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michael, brother of jerry-第28节

小说: michael, brother of jerry 字数: 每页4000字

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ows much more he'll develop the T。B。  For the good of his health; an' mine an' yours; an' all of us; we got to get up anchor pretty soon an' hit out for the home of the trade winds that kiss you through an' through with the salt an' the life of the sea。〃

In truth; Kwaque; who never complained; was ailing fast。  A swelling; slow and sensationless at first; under his right arm… pit; had become a mild and unceasing pain。  No longer could he sleep a night through。  Although he lay on his left side; never less than twice; and often three and four times; the hurt of the swelling woke him。  Ah Moy; had he not long since been delivered back to China by the immigration authorities; could have told him the meaning of that swelling; just as he could have told Dag Daughtry the meaning of the increasing area of numbness between his eyes where the tiny; vertical; lion…lines were cutting more conspicuously。  Also; could he have told him what was wrong with the little finger on his left hand。  Daughtry had first diagnosed it as a sprain of a tendon。  Later; he had decided it was chronic rheumatism brought on by the damp and foggy Sun Francisco climate。 It was one of his reasons for desiring to get away again to sea where the tropic sun would warm the rheumatism out of him。

As a steward; Daughtry had been accustomed to contact with men and women of the upper world。  But for the first time in his life; here in the underworld of San Francisco; in all equality he met such persons from above。  Nay; more; they were eager to meet him。 They sought him。  They fawned upon him for an invitation to sit at his table and buy beer for him in whatever garish cabaret Michael was performing。  They would have bought wine for him; at enormous expense; had he not stubbornly stuck to his beer。  They were; some of them; for inviting him to their homes〃An' bring the wonderful dog along for a sing…song〃; but Daughtry; proud of Michael for being the cause of such invitations; explained that the professional life was too arduous to permit of such diversions。 To Michael he explained that when they proffered a fee of fifty dollars; the pair of them would 〃come a…runnin'。〃

Among the host of acquaintances made in their cabaret…life; two were destined; very immediately; to play important parts in the lives of Daughtry and Michael。  The first; a politician and a doctor; by name EmoryWalter Merritt Emorywas several times at Daughtry's table; where Michael sat with them on a chair according to custom。  Among other things; in gratitude for such kindnesses from Daughtry; Doctor Emory gave his office card and begged for the privilege of treating; free of charge; either master or dog should they ever become sick。  In Daughtry's opinion; Dr。 Walter Merritt Emory was a keen; clever man; undoubtedly able in his profession; but passionately selfish as a hungry tiger。  As he told him; in the brutal candour he could afford under such changed conditions:  〃Doc; you're a wonder。  Anybody can see it with half an eye。  What you want you just go and get。  Nothing'd stop you except 。 。 。 〃


〃Oh; except that it was nailed down; or locked up; or had a policeman standing guard over it。  I'd sure hate to have anything you wanted。〃

〃Well; you have;〃 Doctor assured him; with a significant nod at Michael on the chair between them。

〃Br…r…r!〃 Daughtry shivered。  〃You give me the creeps。  If I thought you really meant it; San Francisco couldn't hold me two minutes。〃  He meditated into his beer…glass a moment; then laughed with reassurance。  〃No man could get that dog away from me。  You see; I'd kill the man first。  I'd just up an' tell 'm; as I'm tellin' you now; I'd kill 'm first。  An' he'd believe me; as you're believin' me now。  You know I mean it。  So'd he know I meant it。  Why; that dog 。 。 。 〃

In sheer inability to express the profundity of his emotion; Dag Daughtry broke off the sentence and drowned it in his beer…glass。

Of quite different type was the other person of destiny。  Harry Del Mar; he called himself; and Harry Del Mar was the name that appeared on the programmes when he was doing Orpheum 〃time。〃 Although Daughtry did not know it; because Del Mar was laying off for a vacation; the man did trained…animal turns for a living。 He; too; bought drinks at Daughtry's table。  Young; not over thirty; dark of complexion with large; long…lashed brown eyes that he fondly believed were magnetic; cherubic of lip and feature; he belied all his appearance by talking business in direct business fashion。

〃But you ain't got the money to buy 'm;〃 Daughtry replied; when the other had increased his first offer of five hundred dollars for Michael to a thousand。

