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all for love-第16节

小说: all for love 字数: 每页4000字

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CLEOPATRA。  I could tear out these eyes; that gained his heart; And had not power to keep it。  O the curse Of doting on; even when I find it dotage! Bear witness; gods; you heard him bid me go; You; whom he mocked with imprecating vows Of promised faith!I'll die; I will not bear it。 You may hold me      'She pulls out her dagger; and they hold her。' But I can keep my breath; I can die inward; And choke this love。

     Enter ALEXAS

IRAS。  Help; O Alexas; help! The queen grows desperate; her soul struggles in her With all the agonies of love and rage; And strives to force its passage。

CLEOPATRA。  Let me go。 Art thou there; traitor!O; O for a little breath; to vent my rage; Give; give me way; and let me loose upon him。

ALEXAS。  Yes; I deserve it; for my ill…timed truth。 Was it for me to prop The ruins of a falling majesty? To place myself beneath the mighty flaw; Thus to be crushed; and pounded into atoms; By its o'erwhelming weight?  'Tis too presuming For subjects to preserve that wilful power; Which courts its own destruction。

CLEOPATRA。  I would reason More calmly with you。  Did not you o'errule; And force my plain; direct; and open love; Into these crooked paths of jealousy? Now; what's the event?  Octavia is removed; But Cleopatra's banished。  Thou; thou villain; Hast pushed my boat to open sea; to prove; At my sad cost; if thou canst steer it back。 It cannot be; I'm lost too far; I'm ruined: Hence; thou impostor; traitor; monster; devil! I can no more:  Thou; and my griefs; have sunk Me down so low; that I want voice to curse thee。

ALEXAS。  Suppose some shipwrecked seaman near the shore; Dropping and faint; with climbing up the cliff; If; from above; some charitable hand Pull him to safety; hazarding himself; To draw the other's weight; would he look back; And curse him for his pains?  The case is yours; But one step more; and you have gained the height。

CLEOPATRA。  Sunk; never more to rise。

ALEXAS。  Octavia's gone; and Dolabella banished。 Believe me; madam; Antony is yours。 His heart was never lost; but started off To jealousy; love's last retreat and covert; Where it lies hid in shades; watchful in silence; And listening for the sound that calls it back。 Some other; any man ('tis so advanced); May perfect this unfinished work; which I (Unhappy only to myself) have left So easy to his hand。

CLEOPATRA。  Look well thou do't; else

ALEXAS。  Else; what your silence threatens。Antony Is mounted up the Pharos; from whose turret; He stands surveying our Egyptian galleys; Engaged with Caesar's fleet。  Now death or conquest! If the first happen; fate acquits my promise; If we o'ercome; the conqueror is yours。      'A distant shout within。'

CHARMION。  Have comfort; madam:  Did you mark that shout?      'Second shout nearer。'

IRAS。  Hark! they redouble it。

ALEXAS。  'Tis from the port。 The loudness shows it near:  Good news; kind heavens!

CLEOPATRA。  Osiris make it so!

     Enter SERAPION

SERAPION。  Where; where's the queen?

ALEXAS。  How frightfully the holy coward stares As if not yet recovered of the assault; When all his gods; and; what's more dear to him; His offerings; were at stake。

SERAPION。  O horror; horror! Egypt has been; our latest hour has come: The queen of nations; from her ancient seat; Is sunk for ever in the dark abyss: Time has unrolled her glories to the last; And now closed up the volume。

CLEOPATRA。  Be more plain: Say; whence thou comest; though fate is in thy face; Which from the haggard eyes looks wildly out; And threatens ere thou speakest。

SERAPION。  I came from Pharos; 》From viewing (spare me; and imagine it) Our land's last hope; your navy

CLEOPATRA。  Vanquished?

SERAPION。  No: They fought not。

CLEOPATRA。  Then they fled。

SERAPION。  Nor that。  I saw; With Antony; your well…appointed fleet Row out; and thrice he waved his hand on high; And thrice with cheerful cries they shouted back: 'Twas then false Fortune; like a fawning strumpet; About to leave the bankrupt prodigal; With a dissembled smile would kiss at parting; And flatter to the last; the well…timed oars; Now dipt from every bank; now smoothly run To meet the foe; and soon indeed they met; But not as foes。  In few; we saw their caps On either side thrown up; the Egyptian galleys; Received like friends; passed through; and fell behind The Roman rear:  And now; they all come forward; And ride within the port。

CLEOPATRA。  Enough; Serapion: I've heard my doom。This needed not; you gods: When I lost Antony; your work was done; 'Tis but superfluous malice。Where's my lord? How bears he this last blow?

