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all for love-第9节

小说: all for love 字数: 每页4000字

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ANTONY。  We must。

CLEOPATRA。  Who says we must?

ANTONY。  Our own hard fates。

CLEOPATRA。  We make those fates ourselves。

ANTONY。  Yes; we have made them; we have loved each other; Into our mutual ruin。

CLEOPATRA。  The gods have seen my joys with envious eyes; I have no friends in heaven; and all the world; As 'twere the business of mankind to part us; Is armed against my love:  even you yourself Join with the rest; you; you are armed against me。

ANTONY。  I will be justified in all I do To late posterity; and therefore hear me。 If I mix a lie With any truth; reproach me freely with it; Else; favour me with silence。

CLEOPATRA。  You command me; And I am dumb。

VENTIDIUS。  I like this well; he shows authority。

ANTONY。  That I derive my ruin 》From you alone

CLEOPATRA。  O heavens!  I ruin you!

ANTONY。  You promised me your silence; and you break it Ere I have scarce begun。

CLEOPATRA。  Well; I obey you。

ANTONY。  When I beheld you first; it was in Egypt。 Ere Caesar saw your eyes; you gave me love; And were too young to know it; that I settled Your father in his throne; was for your sake; I left the acknowledgment for time to ripen。 Caesar stept in; and; with a greedy hand; Plucked the green fruit; ere the first blush of red; Yet cleaving to the bough。  He was my lord; And was; beside; too great for me to rival; But; I deserved you first; though he enjoyed you。 When; after; I beheld you in Cilicia; An enemy to Rome; I pardoned you。

CLEOPATRA。  I cleared myself

ANTONY。  Again you break your promise。 I loved you still; and took your weak excuses; Took you into my bosom; stained by Caesar; And not half mine:  I went to Egypt with you; And hid me from the business of the world; Shut out inquiring nations from my sight; To give whole years to you。

VENTIDIUS。  Yes; to your shame be't spoken。      'Aside。'

ANTONY。  How I loved。 Witness; ye days and nights; and all ye hours; That danced away with down upon your feet; As all your business were to count my passion! One day passed by; and nothing saw but love; Another came; and still 'twas only love: The suns were wearied out with looking on; And I untired with loving。 I saw you every day; and all the day; And every day was still but as the first; So eager was I still to see you more。

VENTIDIUS。  'Tis all too true。

ANTONY。  Fulvia; my wife; grew jealous; (As she indeed had reason) raised a war In Italy; to call me back。

VENTIDIUS。  But yet You went not。

ANTONY。  While within your arms I lay; The world fell mouldering from my hands each hour; And left me scarce a graspI thank your love for't。

VENTIDIUS。  Well pushed:  that last was home。

CLEOPATRA。  Yet may I speak?

ANTONY。  If I have urged a falsehood; yes; else; not。 Your silence says; I have not。  Fulvia died; (Pardon; you gods; with my unkindness died); To set the world at peace; I took Octavia; This Caesar's sister; in her pride of youth; And flower of beauty; did I wed that lady; Whom blushing I must praise; because I left her。 You called; my love obeyed the fatal summons: This raised the Roman arms; the cause was yours。 I would have fought by land; where I was stronger; You hindered it:  yet; when I fought at sea; Forsook me fighting; and (O stain to honour! O lasting shame!) I knew not that I fled; But fled to follow you。

VENTIDIUS。  What haste she made to hoist her purple sails! And; to appear magnificent in flight; Drew half our strength away。

ANTONY。  All this you caused。 And; would you multiply more ruins on me? This honest man; my best; my only friend; Has gathered up the shipwreck of my fortunes; Twelve legions I have left; my last recruits。 And you have watched the news; and bring your eyes To seize them too。  If you have aught to answer; Now speak; you have free leave。

ALEXAS。  'aside。'  She stands confounded: Despair is in her eyes。

VENTIDIUS。  Now lay a sigh in the way to stop his passage: Prepare a tear; and bid it for his legions; 'Tis like they shall be sold。

CLEOPATRA。  How shall I plead my cause; when you; my judge; Already have condemned me?  Shall I bring The love you bore me for my advocate? That now is turned against me; that destroys me; For love; once past; is; at the best; forgotten; But oftener sours to hate:  'twill please my lord To ruin me; and therefore I'll be guilty。 But; could I once have thought it would have pleased you; That you would pry; with narrow searching eyes; Into my faults; severe to my destruction; And watching all advantages with care; That serve to make me wretched?  Speak; my lord; For I end here。  Though I deserved this usage; Was it like you to give it?

