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all for love-第11节

小说: all for love 字数: 每页4000字

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 swelled with hatred; thou beheld'st her first; As accessary to thy brother's death?

DOLABELLA。  Spare my remembrance; 'twas a guilty day; And still the blush hangs here。

ANTONY。  To clear herself; For sending him no aid; she came from Egypt。 Her galley down the silver Cydnus rowed; The tackling silk; the streamers waved with gold; The gentle winds were lodged in purple sails: Her nymphs; like Nereids; round her couch were placed; Where she; another sea…born Venus; lay。

DOLABELLA。  No more; I would not hear it。

ANTONY。  Oh; you must! She lay; and leant her cheek upon her hand; And cast a look so languishingly sweet; As if; secure of all beholders' hearts; Neglecting; she could take them:  boys; like Cupids; Stood fanning; with their painted wings; the winds。 That played about her face。  But if she smiled A darting glory seemed to blaze abroad; That men's desiring eyes were never wearied; But hung upon the object:  To soft flutes The silver oars kept time; and while they played; The hearing gave new pleasure to the sight; And both to thought。  'Twas heaven; or somewhat more; For she so charmed all hearts; that gazing crowds Stood panting on the shore; and wanted breath To give their welcome voice。 Then; Dolabella; where was then thy soul? Was not thy fury quite disarmed with wonder? Didst thou not shrink behind me from those eyes And whisper in my earOh; tell her not That I accused her with my brother's death?

DOLABELLA。  And should my weakness be a plea for yours? Mine was an age when love might be excused; When kindly warmth; and when my springing youth Made it a debt to nature。  Yours

VENTIDIUS。  Speak boldly。 Yours; he would say; in your declining age; When no more heat was left but what you forced; When all the sap was needful for the trunk; When it went down; then you constrained the course; And robbed from nature; to supply desire; In you (I would not use so harsh a word) 'Tis but plain dotage。


DOLABELLA。  'Twas urged too home。 But yet the loss was private; that I made; 'Twas but myself I lost:  I lost no legions; I had no world to lose; no people's love。

ANTONY。  This from a friend?

DOLABELLA。  Yes; Antony; a true one; A friend so tender; that each word I speak Stabs my own heart; before it reach your ear。 Oh; judge me not less kind; because I chide! To Caesar I excuse you。

ANTONY。  O ye gods! Have I then lived to be excused to Caesar?

DOLABELLA。  As to your equal。

ANTONY。  Well; he's but my equal: While I wear this he never shall be more。

DOLABELLA。  I bring conditions from him。

ANTONY。  Are they noble? Methinks thou shouldst not bring them else; yet he Is full of deep dissembling; knows no honour Divided from his interest。  Fate mistook him; For nature meant him for an usurer: He's fit indeed to buy; not conquer kingdoms。

VENTIDIUS。  Then; granting this; What power was theirs; who wrought so hard a temper To honourable terms?

ANTONY。  I was my Dolabella; or some god。

DOLABELLA。  Nor I; nor yet Maecenas; nor Agrippa: They were your enemies; and I; a friend; Too weak alone; yet 'twas a Roman's deed。

ANTONY。  'Twas like a Roman done:  show me that man; Who has preserved my life; my love; my honour; Let me but see his face。

VENTIDIUS。  That task is mine; And; Heaven; thou know'st how pleasing。      'Exit VENTIDIUS。'

DOLABELLA。  You'll remember To whom you stand obliged?

ANTONY。  When I forget it Be thou unkind; and that's my greatest curse。 My queen shall thank him too;

DOLABELLA。  I fear she will not。

ANTONY。  But she shall do it:  The queen; my Dolabella! Hast thou not still some grudgings of thy fever?

DOLABELLA。  I would not see her lost。

ANTONY。  When I forsake her; Leave me my better stars! for she has truth Beyond her beauty。  Caesar tempted her; At no less price than kingdoms; to betray me; But she resisted all:  and yet thou chidest me For loving her too well。  Could I do so?

DOLABELLA。  Yes; there's my reason。

     Re…enter VENTIDIUS; with OCTAVIA;      leading ANTONY'S two little DAUGHTERS

ANTONY。  Where?Octavia there!      'Starting back。'

VENTIDIUS。  What; is she poison to you?a disease? Look on her; view her well; and those she brings: Are they all strangers to your eyes? has nature No secret call; no whisper they are yours?

DOLABELLA。  For shame; my lord; if not for love; receive them With kinder eyes。  If you confess a man; Meet them; embrace them; bid them welcome to you。 Your arms should open; even without your knowledge; To clasp them in; your feet should turn to wings; To bear you to them; and your eyes dart out And aim a kiss; ere you could reach the lips。

ANTONY。  I stood amazed; to think how they came hither。

VENTIDIUS。  I sent for them; I brought them in unknown To Cleopatra's guards。

DOLABELLA。  Yet; are you cold?

