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samuel brohl & company-第36节

小说: samuel brohl & company 字数: 每页4000字

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e of expressions that shocked the modest and delicate ears of Mlle。 Moriaz。 The astonishment the latter had at first experienced became now blended with horror and disgust; she judged that her visit had lasted long enough; and she proceeded to beat a retreat; which Mme。 de Lorcy made no effort to prevent。

Upon arriving at Cormeilles; her carriage crossed with a young man on horseback; who with his head bowed down allowed his animal full liberty to take his own course。 This young man trembled when a clear; soprano voice; which he preferred to the most beautiful music in the world; cried to him; 〃Where are you going; Camille?〃

He bowed over his horse's neck; drew down his hat over his eyes; and replied; 〃To Maisons。〃

〃Do not go there。 I have just left because there is a dreadful old woman there who says horrid things。〃 Then Mlle。 Moriaz added; in a queenly tone; 〃You cannot passyou are my prisoner。〃

She obliged him to turn back; ten minutes later she had alighted from her coupe; he had sprung from his saddle; and they were seated side by side on a rustic bench。

A few days previous M。 Langis had met M。 Moriaz; who had complained bitterly of being forsaken by him as well as by Mme。 de Lorcy; and who had extracted from him the promise to come and see him。 Camille had kept this promise。 Had he chosen well his time of doing so? The truth is; he had been both rejoiced and heart…broken to learn that Mlle。 Moriaz was absent。 Man is a strange combination of contradictions; especially a man who is in love。 In the same way he had bestowed both blessings and imprecations upon Heaven for permitting him to meet Antoinette。 During some moments he had lost countenance; but had quickly recovered himself; he had formed the generous resolution to act out consistently his role of friend and brother。 He had acquitted himself of it so well at Saint Moritz; that Antoinette believed him cured of the caprice of a day with which she had inspired him and which she had never taken seriously。

〃The last time I saw you;〃 said she; 〃you dropped a remark that pained me; but I am pleased to think that you did not mean to do so。〃

〃I am a terrible culprit;〃 he rejoined; 〃and I smite myself upon the breast therefore。 I was wanting in respect to your idol。〃

〃Fortunately; my idol knew nothing about it; and; if he had known; I would have appeased him by saying: 'Pardon this young man; he does not always know what he is saying。' 〃

〃He even seldom knows it; but what help is there for it? A man given to fainting always did seem a curiosity to me。 I know we should endeavour to conquer our prejudices; every country has its customs; and; since Poland is a country that pleases you; I will make an effort to see only its good sides。〃

〃Now that is the right way to talk。 I hope this very day to reconcile you with Count Larinski; stay and dine with ushe will be here very soon; the first duty of the people whom I love is to love one another。〃

M。 Langis at first energetically declined accepting this invitation; Antoinette insisted: he ended by bowing in sign of obedience。 Youth has a taste for suffering。

Tracing figures in the gravel with a stick he had picked up; M。 Langis said; in a wholly unconstrained voice: 〃I do not wish M。 Larinski any harm; and yet you must admit that I would have the right to detest him cordially; for I had the honour two years ago; if I mistake not; of asking your hand in marriage。 Do you remember it?〃

〃Perfectly;〃 she replied; fixing upon him her pure; clear eyes; 〃but I ought to avow to you that this fancy of yours never seemed to me either very reasonable or very serious。〃

〃You are wrong; I can certify to you that your refusal plunged me for as much as forty…eight hours into the depths of despairI mean one of those genuine despairs that neither eat; drink; nor sleep; and that speak openly of suicide!〃

〃And at the end of forty…eight hours were you consoled?〃

〃/Eh! bon Dieu/; it surely was time to come to reason。 I had hesitated a long time before asking your hand; because I thought; 'If she refuses me; I cannot see her any more。' But I still do see you; so all is well!〃

〃And how soon do you mean to marry?〃

〃I? Never! I shall die a bachelor。 An aspirant to the hand of Mlle。 Moriaz; being unable to win her; could not care for another woman。 Nothing remains but to strike the attitude of the inconsolable lover。〃

〃And when this ceases to hinder one from eating; drinking; or sleeping what then?〃

