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samuel brohl & company-第31节

小说: samuel brohl & company 字数: 每页4000字

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b with her to the fifth story; where Mlle。 Galet lodged; upon this occasion she indicated to her an express order to remain peaceably below in the coupe to await her return。

She slowly mounted the stairs; on her way up she encountered a servant; who informed her that Mlle。 Galet was lying down taking a nap; being somewhat indisposed; but that the key was in the door。 The apartment of which Mlle。 Moriaz was in quest was composed of three rooms; a vestibule serving as a kitchen; a tiny /salon/; and a bed… chamber。 She paused a few moments in the vestibule to regain her breath; to gather together all her courage; to compose her mind; she had at once divined that there was some one in the /salon/。 She entered; Mlle。 Galet was not there; but he was there; the man whom she had come to seek。 Apparently; he awaited the awakening of the mistress of the place。 In perceiving the woman whom he had sworn never to see again; he trembled violently; and his eyes sought some loophole of escape; there was none。 Standing upon the threshold; Antoinette barred the passage。 She looked fixedly at him and felt certain of her victory; he had the air of one vanquished; and his defeat resembled a complete routing。

She crossed her arms; she smiled; and; in a firm; half…mocking tone; said:

〃So this is the way you rob me of my poor people! They flourish under it; I am well aware。 Confess now that there is a little hypocrisy in your virtue。 Mlle。 Galet never for a moment doubted that these famous camellias were given for my sake。 Bouquets costing sixty francs! absolute folly! How you despise money! Why; then; do you not despise mine? You are afraid of it; you fear to burn your fingers by touching it。 You will not aid me to throw it out of the windows? Your poor and mine will surely pick it up。 Say; will you not? My fortune is not such a great affair; but it is certain that I alone do not suffice to spend it properly; there is plenty for twofor two would really only be one。 You cannot consent to share it with me? You are too proudthat is it。 The day before yesterday you were playing comedy; you do not love me。 It costs little to owe something to those we love。〃

He made a gesture of despair and cried:

〃I implore you; let me go!〃

〃Presently; I propose telling you first all that is in my mind。 I do not place much reliance on your boasted nobility of spirit; it is pride; egotistical pride。 Yes; your pride is your goda pitiful sort of a god! And as to Poland〃 He winced at this word。 After a pause; Antoinette continued: 〃It is she herself who will give; or rather lend; you to me。 I solemnly promise that if ever she has need of you I will say to her; 'Here he is; take him'; and to you; yourself; I will say; 'She calls yougo。' But speak to me and look at me; you will not die of so doing。 Are you so very much afraid of me? Come; have courage to repeat to me what you have said to others?〃

He fell back into a chair; where he remained; his arms hanging helplessly at his sides; his head drooping on his breast; and he murmured:

〃I knew well that if I saw you again I should be lost。〃

〃Say; rather; saved。 Your mind was sick; I have cured you。 I work miracles; you once took the pains to write me so。 Will you touch my hand? That will not bind you to anything; you can return it to me if you choose。〃

He took the hand she extended to him; he did not carry it to his lips; but he held it within his own。

〃Listen to me;〃 she resumed。 〃To…day; this very hour; you will set out for Cormeilles; and you will say to my father: 'She has given me her hand; it has seemed good to me to keep it; allow me to do so?' Is it agreed upon? Will you obey me?〃

He exclaimed: 〃You are here; you speak to me; the world has disappeared; henceforth I believe only in you!〃

〃Well done! You see when two people frankly discuss matters they soon come to an understanding; but the main essential is to see each other。 Since you are so wise when you see me; I naturally desire to have you see me always。 Theretake that!〃 And she handed him a medallion containing her portrait; then she moved towards the door。 On the threshold she turned。 〃Please tell Mlle。 Galet;〃 said she; 〃that I respect her nap; and will return to…morrow。 Mlle。 Moiseney awaits me; and must be growing impatient。 I have your word of honour? Adieu; then; until this evening。 I must hasten away。〃