ANTONY。  Oh; you wrong me; To think I sought this parting; or desired To accuse you more than what will clear myself; And justify this breach。

CLEOPATRA。  Thus low I thank you; And; since my innocence will not offend; I shall not blush to own it。

VENTIDIUS。  After this; I think she'll blush at nothing。

CLEOPATRA。  You seem grieved (And therein you are kind) that Caesar first Enjoyed my love; though you deserved it better: I grieve for that; my lord; much more than you; For; had I first been yours; it would have saved My second choice:  I never had been his; And ne'er had been but yours。  But Caesar first; You say; possessed my love。  Not so; my lord: He first possessed my person; you; my love: Caesar loved me; but I loved Antony。 If I endured him after; 'twas because I judged it due to the first name of men; And; half constrained; I gave; as to a tyrant; What he would take by force。

VENTIDIUS。  O Syren!  Syren! Yet grant that all the love she boasts were true; Has she not ruined you?  I still urge that; The fatal consequence。

CLEOPATRA。  The consequence indeed For I dare challenge him; my greatest foe; To say it was designed:  'tis true; I loved you; And kept you far from an uneasy wife; Such Fulvia was。 Yes; but he'll say; you left Octavia for me; And; can you blame me to receive that love; Which quitted such desert; for worthless me? How often have I wished some other Caesar; Great as the first; and as the second young; Would court my love; to be refused for you!

VENTIDIUS。  Words; words; but Actium; sir; remember Actium。

CLEOPATRA。  Even there; I dare his malice。  True; I counselled To fight at sea; but I betrayed you not。 I fled; but not to the enemy。  'Twas fear; Would I had been a man; not to have feared! For none would then have envied me your friendship; Who envy me your love。

ANTONY。  We are both unhappy: If nothing else; yet our ill fortune parts us。 Speak; would you have me perish by my stay?

CLEOPATRA。  If; as a friend; you ask my judgment; go; If; as a lover; stay。  If you must perish 'Tis a hard wordbut stay。

VENTIDIUS。  See now the effects of her so boasted love! She strives to drag you down to ruin with her; But; could she 'scape without you; oh; how soon Would she let go her hold; and haste to shore; And never look behind!

CLEOPATRA。  Then judge my love by this。      'Giving ANTONY a writing。' Could I have borne A life or death; a happiness or woe; 》From yours divided; this had given me means。

ANTONY。  By Hercules; the writing of Octavius! I know it well:  'tis that proscribing hand; Young as it was; that led the way to mine; And left me but the second place in murder。 See; see; Ventidius! here he offers Egypt; And joins all Syria to it; as a present; So; in requital; she forsake my fortunes; And join her arms with his。

CLEOPATRA。  And yet you leave me! You leave me; Antony; and yet I love you; Indeed I do:  I have refused a kingdom; That is a trifle; For I could part with life; with anything; But only you。  Oh; let me die but with you! Is that a hard request?

ANTONY。  Next living with you; 'Tis all that Heaven can give。

ALEXAS。  He melts; we conquer。      'Aside。'

CLEOPATRA。  No; you shall go:  your interest calls you hence; Yes; your dear interest pulls too strong; for these Weak arms to hold you here。      'Takes his hand。' Go; leave me; soldier (For you're no more a lover):  leave me dying: Push me; all pale and panting; from your bosom; And; when your march begins; let one run after; Breathless almost for joy; and cryShe's dead。 The soldiers shout; you then; perhaps; may sigh; And muster all your Roman gravity: Ventidius chides; and straight your brow clears up; As I had never been。

ANTONY。  Gods; 'tis too much; too much for man to bear。

CLEOPATRA。  What is't for me then; A weak; forsaken woman; and a lover? Here let me breathe my last:  envy me not This minute in your arms:  I'll die apace; As fast as e'er I can; and end your trouble。

ANTONY。  Die! rather let me perish; loosened nature Leap from its hinges; sink the props of heaven; And fall the skies; to crush the nether world! My eyes; my soul; my all!      'Embraces her。'

VENTIDIUS。  And what's this toy; In balance with your fortune; honour; fame?

ANTONY。  What is't; Ventidius?it outweighs them all; Why; we have more than conquered Caesar now: My queen's not only innocent; but loves me。 This; this is she; who drags me down to ruin! 〃But; could she 'scape without me; with what haste Would she let slip her hold; and make to shore; And never look behind!〃 Down on thy knees; blasphemer as thou art; And ask forgiveness of wronged inno

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