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all for love-第15节

小说: all for love 字数: 每页4000字

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ANTONY。  Are you my friend; Ventidius? Or are you turned a Dolabella too; And let this fury loose?

VENTIDIUS。  Oh; be advised; Sweet madam; and retire。

OCTAVIA。  Yes; I will go; but never to return。 You shall no more be haunted with this Fury。 My lord; my lord; love will not always last; When urged with long unkindness and disdain: Take her again; whom you prefer to me; She stays but to be called。  Poor cozened man! Let a feigned parting give her back your heart; Which a feigned love first got; for injured me; Though my just sense of wrongs forbid my stay; My duty shall be yours。 To the dear pledges of our former love My tenderness and care shall be transferred; And they shall cheer; by turns; my widowed nights: So; take my last farewell; for I despair To have you whole; and scorn to take you half。      'Exit。'

VENTIDIUS。  I combat Heaven; which blasts my best designs; My last attempt must be to win her back; But oh!  I fear in vain。      'Exit。'

ANTONY。  Why was I framed with this plain; honest heart; Which knows not to disguise its griefs and weakness; But bears its workings outward to the world? I should have kept the mighty anguish in; And forced a smile at Cleopatra's falsehood: Octavia had believed it; and had stayed。 But I am made a shallow…forded stream; Seen to the bottom:  all my clearness scorned; And all my faults exposed。See where he comes;


Who has profaned the sacred name of friend; And worn it into vileness! With how secure a brow; and specious form; He gilds the secret villain!  Sure that face Was meant for honesty; but Heaven mismatched it; And furnished treason out with nature's pomp; To make its work more easy。

DOLABELLA。  O my friend!

ANTONY。  Well; Dolabella; you performed my message?

DOLABELLA。  I did; unwillingly。

ANTONY。  Unwillingly? Was it so hard for you to bear our parting? You should have wished it。


ANTONY。  Because you love me。 And she received my message with as true; With as unfeigned a sorrow as you brought it?

DOLABELLA。  She loves you; even to madness。

ANTONY。  Oh; I know it。 You; Dolabella; do not better know How much she loves me。  And should I Forsake this beauty?  This all…perfect creature?

DOLABELLA。  I could not; were she mine。

ANTONY。  And yet you first Persuaded me:  How come you altered since?

DOLABELLA。  I said at first I was not fit to go: I could not hear her sighs; and see her tears; But pity must prevail:  And so; perhaps; It may again with you; for I have promised; That she should take her last farewell:  And; see; She comes to claim my word。

     Enter CLEOPATRA

ANTONY。  False Dolabella!

DOLABELLA。  What's false; my lord?

ANTONY。  Why; Dolabella's false; And Cleopatra's false; both false and faithless。 Draw near; you well…joined wickedness; you serpents; Whom I have in my kindly bosom warmed; Till I am stung to death。

DOLABELLA。  My lord; have I Deserved to be thus used?

CLEOPATRA。  Can Heaven prepare A newer torment?  Can it find a curse Beyond our separation?

ANTONY。  Yes; if fate Be just; much greater:  Heaven should be ingenious In punishing such crimes。  The rolling stone; And gnawing vulture; were slight pains; invented When Jove was young; and no examples known Of mighty ills; but you have ripened sin; To such a monstrous growth; 'twill pose the gods To find an equal torture。  Two; two such! Oh; there's no further name;two such! to me; To me; who locked my soul within your breasts; Had no desires; no joys; no life; but you; When half the globe was mine; I gave it you In dowry with my heart; I had no use; No fruit of all; but you:  A friend and mistress Was what the world could give。  O Cleopatra! O Dolabella! how could you betray This tender heart; which with an infant fondness Lay lulled betwixt your bosoms; and there slept; Secure of injured faith?

DOLABELLA。  If she has wronged you; Heaven; hell; and you revenge it。

ANTONY。  If she has wronged me! Thou wouldst evade thy part of guilt; but swear Thou lov'st not her。

DOLABELLA。  Not so as I love you。

ANTONY。  Not so?  Swear; swear; I say; thou dost not love her。

DOLABELLA。  No more than friendship will allow。

ANTONY。  No more? Friendship allows thee nothing:  Thou art perjured And yet thou didst not swear thou lov'st her not; But not so much; no more。  O trifling hypocrite; Who dar'st not own to her; thou dost not love; Nor own to me; thou dost!  Ventidius heard it; Octavia saw it。