OCTAVIA。  Thus long I have attended for my welcome; Which; as a stranger; sure I might expect。 Who am I?

ANTONY。  Caesar's sister。

OCTAVIA。  That's unkind。 Had I been nothing more than Caesar's sister; Know; I had still remained in Caesar's camp: But your Octavia; your much injured wife; Though banished from your bed; driven from your house; In spite of Caesar's sister; still is yours。 'Tis true; I have a heart disdains your coldness; And prompts me not to seek what you should offer; But a wife's virtue still surmounts that pride。 I come to claim you as my own; to show My duty first; to ask; nay beg; your kindness: Your hand; my lord; 'tis mine; and I will have it。      'Taking his hand。'

VENTIDIUS。  Do; take it; thou deserv'st it。

DOLABELLA。  On my soul; And so she does:  she's neither too submissive; Nor yet too haughty; but so just a mean Shows; as it ought; a wife and Roman too。

ANTONY。  I fear; Octavia; you have begged my life。

OCTAVIA。  Begged it; my lord?

ANTONY。  Yes; begged it; my ambassadress; Poorly and basely begged it of your brother。

OCTAVIA。  Poorly and basely I could never beg: Nor could my brother grant。

ANTONY。  Shall I; who; to my kneeling slave; could say; Rise up; and be a king; shall I fall down And cry;Forgive me; Caesar!  Shall I set A man; my equal; in the place of Jove; As he could give me being?  No; that word; Forgive; would choke me up; And die upon my tongue。

DOLABELLA。  You shall not need it。

ANTONY。  I will not need it。  Come; you've all betrayed me; My friend too!to receive some vile conditions。 My wife has bought me; with her prayers and tears; And now I must become her branded slave。 In every peevish mood; she will upbraid The life she gave:  if I but look awry; She criesI'll tell my brother。

OCTAVIA。  My hard fortune Subjects me still to your unkind mistakes。 But the conditions I have brought are such; Your need not blush to take:  I love your honour; Because 'tis mine; it never shall be said; Octavia's husband was her brother's slave。 Sir; you are free; free; even from her you loathe; For; though my brother bargains for your love; Makes me the price and cement of your peace; I have a soul like yours; I cannot take Your love as alms; nor beg what I deserve。 I'll tell my brother we are reconciled; He shall draw back his troops; and you shall march To rule the East:  I may be dropt at Athens; No matter where。  I never will complain; But only keep the barren name of wife; And rid you of the trouble。

VENTIDIUS。  Was ever such a strife of sullen honour!      'Apart' Both scorn to be obliged。

DOLABELLA。  Oh; she has touched him in the tenderest part;'Apart' See how he reddens with despite and shame; To be outdone in generosity!

VENTIDIUS。  See how he winks! how he dries up a tear;    'Apart' That fain would fall!

ANTONY。  Octavia; I have heard you; and must praise The greatness of your soul; But cannot yield to what you have proposed: For I can ne'er be conquered but by love; And you do all for duty。  You would free me; And would be dropt at Athens; was't not so?

OCTAVIA。  It was; my lord。

ANTONY。  Then I must be obliged To one who loves me not; who; to herself; May call me thankless and ungrateful man: I'll not endure it; no。

VENTIDIUS。  I am glad it pinches there。      'Aside。'

OCTAVIA。  Would you triumph o'er poor Octavia's virtue? That pride was all I had to bear me up; That you might think you owed me for your life; And owed it to my duty; not my love。 I have been injured; and my haughty soul Could brook but ill the man who slights my bed。

ANTONY。  Therefore you love me not。

OCTAVIA。  Therefore; my lord; I should not love you。

ANTONY。  Therefore you would leave me?

OCTAVIA。  And therefore I should leave youif I could。

DOLABELLA。  Her soul's too great; after such injuries; To say she loves; and yet she lets you see it。 Her modesty and silence plead her cause。

ANTONY。  O Dolabella; which way shall I turn? I find a secret yielding in my soul; But Cleopatra; who would die with me; Must she be left?  Pity pleads for Octavia; But does it not plead more for Cleopatra?

VENTIDIUS。  Justice and pity both plead for Octavia; For Cleopatra; neither。 One would be ruined with you; but she first Had ruined you:  The other; you have ruined; And yet she would preserve you。 In everything their merits are unequal。

ANTONY。  O my distracted soul!

OCTAVIA。  Sweet Heaven compose it! Come

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