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barlaam and ioasaph-第49节

小说: barlaam and ioasaph 字数: 每页4000字

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 his companion on his last journey; and might remain no longer in this world after Barlaam's decease; saying; 〃Wherefore; father; seekest thou only thine own; and not thy neighbour's welfare?  How fulfillest thou perfect love in this; according to him that said; ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself;' in departing thyself to rest and life; and leaving me to tribulation and distress?  And; before I have been well exercised in the conflicts of the religious life; before I have learned the wily attacks of the enemy; why expose me to fight singlehanded against their marshalled host?  And for what purpose but to see me overthrown by their mischievous machinations; and to see me die; alas! the true spiritual and eternal death?  That is the fate which must befall inexperienced and cowardly monks。  But; I beseech thee; pray the Lord to take me also together with thee from life。  Yea; by the very hope that thou hast of receiving the reward of thy labour; pray that; after thy departure; I may not live one day more in the world; nor wander into the ocean depths of this desert。〃

While Ioasaph spake thus in tears; the old man cheeked him gently and calmly; saying; 〃Son; we ought not to resist the judgements of God; which are beyond our reach。  For though I have oftentimes prayed concerning this matter; and constrained the Master; that cannot be constrained; not to part us one from the other; yet have I been taught by his goodness that it is not expedient for thee now to lay aside the burden of the flesh: but thou must remain behind in the practice of virtue; until the crown; which thou art weaving; be more glorious。  As yet; thou hast not striven enough after the recompense in store for thee; but must toil yet a little longer; that thou mayest joyfully enter into the joy of thy Lord。  For myself; I am; as I reckon; well…nigh an hundred winters old; and have now spent seventy and five years in this desert place。  But for thee; even if thy days be not so far lengthened as mine; yet must thou approach thereto; as the Lord ordereth; that thou mayest prove no unworthy match for them that have borne the burden and heat of the day。  Therefore; beloved; gladly accept the decrees of God。  What God hath ordered; who; of men; can scatter?  Endure; then; under the protection of his grace。

〃But be thou ever sober against thoughts other than these; and; like a right precious treasure; keep safely from robbers thy purity of heart; stepping up day by day to higher work and contemplation; that that may be fulfilled in thee; which the Saviour promised to his friends; when he said; ‘If any man love me; he will keep my word: and my father will love him; and we will come unto him; and make our abode with him。'〃

With these words; and many others; full worthy of that sanctified soul and inspired tongue; did the old man comfort Ioasaph's anguished soul。  Then he sent him unto certain brethren; which abode a long way off; for to fetch the things fitting for the Holy Sacrifice。  And Ioasaph girded up his loins; and with all speed fulfilled his errand: for he dreaded lest peradventure; in his absence; Barlaam might pay the debt of nature; and; yielding up the ghost to God; might inflict on him the loss of missing his departing words and utterances; his last orisons and blessings。

So when Ioasaph had manfully finished his long journey; and had brought the things required for the Holy Sacrifice; saintly Barlaam offered up to God the unbloody Sacrifice。  When he had communicated himself; and also given to Ioasaph of the undefiled Mysteries of Christ; he rejoiced in the Spirit。  And when they had taken together of their ordinary food; Barlaam again fed Ioasaph's soul with edifying words; saying; 〃Well…beloved son; no longer in this world shall we share one common hearth and board; for now I go my last journey; even the way of my fathers。  Needs must thou; therefore; prove thy loving affection for me by thy keeping of God's commandments; and by thy continuance in this place even to the end; living as thou hast learned and been instructed; and alway remembering my poor and slothful soul。 Rejoice; therefore; with great joy; and make merry with the gladness that is in Christ; because thou hast exchanged the earthly and corruptible for the eternal and incorruptible; and because there draweth nigh the reward of thy works; and thy rewarder is already at hand; who shall come to see the vineyard which thou hast dressed; and shall richly pay thee the wages of thine husbandry。  ‘Faithful is the saying; and worthy of all acceptation;' as proclaimed by Paul the divine; ‘For if we be dead with him; we shall also live with him; if we endure; we shall also reign with him in his eternal and everlasting kingdom; being illuminated with the light unapproachable; and guerdoned with the effulgence of the blessed and life…giving Trinity。'〃

