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all for love-第12节

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eir merits are unequal。

ANTONY。  O my distracted soul!

OCTAVIA。  Sweet Heaven compose it! Come; come; my lord; if I can pardon you; Methinks you should accept it。  Look on these; Are they not yours? or stand they thus neglected; As they are mine?  Go to him; children; go; Kneel to him; take him by the hand; speak to him; For you may speak; and he may own you too; Without a blush; and so he cannot all His children:  go; I say; and pull him to me; And pull him to yourselves; from that bad woman。 You; Agrippina; hang upon his arms; And you; Antonia; clasp about his waist: If he will shake you off; if he will dash you Against the pavement; you must bear it; children; For you are mine; and I was born to suffer。      'Here the CHILDREN go to him; etc。'

VENTIDIUS。  Was ever sight so moving?Emperor!


OCTAVIA。  Husband!


ANTONY。  I am vanquished:  take me; Octavia; take me; children; share me all。      'Embracing them。'

I've been a thriftless debtor to your loves; And run out much; in riot; from your stock; But all shall be amended。

OCTAVIA。  O blest hour!

DOLABELLA。  O happy change!

VENTIDIUS。  My joy stops at my tongue; But it has found two channels here for one; And bubbles out above。

ANTONY。  'to OCTAVIA' This is thy triumph; lead me where thou wilt; Even to thy brother's camp。

OCTAVIA。  All there are yours。

     Enter ALEXAS hastily

ALEXAS。  The queen; my mistress; sir; and yours

ANTONY。  'Tis past。 Octavia; you shall stay this night:  To…morrow; Caesar and we are one。      'Exit leading OCTAVIA; DOLABELLA and the CHILDREN follow。'

VENTIDIUS。  There's news for you; run; my officious eunuch; Be sure to be the first; haste forward: Haste; my dear eunuch; haste。      'Exit。'

ALEXAS。  This downright fighting fool; this thick…skulled hero; This blunt; unthinking instrument of death; With plain dull virtue has outgone my wit。 Pleasure forsook my earliest infancy; The luxury of others robbed my cradle; And ravished thence the promise of a man。 Cast out from nature; disinherited Of what her meanest children claim by kind; Yet greatness kept me from contempt:  that's gone。 Had Cleopatra followed my advice; Then he had been betrayed who now forsakes。 She dies for love; but she has known its joys: Gods; is this just; that I; who know no joys; Must die; because she loves?

     Enter CLEOPATRA; CHARMION; IRAS; and Train

O madam; I have seen what blasts my eyes! Octavia's here。

CLEOPATRA。  Peace with that raven's note。 I know it too; and now am in The pangs of death。

ALEXAS。  You are no more a queen; Egypt is lost。

CLEOPATRA。  What tell'st thou me of Egypt? My life; my soul is lost!  Octavia has him! O fatal name to Cleopatra's love! My kisses; my embraces now are hers; While IBut thou hast seen my rival; speak; Does she deserve this blessing?  Is she fair? Bright as a goddess? and is all perfection Confined to her?  It is。  Poor I was made Of that coarse matter; which; when she was finished; The gods threw by for rubbish。

ALEXAS。  She is indeed a very miracle。

CLEOPATRA。  Death to my hopes; a miracle!

ALEXAS。  A miracle;      'Bowing。' I mean of goodness; for in beauty; madam; You make all wonders cease。

CLEOPATRA。  I was too rash: Take this in part of recompense。  But; oh!      'Giving a ring。' I fear thou flatterest me。

CHARMION。  She comes! she's here!

IRAS。  Fly; madam; Caesar's sister!

CLEOPATRA。  Were she the sister of the thunderer Jove; And bore her brother's lightning in her eyes; Thus would I face my rival。      'Meets OCTAVIA with VENTIDIUS。  OCTAVIA bears up       to her。  Their Trains come up on either side。'

OCTAVIA。  I need not ask if you are Cleopatra; Your haughty carriage

CLEOPATRA。  Shows I am a queen: Nor need I ask you; who you are。

OCTAVIA。  A Roman: A name; that makes and can unmake a queen。

CLEOPATRA。  Your lord; the man who serves me; is a Roman。

OCTAVIA。  He was a Roman; till he lost that name; To be a slave in Egypt; but I come To free him thence。

CLEOPATRA。  Peace; peace; my lover's Juno。 When he grew weary of that household clog; He chose my easier bonds。

OCTAVIA。  I wonder not Your bonds are easy:  you have long been practised In that lascivious art:  He's not the first For whom you spread your snares:  Let Caesar witness。

CLEOPATRA。  I loved not Caesar; 'twas but gratitude I paid his love:  The worst your malice can; Is but to say the greatest of mankind Has been my slave。  The next; but far above him In my esteem; is he whom law calls yours; But whom his love made mine。

OCTAVIA。  I would view nearer。      'Coming up close to her。' That face; which has so long usurped my right; To find the inevitable charms; that catch Mankind so sure; that ruined my dear lord。

CLEOPATRA。  Oh; you do well to search; for had you known But half these charms; you had not lost his heart。

OCTAVIA。  Far be their knowledge from a Roman lady; Far from a modest wife!  Shame of our sex; Dost thou not blush to own those black endearments; That make sin pleasing?