CLEOPATRA。  They are enemies。

ANTONY。  Alexas is not so:  He; he confessed it; He; who; next hell; best knew it; he avowed it。 Why do I seek a proof beyond yourself?      'To DOLABELLA。' You; whom I sent to bear my last farewell; Returned; to plead her stay。

DOLABELLA。  What shall I answer? If to have loved be guilt; then I have sinned; But if to have repented of that love Can wash away my crime; I have repented。 Yet; if I have offended past forgiveness; Let not her suffer:  She is innocent。

CLEOPATRA。  Ah; what will not a woman do; who loves? What means will she refuse; to keep that heart; Where all her joys are placed?  'Twas I encouraged; 'Twas I blew up the fire that scorched his soul; To make you jealous; and by that regain you。 But all in vain; I could not counterfeit: In spite of all the dams my love broke o'er; And drowned by heart again:  fate took the occasion; And thus one minute's feigning has destroyed My whole life's truth。

ANTONY。  Thin cobweb arts of falsehood; Seen; and broke through at first。

DOLABELLA。  Forgive your mistress。

CLEOPATRA。  Forgive your friend。

ANTONY。  You have convinced yourselves。 You plead each other's cause:  What witness have you; That you but meant to raise my jealousy?

CLEOPATRA。  Ourselves; and Heaven。

ANTONY。  Guilt witnesses for guilt。  Hence; love and friendship! You have no longer place in human breasts; These two have driven you out:  Avoid my sight! I would not kill the man whom I have loved; And cannot hurt the woman; but avoid me: I do not know how long I can be tame; For; if I stay one minute more; to think How I am wronged; my justice and revenge Will cry so loud within me; that my pity Will not be heard for either。

DOLABELLA。  Heaven has but Our sorrow for our sins; and then delights To pardon erring man:  Sweet mercy seems Its darling attribute; which limits justice; As if there were degrees in infinite; And infinite would rather want perfection Than punish to extent。

ANTONY。  I can forgive A foe; but not a mistress and a friend。 Treason is there in its most horrid shape; Where trust is greatest; and the soul resigned; Is stabbed by its own guards:  I'll hear no more; Hence from my sight for ever!

CLEOPATRA。  How? for ever! I cannot go one moment from your sight; And must I go for ever? My joys; my only joys; are centred here: What place have I to go to?  My own kingdom? That I have lost for you:  Or to the Romans? They hate me for your sake:  Or must I wander The wide world o'er; a helpless; banished woman; Banished for love of you; banished from you? Ay; there's the banishment!  Oh; hear me; hear me; With strictest justice:  For I beg no favour; And if I have offended you; then kill me; But do not banish me。

ANTONY。  I must not hear you。 I have a fool within me takes your part; But honour stops my ears。

CLEOPATRA。  For pity hear me! Would you cast off a slave who followed you? Who crouched beneath your spurn?He has no pity! See; if he gives one tear to my departure; One look; one kind farewell:  O iron heart! Let all the gods look down; and judge betwixt us; If he did ever love!

ANTONY。  No more:  Alexas!

DOLABELLA。  A perjured villain!

ANTONY。  'to CLEOPATRA。'  Your Alexas; yours。

CLEOPATRA。  Oh; 'twas his plot; his ruinous design; To engage you in my love by jealousy。 Hear him; confront him with me; let him speak。

ANTONY。  I have; I have。

CLEOPATRA。  And if he clear me not

ANTONY。  Your creature! one; who hangs upon your smiles! Watches your eye; to say or to unsay; Whate'er you please!  I am not to be moved。

CLEOPATRA。  Then must we part?  Farewell; my cruel lord! The appearance is against me; and I go; Unjustified; for ever from your sight。 How I have loved; you know; how yet I love; My only comfort is; I know myself: I love you more; even now you are unkind; Then when you loved me most; so well; so truly I'll never strive against it; but die pleased; To think you once were mine。

ANTONY。  Good heaven; they weep at parting! Must I weep too? that calls them innocent。 I must not weep; and yet I must; to think That I must not forgive。 Live; but live wretched; 'tis but just you should; Who made me so:  Live from each other's sight: Let me not hear you meet。  Set all the earth; And all the seas; betwixt your sundered loves: View nothing common but the sun and skies。 Now; all take several ways;   And each your own sad fate; with mine; deplore;   That you were false; and I could trust no more。      'Exeunt severally。'

     Act V

     Scene I


CHARMION。  Be juster; Heaven; such virtue punished thus; Will make us think that chance rules all above; And shuffles; with a random hand; the lots; Which man is forced to draw。

CLEOPATRA。  I could tear out

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