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Eumenes。 Meantime; all the hostages of the Cappadocians Eumenes had in
Nora he returned; obtaining from their friends war…horses; beasts of
carriage; and tents in exchange。 And collecting again all the soldiers
who had dispersed at the time of his flight; and were now wandering
about the country; he got together a body of near a thousand horse;
and with them fled from Antigonus; whom he justly feared。 For he had
sent orders not only to have him blocked up and besieged again; but
had given a very sharp answer to the Macedonians for admitting
Eumenes's amendment of the oath。
  While Eumenes was flying; he received letters from those in
Macedonia; who were jealous of Antigonus's greatness; from Olympias;
inviting him thither to take the charge and protection of
Alexander's infant son; whose person was in danger; and other
letters from Polysperchon and Philip the king; requiring him to make
war upon Antigonus; as general of the forces in Cappadocia; and
empowering him out of the treasure at Quinda to take five hundred
talents' compensation for his own losses; and to levy as much as he
thought necessary to carry on the war。 They wrote also to the same
effect to Antigenes and Teutamus; the chief officers of the
Argyraspids; who; on receiving these letters; treated Eumenes with a
show of respect and kindness; but it was apparent enough that they
were full of envy and emulation; disdaining to give place to him。
Their envy Eumenes moderated by refusing to accept the money; as if he
had not needed it; and their ambition and emulation; who were
neither able to govern nor willing to obey; he conquered by help of
superstition。 For he told them that Alexander had appeared to him in a
dream; and showed him a regal pavilion richly furnished; with a throne
in it; and told him if they would sit in council there; he himself
would be present; and prosper all the consultations and actions upon
which they should enter in his name。 Antigenes and Teutamus were
easily prevailed upon to believe this; being as little willing to come
and consult Eumenes as he himself was to be seen waiting at other
men's doors。 Accordingly; they erected a tent royal; and a throne;
called Alexander's; and there they met to consult upon all affairs
of moment。
  Afterwards they advanced into the interior of Asia; and in their
march met with Peucestes; who was friendly to them and with the
other satraps; who joined forces with them; and greatly encouraged the
Macedonians with the number and appearance of their men。 But they
themselves; having since Alexander's decease become imperious and
ungoverned in their tempers; and luxurious in their daily habits;
imagining themselves great princes; and pampered in their conceit by
the flattery of the barbarians; when all these conflicting pretensions
now came together; were soon found to be exacting and quarrelsome
one with another; while all alike unmeasurably flattered the
Macedonians; giving them money for revels and sacrifices; till in a
short time they brought the camp to be a dissolute place of
entertainment; and the army a mere multitude of voters; canvassed as
in a democracy for the election of this or that commander。 Eumenes;
perceiving they despised one another; and all of them feared him;
and sought an opportunity to kill him; pretended to be in want of
money; and borrowed many talents; of those especially who most hated
him; to make them at once confide in him and forbear all violence to
him for fear of losing their own money。 Thus his enemies' estates were
the guard of his person; and by receiving money he purchased safety;
for which it is more common to give it。
  The Macedonians; also; while there was no show of danger; allowed
themselves to be corrupted; and made all their court to those who gave
them presents; who had their body…guards; and affected to appear
generals…in…chief。 But when Antigonus came upon them with a great
army; and their affairs themselves seemed to call out for a true
general; then not only the common soldiers cast their eyes upon
Eumenes; but these men; who had appeared so great in a peaceful time
of ease; submitted all of them to him; and quietly posted themselves
severally as he appointed them。 And when Antigonus attempted to pass
the river Pasitigris; all the rest that were appointed to guard the
passes were not so much as aware of his march; only Eumenes met and
encountered him; slew many of his men; and filled the river with the
dead; and took four thousand prisoners。 But it was most particularly
when Eumenes was sick that the Macedonians let it be seen how in their
judgment; while others could feast them handsomely and make
entertainments; he alone knew how to fight and lead an army。 For
Peucestes; having made a splendid entertainment in Persia; and given
each of the soldiers a sheep to sacrifice with; made himself sure of
being commander…in…chief。 Some few days after the army was to march;
and Eumenes having been dangerously ill was carried in a litter
apart from the body of the army; that any rest he got might not be
disturbed。 But when they were a little advanced; unexpectedly they had
a view of the enemy; who had passed the hills that lay between them;
and was marching down into the plain。 At the sight of the golden
armour glittering in the sun as they marched down in their order;
the elephants with their castles on their backs; and the men in
their purple; as their manner was when they were going to give battle;
the front stopped their march; and called out for Eumenes; for they
would not advance a step but under his conduct; and fixing their
arms in the ground gave the word among themselves to stand;
requiring their officers also not to stir or engage or hazard
themselves without Eumenes。 News of this being brought to Eumenes;
he hastened those that carried his litter; and drawing back the
curtains on both sides; joyfully put forth his right hand。 As soon
as the soldiers saw him they saluted him in their Macedonian
dialect; and took up their shields; and striking them with their
pikes; gave a great shout; inviting the enemy to come on; for now they
had a leader。
  Antigonus understanding by some prisoners he had taken that
Eumenes was out of health; to that degree that he was carried in a
litter; presumed it would be no hard matter to crush the rest of them;
since he was ill。 He therefore made the greater haste to come up
with them and engage。 But being come so near as to discover how the
enemy was drawn up and appointed; he was astonished; and paused for
some time; at last he saw the litter carrying from one wing of the
army to the other; and; as his manner was; laughing aloud; he said
to his friends; 〃That litter there; it seems; is the thing that offers
us battle;〃 and immediately wheeled about; retired with all his
army; and pitched his camp。 The men on the other side; finding a
little respite; returned to their former habits; and allowing
themselves to be flattered; and making the most of the indulgence of
their generals; took up for their winter quarters near the whole
country of the Gabeni; so that the front was quartered nearly a
thousand furlongs from the rear; which Antigonus understanding;
marched suddenly towards them; taking the most difficult road
through a country that wanted water; but the way was short though
uneven; hoping; if he should surprise them thus scattered in their
winter quarters; the soldiers would not easily be able to come up in
time enough and join with their officers。 But having to pass through a
country uninhabited; where he met with violent winds and severe
frosts; he was much checked in his march; and his men suffered
exceedingly。 The only possible relief was making numerous fires; by
which his enemies got notice of his coming。 For the barbarians who
dwelt on the mountains overlooking the desert; amazed at the multitude
of fires they saw; sent messengers upon dromedaries to acquaint
Peucestes。 He being astonished and almost out of his senses with the
news; and finding the rest in no less disorder; resolved to fly; and
collect what men he could by the way。 But Eumenes relieved him from
his fear and trouble; undertaking so to stop the enemy's advance
that he should arrive three days later than he was expected。 Having
persuaded them; he immediately despatched expresses to all the
officers to draw the men out of their winter quarters and muster
them with all speed。 He himself; with some of the chief officers; rode
out; and chose an elevated tract within view; at a distance; of such
as travelled the desert; this he occupied and quartered out; and
commanded many fires to be made in it; as the custom is in a camp。
This done; and the enemies seeing the fire upon the mountains;
Antigonus was filled with vexation and despondency; supposing that his
enemies had been long since advertised of his march; and were prepared
to receive him。 Therefore; lest his army; now tired and wearied out
with their march; should be immediately forced to encounter with fresh
men; who had wintered well and were ready for him; quitting the near
way; he marched slowly through the towns and villages to refresh his
men。 But meeting with no such skirmishes as ar

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