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samuel brohl & company-第6节

小说: samuel brohl & company 字数: 每页4000字

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same time /spirituel/; imperious; and contemptuous。 Abel grew pale; and became at once convulsed with terror; he could not withdraw his eyes from this markedly Mongolian physiognomy; which from afar he had recognised。 〃Ah; yes;〃 he said; 〃it is she!〃 He drew over his face the cape of his mantle; and disappeared as completely as it is possible to disappear when one is perched upon a hillock。 It was six years since he had seen this woman; and he had promised himself never to see her again; but man is the plaything of circumstances; and his happiness as well as his pride is at the mercy of a chance encounter。 Count Abel was no longer proud; for some moments he had humbled himself; he had ceased to exist。

Happily he discovered that he had not been recognised; that the woman of sixty years of age was not looking his way。 She had good taste; discovering the hideous aspect of the country; which is usually known as the Vallee du Diable; she had opened a volume; bound in morocco;

which her waiting…woman had placed in her hands。 This volume was not a new novel; it was a German book; entitled 〃The History of Civilization; viewed in Accordance with the Doctrines of Evolution; from the most Remote Period to the Present Day。〃 She neither had made much progress in the pages of the book nor in the history of civilization; she had not got beyond the age of stone or of bronze; she was still among primitive animal life; among the protozoa; the monads; the infusoria; the vibratilesin the age of albumen; or gelatinous civilization; as it was called by the author; the sagacity of whose views charmed her。 She only interrupted her reading at intervals to lightly stroke the nose of her pug; who lay snoring in her lap; and she was a thousand leagues from suspecting that Count Abel Larinski was at hand; watching her。

The berlin passed by him without stopping; and soon it had begun the descent towards Bergun。 Then he felt a great weight roll from his heart; which beat freely once more。 The berlin moved rapidly away; the count followed it with his prayers; smoothing its course; removing every stone or other obstacle that might retard its progress。 It was just disappearing round one of the curves of the road; when it crossed another post…chaise; making the ascent in a walk; and in it Count Abel perceived something red: it was the hood of Mlle。 Antoinette Moriaz。 A moment more and the berlin was gone; it seemed to him that the shadow of his sorrowful youth; emerged suddenly from the realm of shades; had been plunged back there forever; and that the fay of hopeshe who holds in her keeping the secrets of the futurewas ascending toward him; red…hooded; flowers in her hands; sunshine in her eyes。 The clouds parted; the deep shadow covering the Vallee du Diable cleared away; and the dismal solitude began to smile。 Count Abel arose; picked up his staff; and shook himself。 As he passed before the cavern; he discovered; among the tufts of aconite which covered it; a mossy hollow; and he perceived that this hollow was ornamented with beautiful blue campanulas; whose little bells gracefully waved in the gentle breeze which was stirring。 He gathered one of these campanulas; carried it to his lips; and found its taste most agreeable。 Half an hour later he turned from the highway into a foot…path which led through green pastures and forests of larch…trees。

By the time he had reached the heart of the valley it was nightfall。 He traversed the hamlet of Cresta; crossed a bridge; found himself at the entrance of the village of Cellarina; about twenty…five minutes' walk form Saint Moritz。 After taking counsel with himself; he resolved to proceed no farther; and so he put up at a neat; pretty inn; which had just been freshly white…washed。

The air of the Engadine is so keen and bracing that the first nights passed there are apt to be sleepless ones。 Count Larinski scarcely slept at all in his new quarters。 Would he have slept better on the plains? He became worn out with his thoughts。 Of what was he thinking? Of the cathedral at Chur; of the Vallee du Diable; of the tufts of aconite; the campanulas; and the meeting of the two post…chaises; one ascending; the other descending。 After that he saw no longer anything but a red hood; and his eyes were open when the first blush of the morning penetrated his modest chamber。 Eagles sleep little when they are preparing for the chase。