SERAPION。  His fury cannot be expressed by words: Thrice he attempted headlong to have fallen Full on his foes; and aimed at Caesar's galley: Withheld; he raves on you; cries;He's betrayed。 Should he now find you

ALEXAS。  Shun him; seek your safety; Till you can clear your innocence。

CLEOPATRA。  I'll stay。

ALEXAS。  You must not; haste you to your monument; While I make speed to Caesar。

CLEOPATRA。  Caesar!  No; I have no business with him。

ALEXAS。  I can work him To spare your life; and let this madman perish。

CLEOPATRA。  Base fawning wretch! wouldst thou betray him too? Hence from my sight!  I will not hear a traitor; 'Twas thy design brought all this ruin on us。 Serapion; thou art honest; counsel me: But haste; each moment's precious。

SERAPION。  Retire; you must not yet see Antony。 He who began this mischief; 'Tis just he tempt the danger; let him clear you: And; since he offered you his servile tongue; To gain a poor precarious life from Caesar; Let him expose that fawning eloquence; And speak to Antony。

ALEXAS。  O heavens!  I dare not; I meet my certain death。

CLEOPATRA。  Slave; thou deservest it。 Not that I fear my lord; will I avoid him; I know him noble:  when he banished me; And thought me false; he scorned to take my life; But I'll be justified; and then die with him。

ALEXAS。  O pity me; and let me follow you。

CLEOPATRA。  To death; if thou stir hence。  Speak; if thou canst; Now for thy life; which basely thou wouldst save; While mine I prize atthis!  Come; good Serapion。      'Exeunt CLEOPATRA; SERAPION; CHARMION; and IRAS。'

ALEXAS。  O that I less could fear to lose this being; Which; like a snowball in my coward hand; The more 'tis grasped; the faster melts away。 Poor reason! what a wretched aid art thou! For still; in spite of thee; These two long lovers; soul and body; dread Their final separation。  Let me think: What can I say; to save myself from death? No matter what becomes of Cleopatra。

ANTONY。  Which way? where?      'Within。'

VENTIDIUS。  This leads to the monument。      'Within。'

ALEXAS。  Ah me!  I hear him; yet I'm unprepared: My gift of lying's gone; And this court…devil; which I so oft have raised; Forsakes me at my need。  I dare not stay; Yet cannot far go hence。      'Exit。'


ANTONY。  O happy Caesar! thou hast men to lead: Think not 'tis thou hast conquered Antony; But Rome has conquered Egypt。  I'm betrayed。

VENTIDIUS。  Curse on this treacherous train! Their soil and heaven infect them all with baseness: And their young souls come tainted to the world With the first breath they draw。

ANTONY。  The original villain sure no god created; He was a bastard of the sun; by Nile; Aped into man; with all his mother's mud Crusted about his soul。

VENTIDIUS。  The nation is One universal traitor; and their queen The very spirit and extract of them all。

ANTONY。  Is there yet left A possibility of aid from valour? Is there one god unsworn to my destruction? The least unmortgaged hope? for; if there be; Methinks I cannot fall beneath the fate Of such a boy as Caesar。 The world's one half is yet in Antony; And from each limb of it; that's hewed away; The soul comes back to me。

VENTIDIUS。  There yet remain Three legions in the town。  The last assault Lopt off the rest; if death be your design; As I must wish it now;these are sufficient To make a heap about us of dead foes; An honest pile for burial。

ANTONY。  They are enough。 We'll not divide our stars; but; side by side; Fight emulous; and with malicious eyes Survey each other's acts:  So every death Thou giv'st; I'll take on me; as a just debt; And pay thee back a soul。

VENTIDIUS。  Now you shall see I love you。  Not a word Of chiding more。  By my few hours of life; I am so pleased with this brave Roman fate; That I would not be Caesar; to outlive you。 When we put off this flesh; and mount together; I shall be shown to all the ethereal crowd; Lo; this is he who died with Antony!

ANTONY。  Who knows; but we may pierce through all their troops; And reach my veterans yet? 'tis worth the 'tempting; To o'erleap this gulf of fate; And leave our wandering destinies behind。

     Enter ALEXAS; trembling

VENTIDIUS。  See; see; that villain! See Cleopatra stamped upon that face; With all her cunning; all her arts of falsehood! How she looks out through those dissembling eyes! How he sets his countenance for deceit; And promises a lie; before he speaks! Let me despatch him first。      'Drawing。'

ALEXAS。  O spare me; spare me!

ANTONY。  Hold; he's not worth your killing。On thy life; Which thou may'st keep; because I scorn to take it; No syl

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