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michael, brother of jerry-第55节

小说: michael, brother of jerry 字数: 每页4000字

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 ere he closed them again。  Too sour on the human world; and too glum in his own soured nature; he was anything save his old courtly self to chance humans who broke in upon him to pat his head; and say silly things; and go their way never to be seen by him again。

Villa Kennan; with a pang of disappointment at such rebuff; forwent her overtures for the moment; and listened to what tale Jacob Henderson could tell of his dog。  Harry Del Mar; a trained… animal man; had picked the dog up somewhere on the Pacific Coast; most probably in San Francisco; she learned; but; having taken the dog east with him; Harry Del Mar had died by accident in New York before telling anybody anything about the animal。  That was all; except that Henderson had paid two thousand dollars to one Harris Collins; and had found the investment the finest he had ever made。

Villa turned back to the dog。

〃Michael;〃 she called; caressingly; almost in a whisper。

And Michael's eyes partly opened; the base…muscles of his ears stiffened; and his body quivered。

〃Michael;〃 she repeated。

This time raising his head; the eyes open and the ears stiffly erect; Michael looked at her。  Not since on the beach at Tulagi had he heard that name uttered。  Across the years and the seas the word came to him out of the past。  Its effect was electrical; for on the instant all the connotations of 〃Michael〃 flooded his consciousness。  He saw again Captain Kellar; of the Eugenie; who had last called him it; and MISTER Haggin; and Derby; and Bob of Meringe Plantation; and Biddy and Terrence; and; not least among these shades of the vanished past; his brother Jerry。

But was it the vanished past?  The name which had ceased for years; had come back。  It had entered the room along with this man and woman。  All this he did not reason; but indubitably; as if he had so reasoned; he acted upon it。

He jumped from the chair and ran to the woman。  He smelled her hand; and smelled her as she patted him。  Then; as he recognized her; he went wild。  He sprang away; dashing around and around the room; sniffing under the washstand and smelling out the corners。 As in a frenzy he was back to the woman; whimpering eagerly as she strove to pet him。  The next moment; stiff in a frenzy; he was away again; scurrying about the room and still whimpering。

Jacob Henderson looked on with mild disapproval。

〃He never cuts up that way;〃 he said。  〃He is a very quiet dog。 Maybe it is a fit he is going to have; though he never has fits。〃

No one understood; not even Villa Kennan。  But Michael understood。 He was looking for that vanished world which had rushed back upon him at sound of his old…time name。  If this name could come to him out of the Nothingness; as this woman had whom once he had seen treading the beach at Tulagi; then could all other things of Tulagi and the Nothingness come to him。  As she was there; before him in the living flesh; uttering his name; so might Captain Kellar; and MISTER Haggin; and Jerry be there; somewhere in the very room or just outside the door。

He ran to the door; whimpering as he scratched at it。

〃Maybe he thinks there is something outside;〃 said Jacob Henderson; opening the door for him。

And Michael did so think。  As a matter of course; through that open door; he was prepared to have the South…Pacific Ocean flow in; bearing on its bosom schooners and ships; islands and reefs; and all men and animals and things he once had known and still remembered。

But no past flowed in through the door。  Outside was the usual present。  He came back dejectedly to the woman; who still called him Michael as she petted him。  She; at any rate; was real。  Next he carefully smelled and identified the man with the beach of Tulagi and the deck of the Ariel; and again his excitement began to mount。

〃Oh; Harley; I know it is he!〃 Villa cried。  〃Can't you test him? Can't you prove him?〃

〃But how?〃 Harley pondered。  〃He seems to recognize his name。  It excites him。  And though he never knew us very well; he seems to remember us and to be excited by us; too。  If only he could talk 。 。 。 〃

〃Oh; talk!  Talk!〃 Villa pleaded with Michael; catching both sides of his head and jaws in her hands and swaying him back and forth。

〃Be careful; madam;〃 Jacob Henderson warned。  〃He is a very sour dog; and he don't let people take such liberties。〃

〃He does me;〃 she laughed; half…hysterically。  〃Because he knows me。 。 。 。 Harley!〃  She broke off as the great idea dawned on her。 〃I have a test。  Listen!  Remember; Jerry was a nigger…chaser before we got him。  And Michael was a nigger…chaser。  You talk in beche…de…mer。  Appear angry with some black boy; and see how it will affect him。〃