The Baths of Saint Moritz are; according to the verdict of a large number of people; by no means an enlivening resort; and here tarry chiefly genuine invalids; who cherish a sincere desire to recover health and strength。 The invigorating atmosphere; the chalybeate waters; which are unquestionably wholesome; although they do taste like ink; have wrought more than one actual miracle; nevertheless; it is said to require no little philosophy to tolerate existence there。 〃I am charmed to have had the experience of visiting the Baths;〃 we once heard an invalid say; 〃for I know now that I am capable of enduring anything and everything。〃 But this; let us hasten to assure the reader; is an exaggerationthe mere babbling of an ingrate。

The Upper Engadine Valley; in which Saint Moritz is situated; has; as well as the Baths; its detractors and its admirers。 This narrow valley; throughout whose whole length flows the Inn; shut in by glacier…capped mountains; whose slopes are covered with spruce; pine; and larch trees; lies at an altitude of some five thousand feet above the level of the sea。 It often snows there in the month of August; but spring and early summer in the locality are delightful; and dotted about are numerous little romantic green lakes; glittering like emeralds in the sunshine。 Those who slander these by comparing them to wash…bowls and cisterns; are simply troubled with the spleen; a malady which neither iron; iodine; nor yet sulphur; can cure。

One thing these discontented folks cannot deny; and that is that it would be difficult; not to say impossible; to find anywhere in the mountains more flowery and highly perfumed mossy banks than those of the Engadine。 We do not make this assertion because of the rhododendrons that abound on the borders of the lakes: we are not fond of this showy; pretentious shrub; whose flowers look as if they were moulded in wax for the decoration of some altar; but is it not delightful to walk on a greensward; almost black with rich satyrion and vanilla? And what would you think of a wealth of gentians; large and small; great yellow arnicas; beautiful Martagon lilies; and St。…Bruno lilies; of every variety of daphne; of androsace; with its rose…coloured clusters; of the flame…coloured orchis; of saxifrage; of great; velvety campanulas; of pretty violet asters; wrapped in little; cravat…like tufting; to protect them from the cold? Besides; near the runnels; following whose borders the cattle have tracked out graded paths; there grows that species of immortelle called /Edelweiss/; an object of covetousness to every guest at the Baths。 Higher up; near the glacier approach; may be found the white heart's…ease; the anemone; and the glacial ranunculus (spearwort); higher still; often buried beneath the snow; flourishes that charming little lilac flower; delicately cut; sensitive; quivering; as it were; with a cold; known as the soldanella。 To scrape away the snow and find beneath it a flower! Are there often made such delightful discoveries in life?

Having said thus much; we must admit that the Rue de Saint Moritz does not resemble the Rue de la Paix of Paris。 We must also admit that the markets of the place are poorly supplied; and that in an atmosphere well calculated to stimulate the appetite the wherewithal to supply this cannot always be obtained。 We cannot have everything in this world; but it is by no means our intention to advise any one to take up his residence for life in the Engadine。 There must; however; be some charm in this valley; since those of its inhabitants who emigrate from it in their youth are very apt; after they have made some money; to return to pass their old age in their natal place; where they build some very pretty houses。

Mlle。 Moriaz did not find Saint Moritz disagreeable; the wildness of the scenery and the rugged pines pleased her。 From the terrace of Hotel Badrutt she loved to gaze upon the green lake; slumbering at her feet; and it never occurred to her to grumble because it had the form of a wash…bowl。 She loved to see the cows returning at evening from the pasture。 The cowherd in charge marshalled home in the most orderly manner his little drove; which announced its coming from afar by the tinkling of the cow…bells。 Each one of the creatures stopped of itself at the entrance to its stall and demanded admittance by its lowing。 In the morning; when they were turned out again; they awaited the arrival of the entire herd; and fell into rank and file; each in its proper place。 The first time Mlle。 Moriaz witnessed this ceremony; she found it as interesting as a first presentation at the theatre or opera。

There were several rainy days; which she employed in reading; painting; and making observations on the human animals of both sexes whom she encountered at the /table d'hote/。 She soon gained an increase of occupat

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