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barlaam and ioasaph-第47节

小说: barlaam and ioasaph 字数: 每页4000字

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 temporal life; and the rather to choose ten thousand forms of death and torture; being enamoured of his heavenly beauty; and bearing in mind the charm that the divine Word used for to win our love。  Such was the fire that was kindled in the soul of this fair youth also; noble in body; but most noble and kingly in soul; that led him to despise all earthly things alike; to trample on all bodily pleasures; and to contemn riches and glory and the praise of men; to lay aside diadem and purple; as of less worth than cobwebs; and to surrender himself to all the hard and irksome toils of the ascetic life; crying; 〃O my Christ; my soul is fixed upon thee; and thy right hand hath upholden me。〃

Thus; without looking back; he passed into the depth of the desert; and; laying aside; like a heavy burden and clog; the stress of transitory things; he rejoiced in the Spirit; and looked steadfastly on Christ; whom he longed for; and cried aloud to him; as though he were there present to hear his voice; saying; 〃Lord; let mine eyes never again see the good things of this present world。  Never; from this moment; let my soul be excited by these present vanities; but fill mine eyes with spiritual tears; direct my goings in thy way; and show me thy servant Barlaam。  Show me him that was the means of my salvation; that I may learn of him the exact rule of this lonely and austere life; and may not be tripped up through ignorance of the wiles of the enemy。  Grant me; O Lord; to discover the way whereby to attain unto thee; for my soul is sick of love for thee; and I am athirst for thee; the well of salvation。〃

These were the thoughts of his heart continually; and he communed with God; being made one with him by prayer and sublime meditation。  And thus eagerly he pursued the road; hoping to arrive at the place where Barlaam dwelt。  His meat was the herbs that grow in the desert; for he carried nothing with him; as I have already said; save his own bones; and the ragged garment that was around him。

But whilst he found some food; though scanty and insufficient; from the herbs; of water he was quite destitute in that waterless and dry desert。  And so at noon…tide; as he held on his way under the fierce blaze of the sun; he was parched with thirst in the hot drought of that desert place; and he suffered the extreme of anguish。  But desire of Christ conquered nature; and the thirst wherewith he thirsted for God bedewed the heat of thirst for water。

Now the devil; being envious and full of hate for that which is beautiful; unable to endure the sight of such steadfastness of purpose; and glowing love towards God; raised up against Ioasaph many temptations in the wilderness。  He called to his remembrance his kingly glory; and his magnificent body…guard; his friends; kinsfolk and companions; and how the lives of all had depended on his life; and he minded him of the other solaces of life。  Then he would confront him with the hardness of virtue; and the many sweats that she requireth; with the weakness of his flesh; with his lack of practice in such rigours; the long years to come; this present distress from thirst; his want of any comfort; and the unendingness of his toils。  In a word; he raised a great dust…cloud of reasonings in his mind; exactly; I ween; as it hath been recorded of the mighty Antony。

But; when the enemy saw himself too weak to shake that purpose (for Ioasaph set Christ before his mind; and glowed with love of him; and was well strengthened by hope; and steadfast in faith; and recked nothing of the devil and his suggestions); then was the adversary ashamed of having fallen in the first assault。  So he came by another road (for many are his paths of wickedness); and endeavoured to overthrow and terrify Ioasaph by means of divers apparitions。  Sometimes he appeared to him in black; and such indeed he is: sometimes with a drawn sword he leapt upon him; and threatened to strike; unless he speedily turned back。  At other times he assumed the shapes of all manner of beasts; roaring and making a terrible din and bellowing; or again he became a dragon; adder; or basilisk。  But that fair and right noble athlete kept his soul in quietness; for he had made the Most High his refuge: and; being sober in mind; he laughed the evil one to scorn; and said; 〃I know thee; deceiver; who thou art; which stiffest up this trouble for me; which from the beginning didst devise mischief against mankind; and art ever wicked; and never stintest to do hurt。  How becoming and right proper is thy habit; that thou shouldest take the shape of beasts and of creeping things; and thus display thy bestial and crooked nature; and thy venomous and hurtful purpose!  Wherefore; wretch; attempt the impossible?  For ever since I discovered that these be the contrivances and bug…bears of thy malice; I have now no more anxiety concerning thee。  The Lord is on my side; and I shall see my desire upon mine enemies。  I shall go upon the adder and basilisk; the which thou dost resemble; thee; the lion and dragon I shall tread under my feet; for I am strengthened with the might of Christ。  Let mine enemies be ashamed and turned backward: let them be driven and put to shame suddenly。〃

