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count bunker-第28节

小说: count bunker 字数: 每页4000字

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so alarmed that she was twenty times on the point of telling everything to her mother。  But the arrival of a note from Sir Justin ended her irresolution。  It ran thus:

〃MY DEAR ALICIA;I have just learned for certain that Lord T。 is at his place in Scotland。  Singularly enough; he is described as apparently of foreign extraction; and I hear that he is accompanied by a friend of the name of Count Bunker。  I am just setting out for the North myself; and trust that I may be able to elucidate the mystery。  Yours very truly;                     〃JUSTIN WALLINGFORD。〃

〃Foreign extraction!  Count Bunker!〃 gasped the Baroness; and without stopping to debate the matter again; she rushed into her mother's arms; and there sobbed out the strange story of her second letter and the two Lord Tulliwuddles。

It were difficult to say whether anger at her daughter's deceit; indignation with the treacherous Baron; or a stern pleasure in finding her worst prognostications in a fair way to being proved; was the uppermost emotion in Lady Grillyer's mind when she had listened to this relation。  Certainly poor Alicia could not but think that sympathy for her troubles formed no ingredient in the mixture。

〃To think of your concealing this from me for so long!〃 she cried: 〃and Sir Justin abetting you!  I shall tell him very plainly what I think of him!  But if my daughter sets an example in treachery; what can one expect of one's friends?〃

〃After all; mamma; it was my own and Rudolph's concern more than your's!〃 exclaimed Alicia; flaring up for an instant。

〃Don't answer me; child!〃 thundered the Countess。  〃Fetch me a railway time…table; and say nothing that may add to your sin!〃

〃A time…table。  mamma?  What for?〃

〃I am going to Scotland;〃 pronounced the Countess。

〃Then I shall go too!〃

〃Indeed you shall not。  You will wait here till I have brought Rudolph back to you。〃

The Baroness said nothing aloud; but within her wounded heart she thought bitterly

〃Mamma seems to forget that even worms will turn sometimes!〃


A decidedly delectable residence;〃 said Count Bunker to himself as his dog…cart approached the lodge gates of The Lash。  〃And a very proper setting for the pleasant scenes so shortly to be enacted。  Lodge; avenue; a bogus turret or two; and a flagstaff on top of 'em by Gad; I think one may safely assume a tolerable cellar in such a mansion。〃

As he drove up the avenue between a double line of ancient elms and sycamores; his satisfaction increased and his spirits rose ever higher。

〃I wonder if I can forecast the evening: a game of three…handed bridge; in which I trust I'll be lucky enough to lose a little silver; that'll put 'em in good… humor and make old Miss What…d'ye…may…call…her the more willing to go to bed early; then the departure of the chaperon; and then the tete…a…tete!  I hope to Heaven I haven't got rusty!〃

With considerable satisfaction he ran over the outfit he had brought; deeming it even on second thoughts a singularly happy selection: the dining coat with pale… blue lapels; the white tie of a new material and cut borrowed from the Baron's finery; the socks so ravishingly embroidered that he had more than once caught the ladies at Hechnahoul casting affectionate glances upon them。

〃A first…class turn…out;〃 he thought。  〃And what a lucky thing I thought of borrowing a banjo from young Gallosh!  A coon song in the twilight will break the ground prettily。〃

By this time they had stopped before the door; and an elderly man…servant; instead of waiting for the Count; came down the steps to meet him。  In his manner there was something remarkably sheepish and constrained; and; to the Count's surprise; he thrust forth his hand almost as if he expected it to be shaken。  Bunker; though a trifle puzzled; promptly handed him the banjo case; remarking pleasantly

〃My banjo; take care of it; please。〃

The man started so violently that he all but dropped it upon the steps。

〃What the deuce did he think I said?〃 wondered the Count。  〃 'Banjo' can't have sounded 'dynamite。' 〃

He entered the house; and found himself in a pleasant hall; where his momentary uneasiness was at once forgotten in the charming welcome of his hostess。  Not only she; but her chaperon; received him with a flattering warmth that realized his utmost expectations。

〃It was so good of you to come!〃 cried Miss Wallingford。

〃So very kind;〃 murmured Miss Minchell。

〃I knew you wouldn't think it too unorthodox!〃 added Julia。

〃I'm afraid orthodoxy is a crime I shall never swing for;〃 said the Count; with his most charming smile。