CLEOPATRA。  You may blush; who want them。 If bounteous nature; if indulgent Heaven Have given me charms to please the bravest man; Should I not thank them?  Should I be ashamed; And not be proud?  I am; that he has loved me; And; when I love not him; Heaven change this face For one like that。

OCTAVIA。  Thou lov'st him not so well。

CLEOPATRA。  I love him better; and deserve him more。

OCTAVIA。  You do not; cannot:  You have been his ruin。 Who made him cheap at Rome; but Cleopatra? Who made him scorned abroad; but Cleopatra? At Actium; who betrayed him?  Cleopatra。 Who made his children orphans; and poor me A wretched widow? only Cleopatra。

CLEOPATRA。  Yet she; who loves him best; is Cleopatra。 If you have suffered; I have suffered more。 You bear the specious title of a wife; To gild your cause; and draw the pitying world To favour it:  the world condemns poor me。 For I have lost my honour; lost my fame; And stained the glory of my royal house; And all to bear the branded name of mistress。 There wants but life; and that too I would lose For him I love。

OCTAVIA。  Be't so; then; take thy wish。      'Exit with her Train。'

CLEOPATRA。  And 'tis my wish; Now he is lost for whom alone I lived。 My sight grows dim; and every object dances; And swims before me; in the maze of death。 My spirits; while they were opposed; kept up; They could not sink beneath a rival's scorn! But now she's gone; they faint。

ALEXAS。  Mine have had leisure To recollect their strength; and furnish counsel; To ruin her; who else must ruin you。

CLEOPATRA。  Vain promiser! Lead me; my Charmion; nay; your hand too; Iras。 My grief has weight enough to sink you both。 Conduct me to some solitary chamber; And draw the curtains round; Then leave me to myself; to take alone My fill of grief:    There I till death will his unkindness weep;    As harmless infants moan themselves asleep。      'Exeunt。'

     Act IV

     Scene I


DOLABELLA。  Why would you shift it from yourself on me? Can you not tell her; you must part?

ANTONY。  I cannot。 I could pull out an eye; and bid it go; And t'other should not weep。  O Dolabella; How many deaths are in this word; DEPART! I dare not trust my tongue to tell her so: One look of hers would thaw me into tears; And I should melt; till I were lost again。

DOLABELLA。  Then let Ventidius; He's rough by nature。

ANTONY。  Oh; he'll speak too harshly; He'll kill her with the news:  Thou; only thou。

DOLABELLA。  Nature has cast me in so soft a mould; That but to hear a story; feigned for pleasure; Of some sad lover's death; moistens my eyes; And robs me of my manhood。  I should speak So faintly; with such fear to grieve her heart; She'd not believe it earnest。

ANTONY。  Therefore;therefore Thou only; thou art fit:  Think thyself me; And when thou speak'st (but let it first be long); Take off the edge from every sharper sound; And let our parting be as gently made; As other loves begin:  Wilt thou do this?

DOLABELLA。  What you have said so sinks into my soul; That; if I must speak; I shall speak just so。

ANTONY。  I leave you then to your sad task:  Farewell。 I sent her word to meet you。      'Goes to the door; and comes back。' I forgot; Let her be told; I'll make her peace with mine; Her crown and dignity shall be preserved; If I have power with Caesar。Oh; be sure To think on that。

DOLABELLA。  Fear not; I will remember。      'ANTONY goes again to the door; and comes back。'

ANTONY。  And tell her; too; how much I was constrained; I did not this; but with extremest force。 Desire her not to hate my memory; For I still cherish hers:insist on that。

DOLABELLA。  Trust me。  I'll not forget it。

ANTONY。  Then that's all。      'Goes out; and returns again。' Wilt thou forgive my fondness this once more? Tell her; though we shall never meet again; If I should hear she took another love; The news would break my heart。Now I must go; For every time I have returned; I feel My soul more tender; and my next command Would be; to bid her stay; and ruin both。      'Exit。'

DOLABELLA。  Men are but children of a larger growth; Our appetites as apt to change as theirs; And full a

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