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samuel brohl & company-第43节

小说: samuel brohl & company 字数: 每页4000字

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〃It was not the man that you loved; it was the count。〃

She replied; 〃The man whom I loved never lied。〃

〃Yes; I lied!〃 he cried; gasping for breath。 〃I drank that cup of shame without remorse or disgust。 I lied because I loved you madly。 I lied because you were dearer to me than my honour。 I lied because I despaired of touching your heart; and any road seemed good that led to you。 Why did I meet you? why could I not see you without recognising in you the dream of my whole life? Happiness had passed me by; it was about to take flight; I caught it in a trapI lied。 Who would not lie; to be loved by you?〃

Samuel Brohl never had looked so handsome。 Despair and passion kindled a sombre flame in his eyes; he had the sinister charm of a fiery Satan。 He fixed on Antoinette a fascinating glance that said: 〃What matter my name; my lies; and the rest? My face is not a mask; and I am the man who pleased you。〃 He had not the least suspicion of the astonishing facility with which Antoinette had taken back the heart that she had given away so easily; he did not suspect that miracles can be wrought by contempt。 In the middle ages people believed in golems; figures in clay of an entrancing beauty; which had all the appearance of life。 Under a lock of hair was written; in Hebrew characters; on their brow; the word 〃Truth。〃 If they chanced to lie; the word was obliterated; they lost all their charm; the clay was no longer anything but clay。

Mlle。 Moriaz divined Samuel Brohl's thought; she exclaimed: 〃The man I loved was he whose history you related to me。〃

He would have liked to kill her; so that she never should belong to another。 Behind Antoinette; not twenty steps distant; he descried the curb of a well; and grew dizzy at the sight。 He discovered; with despair; that he was not made of the stuff for crime。 He dropped down on his knees in the grass; and cried; 〃If you will not pardon me; nothing remains for me but to die!〃 She stood motionless and impassive。 She repeated between her teeth Camille Langis's phrase: 〃I am waiting until this great comedian has finished playing his piece。〃

He rose and started to run towards the well。 She was in front of him and barred the passage; but at the same moment she felt two hands clasp her waist; and the breath of two lips that sought her lips and that murmured; 〃You love me still; since you do not want me to die。〃

She struggled with violence and horror; she succeeded; by a frantic effort; in disengaging herself from his grasp。 She fled towards the house。 Samuel Brohl rushed after her in mad pursuit; he was just reaching her; when he suddenly stopped。 He had caught sight of M。 Langis; hurrying from out a thicket; where he had been hidden。 Growing uneasy; he had approached the orchard through a path concealed by the heavy foliage。 Antoinette; out of breath; ran to him; gasping; 〃Camille; save me from this man!〃 and she threw herself into his arms; which closed about her with delight。 He felt her sink; she would have fallen had he not supported her。

At the same instant a menacing voice saluted him with the words; 〃Monsieur; we will meet again!〃

〃To…day; if you will;〃 he replied。

Antoinette's wild excitement had given place to insensibility; she neither saw nor heard; her limbs no longer sustained her。 Camille had great difficulty in bringing her to the house; she could not ascend the steps of the terrace; he was obliged to carry her。 Mlle。 Moiseney saw him; and filled the air with her cries。 She ran forward; she lavished her best care on her queen。 All the time she was busy in bringing her to her senses she was asking Camille for explanations; to which she did not pay the least attention; she interrupted him at every word to exclaim: 〃This has been designed; and you are at the bottom of the plot。 I have suspected youyou owe Antoinette a grudge。 Your wounded vanity never has recovered from her refusal; and you are determined to be revenged。 Perhaps you flatter yourself that she will end by loving you。 She does not love you; and she never will love you。 Who are you; to dare compare yourself with Count Larinski? Be silent! Do I believe in Samuel Brohl? I do not know Samuel Brohl。 I venture my head that there is no such person as Samuel Brohl。〃

〃Not much of a venture; mademoiselle;〃 replied M。 Moriaz; who had arrived in the meantime。

Antoinette remained during an hour in a state of mute languor; then a violent fever took possession of her。 When the physician who had been sent for arrived; M。 Langis accompanied him into the chamber of the sick girl。 She was delirious: seated upright; she kept continually passing her hand over her brow; she sought to efface the taint of a kiss she had received one moonlight night; and the impression in her hair of the flapping of a bat's wings that had caught in her hood。 These two things were confounded in her memory。 From time to time she said: 〃Where is my portrait? Give me my portrait。〃

