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the alkahest-第45节

小说: the alkahest 字数: 每页4000字

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long enough to settle his affairs; and she was; moreover; curious to

see the castle of Casa…Real where her mother had passed her childhood;

and the city of Granada; the cradle of the de Solis family。 She left

Douai; consigning the care of the house to Martha; Josette; and

Lemulquinier。 Balthazar; to whom Marguerite had proposed a journey

into Spain; declined to accompany her on the ground of his advanced

age; but certain experiments which he had long meditated; and to which

he now trusted for the realization of his hopes were the real reason

of his refusal。

The Comte and Comtesse de Solis y Nourho were detained in Spain longer

than they intended。 Marguerite gave birth to a son。 It was not until

the middle of 1830 that they reached Cadiz; intending to embark for

Italy on their way back to France。 There; however; they received a

letter from Felicie conveying disastrous news。 Within a few months;

their father had completely ruined himself。 Gabriel and Pierquin were

obliged to pay Lemulquinier a monthly stipend for the bare necessaries

of the household。 The old valet had again sacrificed his little

property to his master。 Balthazar was no longer willing to see any

one; and would not even admit his children to the house。 Martha and

Josette were dead。 The coachman; the cook; and the other servants had

long been dismissed; the horses and carriages were sold。 Though

Lemulquinier maintained the utmost secrecy as to his master's

proceedings; it was believed that the thousand francs supplied by

Gabriel and Pierquin were spent chiefly on experiments。 The small

amount of provisions which the old valet purchased in the town seemed

to show that the two old men contented themselves with the barest

necessaries。 To prevent the sale of the House of Claes; Gabriel and

Pierquin were paying the interest of the sums which their father had

again borrowed on it。 None of his children had the slightest influence

upon the old man; who at seventy years of age displayed extraordinary

energy in bending everything to his will; even in matters that were

trivial。 Gabriel; Conyncks; and Pierquin had decided not to pay off

his debts。

This letter changed all Marguerite's travelling plans; and she

immediately took the shortest road to Douai。 Her new fortune and her

past savings enabled her to pay off Balthazar's debts; but she wished

to do more; she wished to obey her mother's last injunction and save

him from sinking dishonored to the grave。 She alone could exercise

enough ascendancy over the old man to keep him from completing the

work of ruin; at an age when no fruitful toil could be expected from

his enfeebled faculties。 But she was also anxious to control him

without wounding his susceptibilities;not wishing to imitate the

children of Sophocles; in case her father neared the scientific result

for which he had sacrificed so much。

Monsieur and Madame de Solis reached Flanders in the last days of

September; 1831; and arrived at Douai during the morning。 Marguerite

ordered the coachman to drive to the house in the rue de Paris; which

they found closed。 The bell was loudly rung; but no one answered。 A

shopkeeper left his door…step; to which he had been attracted by the

noise of the carriages; others were at their windows to enjoy a sight

of the return of the de Solis family to whom all were attached;

enticed also by a vague curiosity as to what would happen in that

house on Marguerite's return to it。 The shopkeeper told Monsieur de

Solis's valet that old Claes had gone out an hour before; and that

Monsieur Lemulquinier was no doubt taking him to walk on the ramparts。

Marguerite sent for a locksmith to force the door;glad to escape a

scene in case her father; as Felicie had written; should refuse to

admit her into the house。 Meantime Emmanuel went to meet the old man

and prepare him for the arrival of his daughter; despatching a servant

to notify Monsieur and Madame Pierquin。

When the door was opened; Marguerite went directly to the parlor。

Horror overcame her and she trembled when she saw the walls as bare as

if a fire had swept over them。 The glorious carved panellings of Van

Huysum and the portrait of the great Claes had been sold。 The dining…

room was empty: there was nothing in it but two straw chairs and a

common deal table; on which Marguerite; terrified; saw two plates; two

bowls; two forks and spoons; and the remains of a salt herring which

Claes and his servant had evidently just eaten。 In a moment she had

flown through her father's portion of the house; every room of which

exhibited the same desolation as the parlor and dining…room。 The idea

of the Alkahest had swept like a conflagration through the building。

Her father's bedroom had a bed; one chair; and one table; on which

stood a miserable pewter candlestick with a tallow candle burned

almost to the socket。 The house was so completely stripped that not so

much as a curtain remained at the windows。 Every object of the

smallest value;everything; even the kitchen utensils; had been sold。

Moved by that feeling of curiosity which never entirely leaves us even

in moments of misfortune; Marguerite entered Lemulquinier's chamber

and found it as bare as that of his master。 In a half…opened table…

drawer she found a pawnbroker's ticket for the old servant's watch

which he had pledged some days before。 She ran to the laboratory and

found it filled with scientific instruments; the same as ever。 Then

she returned to her own appartement and ordered the door to be broken

openher father had respected it!

Marguerite burst into tears and forgave her father all。 In the midst

of his devastating fury he had stopped short; restrained by paternal

feeling and the gratitude he owed to his daughter! This proof of

tenderness; coming to her at a moment when despair had reached its

climax; brought about in Marguerite's soul one of those moral

reactions against which the coldest hearts are powerless。 She returned

to the parlor to wait her father's arrival; in a state of anxiety that

was cruelly aggravated by doubt and uncertainty。 In what condition was

she about to see him? Ruined; decrepit; suffering; enfeebled by the

fasts his pride compelled him to undergo? Would he have his reason?

Tears flowed unconsciously from her eyes as she looked about the

desecrated sanctuary。 The images of her whole life; her past efforts;

her useless precautions; her childhood; her mother happy and unhappy;

all; even her little Joseph smiling on that scene of desolation; all

were parts of a poem of unutterable melancholy。

Marguerite foresaw an approaching misfortune; yet she little expected

the catastrophe that was to close her father's life;that life at

once so grand and yet so miserable。

The condition of Monsieur Claes was no secret in the community。 To the

lasting shame of men; there were not in all Douai two hearts generous

enough to do honor to the perseverance of this man of genius。 In the

eyes of the world Balthazar was a man to be condemned; a bad father

who had squandered six fortunes; millions; who was actually seeking

the philosopher's stone in the nineteenth century; this enlightened

century; this sceptical century; this century!etc。 They calumniated

his purposes and branded him with the name of 〃alchemist;〃 casting up

to him in mockery that he was trying to make gold。 Ah! what eulogies

are uttered on this great century of ours; in which; as in all others;

genius is smothered under an indifference as brutal a that of the gate

in which Dante died; and Tasso and Cervantes and 〃tutti quanti。〃 The

people are as backward as kings in understanding the creations of


These opinions on the subject of Balthazar Claes filtered; little by

little; from the upper society of Douai to the bourgeoisie; and from

the bourgeoisie to the lower classes。 The old chemist excited pity

among persons of his own rank; satirical curiosity among the others;

two sentiments big with contempt and with the 〃vae victis〃 with which

the masses assail a man of genius when they see him in misfortune。

Persons often stopped before the House of Claes to show each other the

rose window of the garret where so much gold and so much coal had been

consumed in smoke。 When Balthazar passed along the streets they

pointed to him with their fingers; often; on catching sight of him; a

mocking jest or a word of pity would escape the lips of a working…man

or some mere child。 But Lemulquinier was careful to tell his master it

was homage; he could deceive him with impunity; for though the old

man's eyes retained the sublime clearness which results from the habit

of living among great thoughts; his sense of hearing was enfeebled。

To most of the peasantry; and to all vulgar and superstitious minds;

Balthazar Claes was a sorcerer。 The noble old mansion; once named by

common consent 〃the House of Claes;〃 was now called in the suburbs and

the country districts 〃the 

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