Thus until even…tide and all night long did Barlaam converse with Ioasaph; who wept tears that could not be stayed; and could not bear the parting。  But just as day began to dawn; Barlaam ended his discourse; lifted up his hands and eyes to heaven; and offered his thanks to God; thus saying; 〃O Lord; my God; who art everywhere present; and fillest all things; I thank thee; for that thou hast looked upon my lowliness; and hast granted me to fulfil the course of this mine earthly pilgrimage in thy true Faith; and in the way of thy commandments。  And now; thou lover of good; all…merciful Master; receive me into thine everlasting habitations; and remember not all the sins that I have committed against thee; in knowledge or in ignorance。  Defend also this thy faithful servant; before whom thou hast granted to me; thine unprofitable servant; to stand。  Deliver him from all vanity; and all despiteful treatment of the adversary; and set him clear of the many…meshed nets which the wicked one spreadeth abroad for to trip all them that would full fain be saved。  Destroy; Almighty Lord; all the might of the deceiver from before the face of thy servant; and grant him authority to trample on the baneful head of the enemy of our souls。  Send down from on high the grace of thy Holy Spirit; and strengthen him against the invisible hosts; that he may receive at thy hands the crown of victory; and that in him thy name may be glorified; the Father; the Son; and the Holy Ghost; for to thee belongeth glory and praise for ever and ever。  Amen。〃

Thus prayed he; and in fatherly wise embraced Ioasaph; and saluted him with an holy kiss。  Then he sealed himself with the sign of the Cross; and gathered up his feet; and; with exceeding great joy; as at the home…coming of friends; departed on that blessed journey; to receive his reward yonder; an old man and full of days in the Spirit。


Then did Ioasaph embrace the good father; with all the devotion and sorrow that can be told; and washed his corpse with his tears。  Then he wrapped it in the hair…shirt; which Barlaam had given him in his palace; and over him he recited the proper psalms; chanting all the day long; and throughout the night; and watering the venerable body of the Saint with his tears。  On the morrow; he made a grave hard by the cave; and thither reverently bore the sacred body; and there; like a good and honourable son; laid his spiritual father in his sepulchre。  And then; the fire of grief kindling all the hotter within his soul; he set himself to pray the more earnestly; saying:

〃O Lord my God; hearken unto my voice; when I cry unto thee。  Have mercy upon me; and hear me; for I seek thee with all my heart。  My soul hath sought for thee: O hide not thy face from me; and turn not away in anger from thy servant。  Be thou my helper; cast me not utterly away; and forsake me not; O God my Saviour; because my father and mother forsake me; but do thou; O Lord; take me up。  Teach me thy way; O Lord; and lead me in the right way because of mine enemies。  Deliver me not over unto the souls of them that afflict me; for I have been cast upon thee ever since I was born; thou art my God even from my mother's womb。  O go not from me; because; except thee; there is none to help me。  For lo; I set the hope of my soul upon the ocean of thy mercies。  Be thou the pilot of my soul; thou that steerest all creation with the unspeakable forethought of thy wisdom; and shew thou me the way that I should walk in; and; as thou art a good God and a lover of men; save me by the prayers and intercessions of Barlaam thy servant; for thou art my God; and thee I glorify; the Father; the Son; and the Holy Ghost; world without end。  Amen。〃

Thus prayed he; and sat him down nigh the sepulchre; a…weeping。 And as he sat; he fell asleep; and saw those dread men; whom he had seen before; coming to him; and carrying him away to the great and marvellous plain; and bringing him to that glorious and exceeding bright city。  When he had passed within the gate; there met him others; gloriously apparelled with much light; having in their hands crowns radiant with unspeakable beauty; such as mortal eye hath never seen。  And; when Ioasaph enquired; 〃Whose are these exceeding bright crowns of glory; which I see?〃 〃Thine;〃 said they; 〃is the one; prepared for thee; because of the many souls which thou hast saved; and now made still more beautiful 

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