It was about ten o'clock when M。 Langis called on Samuel Brohl; who was not astonished to see him appear; he had hoped he would come。 Samuel had regained self…possession。 He was calm and dignified。 However; the tempest through which he had gone had left on his features some vestige of its passage。 His lips quivered; and his beautiful chestnut locks curled like serpents about his temples; and gave his head a Medusa…like appearance。

He said to Camille: 〃Where and when? Our seconds will undertake the arrangement of the rest。〃

〃You mistake; monsieur; the motive of my visit;〃 replied M。 Langis。 〃I am grieved to destroy your illusions; but I did not come to arrange a meeting with you。〃

〃Do you refuse to give me satisfaction?〃

〃What satisfaction do I owe you?〃

〃You insulted me。〃


〃And you said: 'The day; the place; the weapons。 I leave all to your choice。' 〃

M。 Langis could not refrain from smiling。 〃Ah! you at last acknowledge that your fainting…fit was comedy?〃 he rejoined。

〃Acknowledge on your part;〃 replied Samuel; 〃that you insult persons when you believe that they are not in a state to hear you。 Your courage likes to take the safe side。〃

〃Be reasonable;〃 replied Camille。 〃I placed myself at Count Larinski's disposal: you cannot require me to fight with a Samuel Brohl!〃

Samuel sprang to his feet; with fierce bearing and head erect he advanced to the young man; who awaited him unflinchingly; and whose resolute manner awed him。 He cast upon him a sinister look; turned; and reseated himself; bit his lips until the blood came; then said in a placid voice:

〃Will you do me the favour of telling me; monsieur; to what I owe the honour of this visit?〃

〃I came to demand of you a portrait that Mlle。 Moriaz is desirous of having returned。〃

〃If I refuse to give it up; you will doubtless appeal to my delicacy?〃

〃Do you doubt it?〃 ironically replied Camille。

〃That proves; monsieur; that you still believe in Count Larinski; that it is to him you speak at this moment?〃

〃You deceive yourself。 I came to see Samuel Brohl; who is a business… man; and it is a commercial transaction that I intend to hold with him。〃 And drawing from his pocket a porte…monnaie; he added: 〃You see I do not come empty…handed。〃

Samuel settled himself in his arm…chair。 Half closing his eyes; he watched M。 Langis through his eye…lashes。 A change passed over his features; his nose became more crooked; and his chin more pointed; he no longer resembled a lion; he was a fox。 His lips wore the sugared smile of a usurer; one who lays snares for the sons of wealthy families; and who scents out every favourable case。 If at this moment Jeremiah Brohl had seen him from the other world; he would have recognised his own flesh and blood。

He said at last to Camille: 〃You are a man of understanding; monsieur; I am ready to listen to you。〃

〃I am very glad of it; and; to speak frankly; I had no doubts about it。 I knew you to be very intelligent; very much disposed to make the best of an unpleasant conjuncture。〃

〃Ah! spare my modesty。 I thank you for your excellent opinion of me; I should warn you that I am accused of being greedy after gain。 You will leave some of the feathers from your wings between my fingers。〃

For a reply M。 Langis significantly patted the porte…monnaie which he held in his hand; and which was literally stuffed with bank…notes。 Immediately Samuel took from a locked drawer a casket; and proceeded to open it。

〃This is a very precious gem;〃 he said。 〃The medallion is gold; and the work on the miniature is exquisite。 It is a master…piecethe colour equals the design。 The mouth is marvellously rendered。 Mengs or Liotard could not have done better。 At what do you value this work of art?〃

〃You are more of a connoisseur than I。 I will leave it to your own valuation。〃

〃I will let you have the trinket for five thousand francs; it is almost nothing。〃

Camille began to draw out the five thousand francs from his porte… monnaie。 〃How prompt you are!〃 remarked Samuel。 〃The portrait has not only a value as a work of art; I am sure you attach a sentimental value to it; for I suspect you of being head and ears in love with the original。〃

〃I find you too greedy;〃 replied Camille; casting on him a crushing glance。

〃Do not be angry。 I am accustome

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