〃One becomes interesting without being inconvenienced by the consequences;〃 he gaily interposed。 Then; letting his eyes wander idly around for a moment; he added: 〃It seems to me that you have in some way changed the order of this terrace; put to the right what was at the left; thinned out the shrubbery; cut the trees; I feel completely lost here。〃

〃You mistake greatly; nothing is changed here; it is you who have become forgetful。 How! you now longer recognise this terrace; scene of so many exploits? I was a thorough tyrant; I did with you what I pleased。 You revolted sometimes; but in his heart the slave adored his chains。 Open your eyes。 See! here is the sycamore you climbed one day to escape me when I wanted you to make believe that you were a girl; as you said; and you had little fancy for such a silly role。 There is the alley where we played ball; and yonder the hedge and the grove where we played hide…and…seek。〃

〃Say rather; /cligne…musette/; it is more poetical;〃 he rejoined。 〃When I was down in Transylvania I made a /chanson/ about it all; and set it myself to music。〃

〃Sing me your /chanson/。〃

〃You are mocking at me; my voice is false; as you well know; but I will consent to recite it to you。 The rhymes are not richI am no son of Parnassus。〃

With these words; lowering his voice; not daring to look her in the face; he recited the couplets。

〃Your /chanson/ is very pretty;〃 said she; 〃but it does not tell the truth; for here we are sitting together on this bench; we have not lost each other at all。〃

She was so innocent that she had no idea of the torture she was inflicting; and he saw this so plainly that he could not so much as have the satisfaction of finding fault with her; yet he asked himself whether in the best woman's heart there was not a foundation of cruelty; of unconscious ferocity。 He felt the tears start to his eyes; he scarcely could restrain them; he abruptly bowed his head; and began to examine a beautiful horned beetle; which was just crossing the gravel…path at a quick pace; apparently having some very important affairs to regulate。 When M。 Langis raised his head his eyes were dry; his face serene; his lips smiling。

〃It is very certain;〃 he observed; 〃that two years ago I must have appeared supremely ridiculous to you。 This little playmate of old; this foolish little Camille; to attempt to transform himself into a husband! The pretension was absurd indeed。〃

〃Not at all;〃 she replied; 〃but I thought at once that it was a mistake。 Little Camilles are apt to be hot…headed and fanciful; they are subject to self…deceptions regarding their sentiments。 Friendship and love; however; are two entirely different things! I once said to Mlle。 Moiseney that a woman never should marry an intimate friend; because it would be a sure way of losing him as such; and friends are good to keep。〃

〃Bah! How much do you care now for yours? I find my role very modest; very insignificant。 Open the trap…doorit is time for me to disappear。〃

〃Bad counsel! I shall not open the trap…door。 One always has need of friends。 I can readily imagine the possibility of the very happiest married woman needing some advice or assistance that she could not ask of her husband; for husbands do not understand everything。 If ever such a thing happens to me; Camille; I shall turn to you。〃

〃Agreed!〃 he cried; 〃to help you out of embarrassment; I would run; if necessary; all the way from Transylvania。〃

He held out his right hand; which she shook warmly。

At this moment they heard a step that Mlle。 Moriaz at once recognised; and Count Larinski appeared from the walk bordering the house。 Antoinette hastened to meet him; and led him forward by laying hold of the tip of his glove; which he was in the act of drawing off。

〃Gentlemen;〃 said she; 〃I do not need to present you to each other; you are already acquainted。〃

It is a very difficult thing to lead two men who do not like each other into conversation: the present effort proved a total failure。 Fortunately for all parties; M。 Moriaz shortly made his appearance at the end of the terrace; and M。 Langis arose to join him。 Antoinette remained alone with Samuel Brohl; who at once rather brusquely asked:

〃Has M。 Langis the intention of remaining here forever?〃

〃He has only just arrived;〃 she replied。

〃And you will send him away soon?〃

〃I thought so little of sending him away that I asked him to dinner; in order to give you an opportunity of becoming more fully acquainted with him。〃

〃I thank you for your amiable intentions; but M。 Langis pleases me little。〃

〃What have you against him?〃

〃I have met him sometimes at Mme。 de Lorcy's; and he always has shown me a most dubious politeness。 I scent in him an enemy。〃

〃Pure imagination! M。 Langis h

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