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the americanization of edward bok-第23节

小说: the americanization of edward bok 字数: 每页4000字

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t in the end it won't harm you。 In the main point; you are right。 You are not a forger。 The sentiments are his and he uttered them; and he should stand by them。 He threatens to bring you into court; I see from to…day's paper。 Wait until he does so。〃

Bok; chancing to meet Doctor Talmage; told him Mr。 Beecher's advice; and he endorsed it。 〃Remember; boy;〃 said Doctor Talmage; 〃silence is never so golden as when you are under fire。 I know; for I have been there; as you know; more than once。 Keep quiet; and always believe this: that there is a great deal of common sense abroad in the world; and a man is always safe in trusting it to do him justice。〃

They were not pleasant and easy days for Bok; for Doctor Storrs kept up the din for several days。 Bok waited for the word to appear in court。 But this never came; and the matter soon died down and out。 And; although Bok met the clergyman several times afterward in the years that followed; no reference was ever made by him to the incident。

But Edward Bok had learned a valuable lesson of silence under firean experience that was to stand him in good stead when he was again publicly attacked not long afterward。

This occurred in connection with a notable anniversary celebration in honor of Henry Ward Beecher; in which the entire city of Brooklyn was to participate。 It was to mark a mile…stone in Mr。 Beecher's ministry and in his pastorate of Plymouth Church。 Bok planned a worldwide tribute to the famed clergyman: he would get the most distinguished men and women of this and other countries to express their esteem for the Plymouth pastor in written congratulations; and he would bind these into a volume for presentation to Mr。 Beecher on the occasion。 He consulted members of the Beecher family; and; with their acquiescence; began to assemble the material。 He was in the midst of the work when Henry Ward Beecher passed away。 Bok felt that the tributes already received were too wonderful to be lost to the world; and; after again consulting Mrs。 Beecher and her children; he determined to finish the collection and publish it as a memorial for private distribution。 After a prodigious correspondence; the work was at last completed; and in June; 1887; the volume was published; in a limited edition of five hundred copies。 Bok distributed copies of the volume to the members of Mr。 Beecher's family; he had orders from Mr。 Beecher's friends; one hundred copies were offered to the American public and one hundred copies were issued in an English edition。

With such a figure to whom to do honor; the contributors; of course; included the foremost men and women of the time。 Grover Cleveland was then President of the United States; and his tribute was a notable one。 Mr。 Gladstone; the Duke of Argyll; Pasteur; Canon Farrar; Bartholdi; Salvini; and a score of others represented English and European opinion。 Oliver Wendell Holmes; John Greenleaf Whittier; T。 De Witt Talmage; Robert G。 Ingersoll; Charles Dudley Warner; General Sherman; Julia Ward Howe; Andrew Carnegie; Edwin Booth; Rutherford B。 Hayesthere was scarcely a leader of thought and of action of that day unrepresented。 The edition was; of course; quickly exhausted; and when to…day a copy occasionally appears at an auction sale; it is sold at a high price。

The newspapers gave very large space to the distinguished memorial; and this fact angered a journalist; Joseph Howard; Junior; a man at one time close to Mr。 Beecher; who had befriended him。 Howard had planned to be the first in the field with a hastily prepared biography of the great preacher; and he felt that Bok had forestalled him。 Forthwith; he launched a vicious attack on the compiler of the memorial; accusing him of 〃making money out of Henry Ward Beecher's dead body〃 and of 〃seriously offending the family of Mr。 Beecher; who had had no say in the memorial; which was therefore without authority; and hence extremely distasteful to all。〃

Howard had convinced a number of editors of the justice of his position; and so he secured a wide publication for his attack。 For the second time; Edward Bok was under fire; and remembering his action on the previous occasion; he again remained silent; and again the argument was put forth that his silence implied guilt。 But Mrs。 Beecher and members of the Beecher family did not observe silence; and quickly proved that not only had Bok compiled the memorial as a labor of love and had lost money on it; but that he had the full consent of the family in its preparation。