〃I am sure my father wouldn't REALLY mind;〃 said Julia。

〃Not if Sir Justin shared your enthusiasm; dear;〃 added Miss Minchell。

〃I must teach him to!〃

〃Good Lord!〃 thought the Count。  〃This is friendly indeed。〃

A few minutes passed in the exchange of these preliminaries; and then his hostess said; with a pretty little air of discipleship that both charmed and slightly puzzled him

〃You do still think that nobody should dine later than six; don't you?  I have ordered dinner for six to…night。〃

〃Six!〃 exclaimed the Count; but recovering himself; added; 〃An ideal hourand it is half…past five now。  Perhaps I had better think of dressing。〃

〃What YOU call dressing!〃 smiled Julia; to his justifiable amazement。  〃Let me show you to your room。〃

She led him upstairs; and finally stopped before an open door。

〃There!〃 she said; with an air of pride。  〃It is really my father's bedroom when he is at home; but I've had it specially prepared for YOU!  Is it just as you would like?〃

Bunker was incapable of observing anything very particularly beyond the fact that the floor was uncarpeted; and as nearly free from furniture as a bedroom floor could well be。

〃It is ravishing!〃 he murmured; and dismissed her with a well…feigned smile。

Bereft even of expletives; he gazed round the apartment prepared for him。  It was a few moments before he could bring himself to make a tour of its vast bleakness。

〃I suppose that's what they call a truckle…bed;〃 he mused。  〃Oh; there is one chairnothing but cold water…towels made of vegetable fibre apparently。  The devil take me; is this a reformatory for bogus noblemen!〃

He next gazed at the bare whitewashed wall。  On it hung one picturethe portrait of a strangely attired man。

〃What n shocking…looking fellow!〃 he exclaimed; and went up to examine it more closely。

Then; with a stupefying shock; he read this legend beneath it

〃Count Bunker。  Philosopher; teacher; and martyr。〃

For a minute he stared in rapt amazement; and then sharply rang the bell。

〃Hang it;〃 he said to himself; 〃I must throw a little light on this somehow!〃

Presently the elderly man…servant appeared; this time in a state of still more obvious confusion。  For a moment he stared at the Countwho was too discomposed by his manner to open his lipsand then; once more stretching out his hand; exclaimed in a choked voice and a strong Scotch accent

〃How are ye; Bunker!〃

〃What the deuce!〃 shouted the Count; evading the proffered hand…shake with an agile leap。

The poor fellow turned scarlet; and in an humble voice blurted out

〃She told me to do it!  Miss Julia said ye'd like me to shake hands and just ca' ye plain Bunker。  I beg your pardon; sir; oh; I beg your pardon humbly!〃

The Count looked at him keenly。

〃He is evidently telling the truth;〃 he thought。

Thereupon he took from his pocket half a sovereign。

〃My good fellow;〃 he began。  〃By the way; what's your name?〃

〃Mackenzie; sir。〃

〃Mackenzie; my honest friend; I clearly perceive that Miss Wallingford; in her very kind efforts to gratify my unconventional tastes; has put herself to quite unnecessary trouble。  She has even succeeded in surprising me; and I should be greatly obliged if you would kindly explain to me the reasons for her conduct; so far as you can。〃

At this point the half…sovereign changed hands。

〃In the first place;〃 resumed the Count; 〃what is the meaning of this remarkably villainous portrait labelled with my name?〃

〃That; sir;〃 stammered Mackenzie; greatly taken aback by the inquiry。  〃Why; sir; that's the famous Count Bunkeryour uncle; sir; is he no'?〃

Bunker began to see a glimmer of light; though the vista it illumined was scarcely a much pleasanter prospect than the previous bank of fog。  He remembered now; for the first time since his journey north; that the Baron; in dubbing him Count Bunker; had encouraged him to take the title on the ground that it was a real dignity once borne by a famous personage; and in a flash he realized the pitfalls that awaited a solitary false step。

〃THAT my uncle!〃 he exclaimed with an air of pleased surprise; examining the portrait more attentively; 〃by Gad; I suppose it is!  But I can't say it is a flattering likeness。  'Philosopher; teacher; and martyr'how apt a description!  I hadn't noticed that before; or I should have known at once who it was。〃

Still Mackenzie was looking at him with a perplexed and uneasy air。

〃Miss Wallingford; sir; seems under the impression that you would be wanting jist the same kind of things as he likit;〃 he remarked diffidently。

The Count laughed。

〃Hence the conde

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