And she did hasten; or; rather; she flew away。

Returning from as well as driving into Paris; the coachman put his horses to full speed; and Cormeilles was reached before the soup was cold。 Nevertheless; M。 Moriaz had had abundant time for anxiety。 He did not take his seat at table without first questioning Mlle。 Moiseney; knowing nothing; she could give him no information; but she responded indefinitely to his queries with that air of mystery beneath which it was her wont to disguise her ignorance。 He resolved to question Antoinette after dinner。 She anticipated him; taking him aside and recounting to him what had occurred。

〃I presume;〃 said she; 〃that henceforth you will believe in his pride and his disinterestedness。 Did I not foretell you that I should have to put myself on my knees to compel him to marry me?〃

He could not repress a movement of indignation。

〃Oh; reassure yourself!〃 she resumed; 〃that is only my way of speaking。 He was at my feet and I was standing。〃

M。 Moriaz opened his lips and closed them again three times without speaking。 He finally contented himself with a gesture; which signified; 〃The die is cast; let come what must。〃

Samuel Brohl religiously kept his word。 After having made a most faultless toilet; he repaired by the railway to Argenteuil; where he took a carriage。 He reached Cormeilles as the clock struck nine。 He was ushered into the /salon/; where M。 Moriaz was reading his journal。 Samuel was pale; and his lips trembled with emotion。 He greeted M。 Moriaz with profound respect; saying:

〃I feel; monsieur; like a criminal。 Be merciful; and refuse her to me。〃

M。 Moriaz replied: 〃The fact is; you come; monsieur; in the words of the evangelist; 'like a thief in the night'; but I have nothing to refuse you。 You are not the son…in…law I frankly avow; whom I should have chosen。 This matters not; my daughter belongs to herself; she is mistress of her own actions; and I have no reason to believe that she errs in her choice。 You are a man of taste and of honour; and you know the worth of what she has given you。 If you render Antoinette happy; you will find in me a warm friend。 I have said all that is necessary; let us suppose that you have replied to me; and talk of something else。〃

Samuel Brohl considered the matter settled; he insisted no longer; and entered at once upon another topic。 He knew how to be agreeable and dignified at the same time。 He was as amiable and gracious as his lively emotion would permit。 M。 Moriaz was obliged to confess to himself that Count Larinski was as good company at Cormeilles as he had been at Saint Moritz; and had no other fault than having taken it into his head to become his son…in…law。

Their interview was a prolonged one。 During this time Antoinette had been promenading the walk in front of the house; inhaling the jasmine… perfumed air; pouring out her heart to the night and to the stars。 Her happy reverie was troubled only by the presence of a bat; flitting incessantly from one end of the terrace to the other; flapping its wings about her head。 The loathsome creature seemed to be especially in quest of her; circling around and above her with obstinate persistency; even venturing to graze her hair in passing; Antoinette even fancied that she could distinguish its hideous face; with deep pouches and long ears; and she moved away; quivering with disgust。

She heard a step on the gravel…walk。 Samuel Brohl had taken leave of M。 Moriaz and was crossing the terrace to regain his carriage。 He recognised Antoinette; approached her and clasped on her wrist a bracelet he held in his hand; saying as he did so: 〃What could I give you that would equal in value the medallion you deigned to offer me and that should never leave me? However; here is a trinket by which I set great store。 My mother loved it; she always refused to part with it; even in the time of her greatest distress; she wore it on her arm when she died。〃

We are not all moulded alike; and there is no human clay in which are not intermingled some spangles of gold。 Intriguers as well as downright knaves are often capable of experiencing moments of sincere and pure sentiments; in certain encounters every human being rises superior to him…or herself。 The upper part of Mlle。 Moriaz's face was shaded by her red hood; the lower part lit up by the moon; which was slowly rising above the hills。 Samuel Brohl contemplated her in silence; she seemed to him as beautiful as a dream。 During two entire minutes he forgot that she had an income of a hundred thousand livres; and that; according to all probabilities; M。 Moriaz would die one day。 His head was completely turned by the thought that this woman loved him; that soon she would be his。 Yes; for precisely two minutes; Samuel Brohl was as passionately in love with Mlle。 Moriaz as might; perchance; have been Count Larinski。

He could not resist the impuls

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