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the alkahest-第46节

小说: the alkahest 字数: 每页4000字

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common consent 〃the House of Claes;〃 was now called in the suburbs and

the country districts 〃the Devil's House。〃 Every outward sign; even

the face of Lemulquinier; confirmed the ridiculous beliefs that were

current about Balthazar。 When the old servant went to market to

purchase the few provisions necessary for their subsistence; picking

out the cheapest he could find; insults were flung in as make…weights;

just as butchers slip bones into their customers' meat;and he was

fortunate; poor creature; if some superstitious market…woman did not

refuse to sell him his meagre pittance lest she be damned by contact

with an imp of hell。

Thus the feelings of the whole town of Douai were hostile to the grand

old man and to his attendant。 The neglected state of their clothes

added to this repulsion; they went about clothed like paupers who have

seen better days; and who strive to keep a decent appearance and are

ashamed to beg。 It was probable that sooner or later Balthazar would

be insulted in the streets。 Pierquin; feeling how degrading to the

family any public insult would be; had for some time past sent two or

three of his own servants to follow the old man whenever he went out;

and keep him in sight at a little distance; for the purpose of

protecting him if necessary;the revolution of July not having

contributed to make the citizens respectful。

By one of those fatalities which can never be explained; Claes and

Lemulquinier had gone out early in the morning; thus evading the

secret guardianship of Monsieur and Madame Pierquin。 On their way back

from the ramparts they sat down to sun themselves on a bench in the

place Saint…Jacques; an open space crossed by children on their way to

school。 Catching sight from a distance of the defenceless old men;

whose faces brightened as they sat basking in the sun; a crowd of boys

began to talk of them。 Generally; children's chatter ends in laughter;

on this occasion the laughter led to jokes of which they did not know

the cruelty。 Seven or eight of the first…comers stood at a little

distance; and examined the strange old faces with smothered laughter

and remarks which attracted Lemulquinier's attention。

〃Hi! do you see that one with a head as smooth as my knee?〃


〃Well; he was born a Wise Man。〃

〃My papa says he makes gold;〃 said another。

The youngest of the troop; who had his basket full of provisions and

was devouring a slice of bread and butter; advanced to the bench and

said boldly to Lemulquinier;

〃Monsieur; is it true you make pearls and diamonds?〃

〃Yes; my little man;〃 replied the valet; smiling and tapping him on

the cheek; 〃we will give you some of you study well。〃

〃Ah! monsieur; give me some; too;〃 was the general exclamation。

The boys all rushed together like a flock of birds; and surrounded the

old men。 Balthazar; absorbed in meditation from which he was drawn by

these sudden cries; made a gesture of amazement which caused a general

shout of laughter。

〃Come; come; boys; be respectful to a great man;〃 said Lemulquinier。

〃Hi; the old harlequin!〃 cried the lads; 〃the old sorcerer! you are

sorcerers! sorcerers! sorcerers!〃

Lemulquinier sprang to his feet and threatened the crowd with his

cane; they all ran to a little distance; picking up stones and mud。 A

workman who was eating his breakfast near by; seeing Lemulquinier

brandish his cane to drive the boys away; thought he had struck them;

and took their part; crying out;

〃Down with the sorcerers!〃

The boys; feeling themselves encouraged; flung their missiles at the

old men; just as the Comte de Solis; accompanied by Pierquin's

servants; appeared at the farther end of the square。 The latter were

too late; however; to save the old man and his valet from being pelted

with mud。 The shock was given。 Balthazar; whose faculties had been

preserved by a chastity of spirit natural to students absorbed in a

quest of discovery that annihilates all passions; now suddenly

divined; by the phenomenon of introsusception; the true meaning of the

scene: his decrepit body could not sustain the frightful reaction he

underwent in his feelings; and he fell; struck with paralysis; into

the arms of Lemulquinier; who brought him to his home on a shutter;

attended by his sons…in…law and their servants。 No power could prevent

the population of Douai from following the body of the old man to the

door of his house; where Felicie and her children; Jean; Marguerite;

and Gabriel; whom his sister had sent for; were waiting to receive


The arrival of the old man gave rise to a frightful scene; he

struggled less against the assaults of death than against the horror

of seeing that his children had entered the house and penetrated the

secret of his impoverished life。 A bed was at once made up in the

parlor and every care bestowed upon the stricken man; whose condition;

towards evening; allowed hopes that his life might be preserved。 The

paralysis; though skilfully treated; kept him for some time in a state

of semi…childhood; and when by degrees it relaxed; the tongue was

found to be especially affected; perhaps because the old man's anger

had concentrated all his forces upon it at the moment when he was

about to apostrophize the children。

This incident roused a general indignation throughout the town。 By a

law; up to that time unknown; which guides the affects of the masses;

this event brought back all hearts to Monsieur Claes。 He became once

more a great man; he excited the admiration and received the good…will

that a few hours earlier were denied to him。 Men praised his patience;

his strength of will; his courage; his genius。 The authorities wished

to arrest all those who had a share in dealing him this blow。 Too

late;the evil was done! The Claes family were the first to beg that

the matter might be allowed to drop。

Marguerite ordered furniture to be brought into the parlor; and the

denuded walls to be hung with silk; and when; a few days after his

seizure; the old father recovered his faculties and found himself once

more in a luxurious room surrounded by all that makes life easy; he

tried to express his belief that his daughter Marguerite had returned。

At that moment she entered the room。 When Balthazar caught sight of

her he colored; and his eyes grew moist; though the tears did not

fall。 He was able to press his daughter's hand with his cold fingers;

putting into that pressure all the thoughts; all the feelings he no

longer had the power to utter。 There was something holy and solemn in

that farewell of the brain which still lived; of the heart which

gratitude revived。 Worn out by fruitless efforts; exhausted in the

long struggle with the gigantic problem; desperate perhaps at the

oblivion which awaited his memory; this giant among men was about to

die。 His children surrounded him with respectful affection; his dying

eyes were cheered with images of plenty and the touching picture of

his prosperous and noble family。 His every lookby which alone he

could manifest his feelingswas unchangeably affectionate; his eyes

acquired such variety of expression that they had; as it were; a

language of light; easy to comprehend。

Marguerite paid her father's debts; and restored a modern splendor to

the House of Claes which removed all outward signs of decay。 She never

left the old man's bedside; endeavoring to divine his every thought

and accomplish his slightest wish。

Some months went by with those alternations of better and worse which

attend the struggle of life and death in old people; every morning his

children came to him and spent the day in the parlor; dining by his

bedside and only leaving him when he went to sleep for the night。 The

occupation which gave him most pleasure; among the many with which his

family sought to enliven him; was the reading of newspapers; to which

the political events then occurring gave great interest。 Monsieur

Claes listened attentively as Monsieur de Solis read them aloud beside

his bed。

Towards the close of the year 1832; Balthazar passed an extremely

critical night; during which Monsieur Pierquin; the doctor; was

summoned by the nurse; who was greatly alarmed at the sudden change

which took place in the patient。 For the rest of the night the doctor

remained to watch him; fearing he might at any moment expire in the

throes of inward convulsion; whose effects were like those of a last


The old man made incredible efforts to shake off the bonds of his

paralysis; he tried to speak and moved his tongue; unable to make a

sound; his flaming eyes emitted thoughts; his drawn features expressed

an untold agony; his fingers writhed in desperation; the sweat stood

out in drops upon his brow。 In the morning when his children came to

his bedside and kissed him with an affection which the sense of coming

death made day by day more ardent and more eager; he s

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