〃I'll have to remember hard to resurrect any beche…de…mer;〃 Harley said; nodding approval of the suggestion。

〃At the same time I'll distract him;〃 she rushed on。

Sitting down and bending forward to Michael so that his head was buried in her arms and breast; she began swaying him and crooning to him as was her wont with Jerry。  Nor did he resent the liberty she took; and; like Jerry; he yielded to her crooning and softly began to croon with her。  She signalled Harley with her eyes。

〃My word!〃 he began in tones of wrath。  〃What name you fella boy stop 'm along this fella place?  You make 'm me cross along you any amount!〃

And at the words Michael bristled; dragged himself clear of the woman's detaining hands; and; with a snarl; whirled about to get a look at the black boy who must have just then entered the room and aroused the white god's ire。  But there was no black boy。  He looked on; still bristling; to the door。  Harley transferred his own gaze to the door; and Michael knew; beyond all doubt; that outside the door was standing a Solomons nigger。

〃Hey!  Michael!〃 Harley shouted。  〃Chase 'm that black fella boy overside!〃

With a roaring snarl; Michael flung himself at the door。  Such was the fury and weight of his onslaught that the latch flew loose and the door swung open。  The emptiness of the space which he had expected to see occupied; was appalling; and he shrank down; sick and dizzy with the baffling apparitional past that thus vexed his consciousness。

〃And now;〃 said Harley to Jacob Henderson; 〃we will talk business 。 。 。 〃


When the train arrived at Glen Ellen; in the Valley of the Moon; it was Harley Kennan himself; at the side…door of the baggage…car; who caught hold of Michael and swung him to the ground。  For the first time Michael had performed a railroad journey uncrated。 Merely with collar and chain had he travelled up from Oakland。  In the waiting automobile he found Villa Kennan; and; chain removed; sat beside her and between her and Harley

As the machine purred along the two miles of road that wound up the side of Sonoma Mountain; Michael scarcely looked at the forest…trees and vistas of wandering glades。  He had been in the United States three years; during which time he had been kept a close prisoner。  Cage and crate and chain had been his portion; and narrow rooms; baggage cars; and station platforms。  The nearest he had come to the country was when chained to benches in the various parks while Jacob Henderson studied Swedenborg。  So that trees and hills and fields had ceased to mean anything。  They were something inaccessible; as inaccessible as the blue of the sky or the drifting cloud…fleeces。  Thus did he regard the trees and hills and fields; if the negative act of not regarding a thing at all can be considered a state of mind。

〃Don't seem to be enthusiastic over the ranch; eh; Michael?〃 Harley remarked。

He looked up at sound of his old name; and made acknowledgment by flattening his ears a quivering trifle and by touching his nose against Harley's shoulder。

〃Nor does he seem demonstrative;〃 was Villa's judgment。  〃At least; nothing like Jerry;〃

〃Wait till they meet;〃 Harley smiled in anticipation。  〃Jerry will furnish enough excitement for both of them。〃

〃If they remember each other after all this time;〃 said Villa。  〃I wonder if they will。〃

〃They did at Tulagi;〃 he reminded her。  〃And they were full grown and hadn't seen each other since they were puppies。  Remember how they barked and scampered all about the beach。  Michael was the hurly…burly one。  At least he made twice as much noise。〃

〃But he seems dreadfully grown…up and subdued now。〃

〃Three years ought to have subdued him;〃 Harley insisted。

But Villa shook her head。

As the machine drew up at the house and Kennan first stepped out; a dog's whimperingly joyous bark of welcome struck Michael as not altogether unfamiliar。  The joyous bark turned to a suspicious and jealous snarl as Jerry scented the other dog's presence from Harley's caressing hand。  The next moment he had traced the original source of the scent into the limousine and sprung in after it。  With snarl and forward leap Michael met the snarling rush less than half…way; and was rolled over on the bottom of the car。

The Irish terrier; under all circumstances amenable to the control of the master as are few breeds of dogs; was instantly manifest in Jerry and Michael an Harley Kennan's voice rang out。  They separated; and; despite the rumbling of low growling in their throats; ref

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