When; shortly afterward; Howard's hastily compiled 〃biography〃 of Mr。 Beecher appeared; a reporter asked Mrs。 Beecher whether she and her family had found it accurate。

〃Accurate; my child;〃 said Mrs。 Beecher。 〃Why; it is so accurate in its absolute falsity that neither I nor the boys can find one fact or date given correctly; although we have studied it for two days。 Even the year of Mr。 Beecher's birth is wrong; and that is the smallest error!〃

Edward Bok little dreamed that these two experiences with public criticism were to serve him as a foretaste of future attacks when he would get the benefit of hundreds of pencils especially sharpened for him。

XIII。 Publishing Incidents and Anecdotes

One evening some literary men were dining together previous to going to a private house where a number of authors were to give readings from their books。 At the table the talk turned on the carelessness with which the public reads books。 Richard Harding Davis; one of the party; contended that the public read more carefully than the others believed。 It was just at the time when Du Maurier's Trilby was in every one's hands。

〃Don't you believe it;〃 said one of the diners。 〃I'll warrant you could take a portion of some well…known story to…night and palm it off on most of your listeners as new stuff。〃

〃Done;〃 said Davis。 〃Come along; and I'll prove you wrong。〃

The reading was to be at the house of John Kendrick Bangs at Yonkers。 When Davis's 〃turn〃 in the programme came; he announced that he would read a portion from an unpublished story written by himself。 Immediately there was a flutter in the audience; particularly among the younger element。

Pulling a roll of manuscript out of his pocket; Davis began:

〃It was a fine; sunny; showery day in April。 The big studio window〃

He got no farther。 Almost the entire audience broke into a shout of laughter and applause。 Davis had read thirteen of the opening words of Trilby。

All publishing houses employ 〃readers〃 outside of those in their own offices for the reading of manuscripts on special subjects。 One of these 〃outside readers〃 was given a manuscript for criticism。 He took it home and began its reading。 He had finished only a hundred pages or so when; by a curious coincidence; the card of the author of the manuscript was brought to the 〃reader。〃 The men were close friends。

Hastily gathering up the manuscript; the critic shoved the work into a drawer of his desk; and asked that his friend be shown in。

The evening was passed in conversation; as the visitor rose to leave; his host; rising also and seating himself on his desk; asked:

〃What have you been doing lately? Haven't seen much of you。〃

〃No;〃 said the friend。 〃It may interest you to know that I have been turning to literary work; and have just completed what I consider to be an important book。〃

〃Really?〃 commented the 〃reader。〃

〃Yes;〃 went on his friend。 〃I submitted it a few days ago to one of the big publishing houses。 But; great Scott; you can never tell what these publishers will do with a thing of that sort。 They give their manuscripts to all kinds of fools to read。 I suppose; by this time; some idiot; who doesn't know a thing of the subject about which I have written; is sitting on my manuscript。〃

Mechanically; the 〃reader〃 looked at the desk upon which he was sitting; thought of the manuscript lying in the drawer directly under him; and said:

〃Yes; that may be。 Quite likely; in fact。〃

Of no novel was the secret of the authorship ever so well kept as was that of The Breadwinners; which; published anonymously in 1883; was the talk of literary circles for a long time; and speculation as to its authorship was renewed in the newspapers for years afterward。 Bok wanted very much to find out the author's name so that he could announce it in his literary letter。 He had his suspicions; but they were not well founded until an amusing little incident occurred which curiously revealed the secret to him。

Bok was waiting to see one of the members of a publishing firm when a well…known English publisher; visiting in America; was being escorted out of the office; the conversation continuing as the two gentlemen walked through the outer rooms。 〃My chief reason;〃 said the English publisher; as he stopped at the end of the outer office where Bok was sitting; 〃for hesitating at all about taking an English set of plates of the novel you speak of is because it is of anonymous authorship; a custom of writing which has grown out of all decent proportions in your country since the issue of that stupid book; The Breadwinners。〃

As these last words were spoken; a man seated at a desk directly behind the speaker looked up; smiled; and resumed reading a document which 

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