〃I've got the thousand; if that's what you mean。〃

〃No;〃 Daughtry shook his head。  〃I mean he ain't for sale at any price。  Besides; what do you want 'm for?〃

〃I like him;〃 Del Mar answered。  〃Why do I come to this joint? Why does the crowd come here?  Why do men buy wine; run horses; sport actresses; become priests or bookworms?  Because they like to。  That's the answer。  We all do what we like when we can; go after the thing we want whether we can get it or not。  Now I like your dog; I want him。  I want him a thousand dollars' worth。  See that big diamond on that woman's hand over there。  I guess she just liked it; and wanted it; and got it; never mind the price。 The price didn't mean as much to her as the diamond。  Now that dog of yours〃

〃Don't like you;〃 Dag Daughtry broke in。  〃Which is strange。  He likes most everybody without fussin' about it。  But he bristled at you from the first。  No man'd want a dog that don't like him。〃

〃Which isn't the question;〃 Del Mar stated quietly。  〃I like him。 As for him liking or not liking me; that's my look…out; and I guess I can attend to that all right。〃

It seemed to Daughtry that he glimpsed or sensed under the other's unfaltering cherubicness of expression a steelness of cruelty that was abysmal in that it was of controlled intelligence。  Not in such terms did Daughtry think his impression。  At the most; it was a feeling; and feelings do not require words in order to be experienced or comprehended。

〃There's an all…night bank;〃 the other went on。  〃We can stroll over; I'll cash a cheque; and in half an hour the cash will be in your hand。〃

Daughtry shook his head。

〃Even as a business proposition; nothing doing;〃 he said。  〃Look you。  Here's the dog earnin' twenty dollars a night。  Say he works twenty…five days in the month。  That's five hundred a month; or six thousand a year。  Now say that's five per cent。; because it's easier to count; it represents the interest on a capital value of one hundred an' twenty thousand…dollars。  Then we'll suppose expenses and salary for me is twenty thousand。  That leaves the dog worth a hundred thousand。  Just to be fair; cut it in halfa fifty…thousand dog。  And you're offerin' a thousand for him。〃

〃I suppose you think he'll last for ever; like so much land';〃 Del Mar smiled quietly。

Daughtry saw the point instantly。

〃Give 'm five years of workthat's thirty thousand。  Give 'm one year of workit's six thousand。  An' you're offerin' me one thousand for six thousand。  That ain't no kind of businessfor me 。 。 。 an' him。  Besides; when he can't work any more; an' ain't worth a cent; he'll be worth just a plumb million to me; an' if anybody offered it; I'd raise the price。〃


〃I'll see you again;〃 Harry Del Mar told Daughtry; at the end of his fourth conversation on the matter of Michael's sale。

Wherein Harry Del Mar was mistaken。  He never saw Daughtry again; because Daughtry saw Doctor Emory first。

Kwaque's increasing restlessness at night; due to the swelling under his right arm…pit; had began to wake Daughtry up。  After several such experiences; he had investigated and decided that Kwaque was sufficiently sick to require a doctor。  For which reason; one morning at eleven; taking Kwaque along; he called at Walter Merritt Emory's office and waited his turn in the crowded reception…room。

〃I think he's got cancer; Doc。;〃 Daughtry said; while Kwaque was pulling off his shirt and undershirt。  〃He never squealed; you know; never peeped。  That's the way of niggers。  I didn't find our till he got to wakin' me up nights with his tossin' about an' groanin' in his sleep。There!  What'd you call it?  Cancer or tumourno two ways about it; eh?〃

But the quick eye of Walter Merritt Emory had not missed; in passing; the twisted fingers of Kwaque's left hand。  Not only was his eye quick; but it was a 〃leper eye。〃  A volunteer surgeon in the first days out in the Philippines; he had made a particular study of leprosy; and had observed so many lepers that infallibly; except in the incipient beginnings of the disease; he could pick out a leper at a glance。  From the twisted fingers; which was the anaesthetic form; produced by nerve…disintegration; to the corrugated lion forehead (again anaesthetic); his eyes flashed to the swelling under the right arm…pit and his brain diagnosed it as the tubercular form。

Just as swiftly flashed through his brain two thoughts:  the first; the axiom; WHENEVER AND WHEREVER YOU FIND A LEPER; LOOK FOR THE OTHER LEPER; the second; the desired Irish terrier; who was owned b

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