indeed; having that; I have all。


    Why then dost tho

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