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samuel brohl & company-第24节

小说: samuel brohl & company 字数: 每页4000字

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〃For the love of God; what is the matter?〃

〃Ah! would that I could spare you this trouble! Your father has just received a letter from Mme。 de Lorcy。〃

Antoinette grew more attentive; her breath came quickly。 〃And what was there in this letter that is so terrible; so heart…rending?〃 she asked; forcing a smile。

〃Fortunately; I am here;〃 replied Mlle。 Moiseney。 〃You know that your joys and your sorrows are mine。 All the consolation that I can lavish upon you; the tenderest sympathy〃

〃My dear Joan; in the name of Heaven; explain first; and then console!〃

〃You told me nothing; my childI have a right to complain; but I have divined all。 I can read your heart。 I am sure that you love him。〃

〃Of whom do you speak?〃 replied Antoinette; whose colour rose in her cheeks。

〃Of a most charming man; who; either through inconceivable stupidity; or through most criminal calculation; neglected to tell us that he was married。〃

And with these words; Mlle。 Moiseney extended both arms; that she might receive into them Mlle。 Moriaz; whom she believed to be already swooning。

Mlle。 Moriaz did not swoon。 She flushed crimson; then grew very pale; but she remained standing; her head proudly erect; and she said; in a tone of well…feigned indifference: 〃Oh! M。 Larinski is married? My very sincere compliments to the Countess Larinski。〃

After which she busied herself arranging in a vase the heather and ferns she had brought back with her。 Mlle。 Moiseney stood lost in astonishment at her calm; she gazed in a stupor at her; and suddenly exclaimed: 〃Thank God! you do not love him! Your father has mistaken; he often mistakes; he sometimes gets the strangest ideas into his mind; he was persuaded that this would be a death…blow to you; he does not know you at all。 Ah! unquestionably; M。 Larinski is far from being disagreeable; I do not dispute his having some merit; but I always thought that there was something suspicious about him; his manners were a little equivocal; I suspected him of hiding something from us。 As it appears; he has made a /mesalliance/ that he did not care to acknowledge。 It is deplorable that a man of such excellent address should have low tastes and doubtful morality。 His duty was to tell us all; he was neither loyal nor delicate。〃

〃You dream; my dear;〃 replied Antoinette。 〃What law; human or divine; obliged M。 Larinski to tell us everything? Did you expect him to render an account of his deeds and misdeeds to us as to a tribunal of penance?〃

In speaking thus; she took off her hat and mantilla; seated herself in the embrasure of a window; and opened a book which she began to read with great attention。

〃God be praised! she does not love him;〃 thought Mlle。 Moiseney; who was not aware that Mlle。 Moriaz was turning two or three pages at a time with perceiving it。

Deeply absorbed as she was; she still recognised her father's step as he came upstairs to his room。 She hurried out to meet him。 He noticed with pleasure that her face was not wan; nor were her eyes red。 He was less satisfied when she said; in a calm; clear voice:

〃Please show me the letter that you have received from Mme。 de Lorcy。〃

〃What is the use?〃 he rejoined。 〃I know it by heart。 I am ready to recite it to you。〃

〃Is it a letter that cannot be shown?〃

〃No; indeed; but as I tell you that I am ready to give you an account of it〃

〃I would prefer to read it with my own eyes。〃

〃After all; you have a right。 There! take it。 But I beg of you do not be offended by unfortunate expressions。〃

〃Mme。 de Lorcy always knows how to choose the proper word to express her thought;〃 she responded。

When she had run her eye rapidly over Mme。 de Lorcy's eight closely written pages; she looked at her father and smiled。

〃You must own that you found a very useful and a very zealous ally in Mme。 de Lorcy; do her this justice; she has worked hard; and you owe her many thanks for having busied herself so actively in ridding you of 'this worthy man; this good man; this delightful man'; those are her own words; if you remember。〃

M。 Moriaz exclaimed: 〃I hope you do not imagine that it was a matter arranged between us。 Do you really suspect me of having some dark plot with Mme。 de Lorcy! Do you believe me capable of being implicated in an act of perfidy?〃

〃God forbid! I only accuse you of being too joyous; and of not knowing how to conceal it。〃

〃Is that a crime?〃

〃Perhaps it is an indiscretion。〃

〃I swear to you; my dear child; that I only consider your happiness; and Mme。 de Lorcy herself Since M。 Langis no longer thinks of you; what reason could she have〃

