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the alkahest-第6节

小说: the alkahest 字数: 每页4000字

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accused of never following the beaten track。

One day; at the house of a relation in Ghent; he heard a young lady;

then living in Brussels; spoken of in a manner which gave rise to a

long discussion。 Some said that the beauty of Mademoiselle de Temninck

was destroyed by the imperfections of her figure; others declared that

she was perfect in spite of her defects。 Balthazar's old cousin; at

whose house the discussion took place; assured his guests that;

handsome or not; she had a soul that would make him marry her were he

a marrying man; and he told how she had lately renounced her share of

her parents' property to enable her brother to make a marriage worthy

of his name; thus preferring his happiness to her own; and sacrificing

her future to his interests;for it was not to be supposed that

Mademoiselle de Temninck would marry late in life and without property

when; young and wealthy; she had met with no aspirant。

A few days later; Balthazar Claes made the acquaintance of

Mademoiselle de Temninck; with whom he fell deeply in love。 At first;

Josephine de Temninck thought herself the object of a mere caprice;

and refused to listen to Monsieur Claes; but passion is contagious;

and to a poor girl who was lame and ill…made; the sense of inspiring

love in a young and handsome man carries with it such strong seduction

that she finally consented to allow him to woo her。

It would need a volume to paint the love of a young girl humbly

submissive to the verdict of a world that calls her plain; while she

feels within herself the irresistible charm which comes of sensibility

and true feeling。 It involves fierce jealousy of happiness; freaks of

cruel vengeance against some fancied rival who wins a glance;

emotions; terrors; unknown to the majority of women; and which ought;

therefore; to be more than indicated。 The doubt; the dramatic doubt of

love; is the keynote of this analysis; where certain souls will find

once more the lost; but unforgotten; poetry of their early struggles;

the passionate exaltations of the heart which the face must not

betray; the fear that we may not be understood; and the boundless joy

of being so; the hesitations of the soul which recoils upon itself;

and the magnetic propulsions which give to the eyes an infinitude of

shades; the promptings to suicide caused by a word; dispelled by an

intonation; trembling glances which veil an inward daring; sudden

desires to speak and act that are paralyzed by their own violence; the

secret eloquence of common phrases spoken in a quivering voice; the

mysterious workings of that pristine modesty of soul and that divine

discernment which lead to hidden generosities; and give so exquisite a

flavor to silent devotion; in short; all the loveliness of young love;

and the weaknesses of its power。

Mademoiselle Josephine de Temninck was coquettish from nobility of

soul。 The sense of her obvious imperfections made her as difficult to

win as the handsomest of women。 The fear of some day displeasing the

eye roused her pride; destroyed her trustfulness; and gave her the

courage to hide in the depths of her heart that dawning happiness

which other women delight in making known by their manners;wearing

it proudly; like a coronet。 The more love urged her towards Balthazar;

the less she dared to express her feelings。 The glance; the gesture;

the question and answer as it were of a pretty woman; so flattering to

the man she loves; would they not be in her case mere humiliating

speculation? A beautiful woman can be her natural self;the world

overlooks her little follies or her clumsiness; whereas a single

criticising glance checks the noblest expression on the lips of an

ugly woman; adds to the ill…grace of her gesture; gives timidity to

her eyes and awkwardness to her whole bearing。 She knows too well that

to her alone the world condones no faults; she is denied the right to

repair them; indeed; the chance to do so is never given。 This

necessity of being perfect and on her guard at every moment; must

surely chill her faculties and numb their exercise? Such a woman can

exist only in an atmosphere of angelic forbearance。 Where are the

hearts from which forbearance comes with no alloy of bitter and

stinging pity。

These thoughts; to which the codes of social life had accustomed her;

and the sort of consideration more wounding than insult shown to her

by the world;a consideration which increases a misfortune by making

it apparent;oppressed Mademoiselle de Temninck with a constant sense

of embarrassment; which drove back into her soul its happiest

expression; and chilled and stiffened her attitudes; her speech; her

looks。 Loving and beloved; she dared to be eloquent or beautiful only

when alone。 Unhappy and oppressed in the broad daylight of life; she

might have been enchanting could she have expanded in the shadow。

Often; to test the love thus offered to her; and at the risk of losing

it; she refused to wear the draperies that concealed some portion of

her defects; and her Spanish eyes grew entrancing when they saw that

Balthazar thought her beautiful as before。

Nevertheless; even so; distrust soiled the rare moments when she

yielded herself to happiness。 She asked herself if Claes were not

seeking a domestic slave;one who would necessarily keep the house?

whether he had himself no secret imperfection which obliged him to be

satisfied with a poor; deformed girl? Such perpetual misgivings gave a

priceless value to the few short hours during which she trusted the

sincerity and the permanence of a love which was to avenge her on the

world。 Sometimes she provoked hazardous discussions; and probed the

inner consciousness of her lover by exaggerating her defects。 At such

times she often wrung from Balthazar truths that were far from

flattering; but she loved the embarrassment into which he fell when

she had led him to say that what he loved in a woman was a noble soul

and the devotion which made each day of life a constant happiness; and

that after a few years of married life the handsomest of women was no

more to a husband than the ugliest。 After gathering up what there was

of truth in all such paradoxes tending to reduce the value of beauty;

Balthazar would suddenly perceive the ungraciousness of his remarks;

and show the goodness of his heart by the delicate transitions of

thought with which he proved to Mademoiselle de Temninck that she was

perfect in his eyes。

The spirit of devotion which; it may be; is the crown of love in a

woman; was not lacking in this young girl; who had always despaired of

being loved; at first; the prospect of a struggle in which feeling and

sentiment would triumph over actual beauty tempted her; then; she

fancied a grandeur in giving herself to a man in whose love she did

not believe; finally; she was forced to admit that happiness; however

short its duration might be; was too precious to resign。

Such hesitations; such struggles; giving the charm and the

unexpectedness of passion to this noble creature; inspired Balthazar

with a love that was well…nigh chivalric。


The marriage took place at the beginning of the year 1795。 Husband and

wife came to Douai that the first days of their union might be spent

in the patriarchal house of the Claes;the treasures of which were

increased by those of Mademoiselle de Temninck; who brought with her

several fine pictures of Murillo and Velasquez; the diamonds of her

mother; and the magnificent wedding…gifts; made to her by her brother;

the Duke of Casa…Real。

Few women were ever happier than Madame Claes。 Her happiness lasted

for fifteen years without a cloud; diffusing itself like a vivid light

into every nook and detail of her life。 Most men have inequalities of

character which produce discord; and deprive their households of the

harmony which is the ideal of a home; the majority are blemished with

some littleness or meanness; and meanness of any kind begets

bickering。 One man is honorable and diligent; but hard and crabbed;

another kindly; but obstinate; this one loves his wife; yet his will

is arbitrary and uncertain; that other; preoccupied by ambition; pays

off his affections as he would a debt; bestows the luxuries of wealth

but deprives the daily life of happiness;in short; the average man

of social life is essentially incomplete; without being signally to

blame。 Men of talent are as variable as barometers; genius alone is

intrinsically good。

For this reason unalloyed happiness is found at the two extremes of

the moral scale。 The good…natured fool and the man of genius alone are

capablethe one through weakness; the other by strengthof that

equanimity of temper; that unvarying gentleness; which soften the

asperities of daily life。 In the one; it is indifference or stolidity;

in the other; indulgence and a portion of the divine thought of which

he is the interpreter; and which needs to 

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