Thus speaking; and girding on that invincible weapon; the sign of the Cross; he made vain the devil's shows。  For straightway all the beasts and creeping things disappeared; like as the smoke vanisheth; and like as wax melteth at the fire。  And he; strong in the might of Christ; went on his way rejoicing and giving thanks unto the Lord。  But there dwelt in that desert many divers beasts; and all kinds of serpents; and dragon…shaped monsters; and these met him; not now as apparitions but in sober sooth; so that his path was beset by fear and toil。  But he overcame both; for love; as saith the scripture; cast out fear; and longing made toil light。  Thus he wrestled with many sundry misfortunes and hardships until; after many days; he arrived at that desert of the land of Senaar; wherein Barlaam dwelt。  There also he found water and quenched the burning of his thirst。


Now two full years spent Ioasaph wandering about the ocean of that desert; without finding Barlaam; for here also God was proving the steadfastness of his purpose; and the nobility of his soul。  He lived thus in the open air; scorched with heat or frozen with cold; and; as one in search of precious treasure; continually looking everywhere for his treasured friend; the aged Barlaam。  Frequent were the temptations and assaults of the evil spirits that he encountered; and many the hardships that he endured through the lack of herbs that he needed for meat; because the desert; being dry; yielded even these in but scant supply。  But; being kindled by love of her Master; this adamantine and indomitable soul bore these annoyances more easily than other men bear their pleasures。  Wherefore he failed not of the succour that is from above; but; many as were the sorrows and toils Chat he endured; comfort came to him from Christ; and; asleep or awake; refreshed his soul。  By the space of those two years Ioasaph went about continually; seeking him for whom he yearned; and rivers of waters ran from his eyes; as he implored God; crying aloud and saying; 〃Show me; O Lord; show me the man that was the means of my knowledge of thee; and the cause of my many blessings。  Because of the multitude of mine offences; deprive me not of this good thing; but grant me to see him; and fight with him the ascetic fight。〃

By the grace of God; he found a cave; by following footsteps that led thither。  There he met a monk pursuing a hermit life。  Him he embraced and saluted tenderly。  He asked where to find Barlaam's dwelling; and told him his own tale; laying all bare。  Of him then he learned the abode of the man whom he sought; and thither went foot…hot; as when a cunning hunter happeneth on the tracks of his game。  And when he had met with certain signs; pointed out to him by this other old hermit; he went on rejoicing; strong in hope; like a child hoping after long absence to see his father。 For when divine love hath broken into a soul; it proveth hotter and stronger than the natural。

So he stood before the door of the cave; and knocked; saying 〃Benedic; father; benedic!〃  When Barlaam heard his voice; he came forth from the cave; and by the spirit knew him; who by outward appearance could not easily be known; because of the marvellous change and alteration that had changed and altered his face from its former bloom of youth; for Ioasaph was black with the sun's heat; and overgrown with hair; and his cheeks were fallen in; and his eyes deep sunken; and his eyelids seared with floods of tears; and much distress of hunger。  And Ioasaph recognised his spiritual father; for his features were; for the more part; the same。  So the old man stood; and; facing the East; offered up to God a prayer of thanksgiving; and; after the prayer; when they had said the Amen; they embraced and kissed each other affectionately; taking their full fill of long deferred desire。

But; when they had done with embracing and greeting; they sat them down and conversed。  Barlaam began; saying; 〃Welcome art thou; son well beloved son of God; and inheritor of the heavenly kingdom thro

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