〃I do not know;〃 interrupted Antoinette; 〃but her prejudice would take the place of reason。〃

〃So you will not believe that Count Larinski is married?〃

〃I believe it; without being certain; and I wish to be assured of it。 Have I not acted in good faith through all this matter? was I not ready to comply with your conditions? I consented to refer to the judgment of Mme。 de Lorcy。 She has deigned to be gracious to the accused。 She has admitted that M。 Larinski is a perfectly honourable and even a delightful man; but she has discovered; at intervals of several days; first; that he does not love me; and then; that he has deceived me by letting me believe that he was still free。 I wish to satisfy my own mind; and convince myself that I am not being played with。〃

〃And you have concluded〃

〃I have concluded that; with your permission; we shall leave to…morrow morning for Cormeilles。〃

This conclusion was by no means agreeable to M。 Moriaz; whose face grew sensibly longer。

〃Of what are you afraid? You know that I have character; and you ought to know; no matter what Mme。 de Lorcy says; that I am not wanting in good sense。 When it is proved to me that I have deceived myself; I will make the sign of the cross over my romance; it will be dead and buried; and I promise you not to wear mourning for it。〃

〃So be it;〃 said he; 〃I believe in your good sense; I have faith in your reason: we shall leave to…morrow for Cormeilles。〃

Four days later; Mme。 de Lorcy was walking in an alley in her park。 She was joined there by M。 Langis; to whom she said; in a good… humoured tone: 〃Always grave and melancholy; my dear Camille! When will you cease your drooping airs? I cannot understand you。 I do my best to be agreeable to you; to settle matters satisfactorily。 Nothing seems to cheer you。 You make me think of the hare in La Fontaine:

 〃 'Cet animal est triste; et la Crainte le ronge。' 〃

〃Fear and hate; madame;〃 replied he。 〃I hate this man; he is insupportable to me。 I will give up coming to Maisons if I always must meet him here。 Has he paid you his adieux for the last time?〃

〃Not yet; a little patiencewe shall not count the minutes。 Besides; what harm can this man do you? The lion has lost his clawswhat do I say?he has carried his good…nature to the point of muzzling himself。 It is not generous to pursue with hate a disarmed enemy。〃

〃Very well; madame; if he is not gone in three days; I return to my first idea; it was the best。〃

〃You will cut his throat?〃

〃With all my heart。〃

〃For the love of art?〃

〃I am not a very bloodthirsty individual; but I would take a singular delight in slashing at the skin of this gloomy personage。〃

Mme。 de Lorcy shrugged her shoulders。 〃What makes you think him gloomy; my dear? You are perfectly reasonable。 You ought to adore M。 Larinski; you are under the greatest obligations to him。 He has been the first to succeed in touching the heart of our dear; hitherto insensible girl; he has broken the charm。 She was the Sleeping Beauty; he has awakened her; and; through the favour of Heaven; he cannot marry her。 I can see her in Churwalden; a prey to the gloomiest ennui; weeping over her illusions; furious at having been deceived。 Do you not divine all the advantage that can be derived from a woman's anger?〃

〃You know that I love her; and yet I do not wish to owe anything to her spite。〃

〃You are a child: be guided。 The moment is come for you to propose。 In a few days you will start for Churwalden; and you will say to this angry woman; 'I have liedI love you。' In short; you will talk to her of your amorous flame; and you may; freely; under these circumstances; exhaust all your treasure…store of hyperbole。 She will listen to you; I can promise you; and she will say to herself; 'I seek vengeance here it is。' 〃

〃I would like to believe you; madame;〃 he replied; 〃but are you very certain that Mlle。 Moriaz is still at Churwalden?〃

And; pointing with his finger; he showed her at the end of the avenue a figure coming towards them clad in a pretty nut…brown dress with a long train sweeping the gravel。

〃Truly; I believe that it is she;〃 cried Mme。 de Lorcy。 〃M。 Moriaz is the most unskilful person; but; after all; not much harm is done。〃

Mlle。 Moriaz had arrived the evening previous at Cormeilles。 After resting somewhat from the fatigues of the journey; she had nothing more urgent to do than to order the horses put to her coupe and to come and pay her respects to her godmother; who could not fail to be touched by this attention。

Mme。 de Lorcy ran to Antoinette and embraced her several times; saying: 〃You are here at last! How charmed I am

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