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the alkahest-第43节

小说: the alkahest 字数: 每页4000字

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spectators of the scene were moved to tears。

When at last he saw the House of Claes he turned pale; and sprang from

the carriage with the agility of a young man; he breathed the air of

the court…yard with delight; and looked about him at the smallest

details with a pleasure that could express itself only in gestures: he

drew himself erect; and his whole countenance renewed its youth。 The

tears came into his eyes when he entered the parlor and noticed the

care with which his daughter had replaced the old silver candelabra

that he formerly had sold;a visible sign that all the other

disasters had been repaired。 Breakfast was served in the dining…room;

whose sideboards and shelves were covered with curios and silver…ware

not less valuable than the treasures that formerly stood there。 Though

the family meal lasted a long time; it was still too short for the

narratives which Balthazar exacted from each of his children。 The

reaction of his moral being caused by this return to his home wedded

him once more to family happiness; and he was again a father。 His

manners recovered their former dignity。 At first the delight of

recovering possession kept him from dwelling on the means by which the

recovery had been brought about。 His joy therefore was full and


Breakfast over; the four children; the father and Pierquin went into

the parlor; where Balthazar saw with some uneasiness a number of legal

papers which the notary's clerk had laid upon a table; by which he was

standing as if to assist his chief。 The children all sat down; and

Balthazar; astonished; remained standing before the fireplace。

〃This;〃 said Pierquin; 〃is the guardianship account which Monsieur

Claes renders to his children。 It is not very amusing;〃 he added;

laughing after the manner of notaries who generally assume a lively

tone in speaking of serious matters; 〃but I must really oblige you to

listen to it。〃

Though the phrase was natural enough under the circumstances; Monsieur

Claes; whose conscience recalled his past life; felt it to be a

reproach; and his brow clouded。

The clerk began the reading。 Balthazar's amazement increased as little

by little the statement unfolded the facts。 In the first place; the

fortune of his wife at the time of her decease was declared to have

been sixteen hundred thousand francs or thereabouts; and the summing

up of the account showed clearly that the portion of each child was

intact and as well…invested as if the best and wisest father had

controlled it。 In consequence of this the House of Claes was free from

all lien; Balthazar was master of it; moreover; his rural property was

likewise released from encumbrance。 When all the papers connected with

these matters were signed; Pierquin presented the receipts for the

repayment of the moneys formerly borrowed; and releases of the various

liens on the estates。

Balthazar; conscious that he had recovered the honor of his manhood;

the life of a father; the dignity of a citizen; fell into a chair; and

looked about for Marguerite; but she; with the distinctive delicacy of

her sex; had left the room during the reading of the papers; as if to

see that all the arrangements for the fete were properly prepared。

Each member of the family understood the old man's wish when the

failing humid eyes sought for the daughter;who was seen by all

present; with the eyes of the soul; as an angel of strength and light

within the house。 Gabriel went to find her。 Hearing her step;

Balthazar ran to clasp her in his arms。

〃Father;〃 she said; at the foot of the stairs; where the old man

caught her and strained her to his breast; 〃I implore you not to

lessen your sacred authority。 Thank me before the family for carrying

out your wishes; and be the sole author of the good that has been done


Balthazar lifted his eyes to heaven; then looked at his daughter;

folded his arms; and said; after a pause; during which his face

recovered an expression his children had not seen upon it for ten long


〃Pepita; why are you not here to praise our child!〃

He strained Marguerite to him; unable to utter another word; and went

back to the parlor。

〃My children;〃 he said; with the nobility of demeanor that in former

days had made him so imposing; 〃we all owe gratitude and thanks to my

daughter Marguerite for the wisdom and courage with which she has

fulfilled my intentions and carried out my plans; when I; too absorbed

by my labors; gave the reins of our domestic government into her


〃Ah; now!〃 cried Pierquin; looking at the clock; 〃we must read the

marriage contracts。 But they are not my affair; for the law forbids me

to draw up such deeds between my relations and myself。 Monsieur

Raparlier is coming。〃

The friends of the family; invited to the dinner given to celebrate

Claes's return and the signing of the marriage contracts; now began to

arrive; and their servants brought in the wedding…presents。 The

company quickly assembled; and the scene was imposing as much from the

quality of the persons present as from the elegance of the toilettes。

The three families; thus united through the happiness of their

children; seemed to vie with each other in contributing to the

splendor of the occasion。 The parlor was soon filled with the charming

gifts that are made to bridal couples。 Gold shimmered and glistened;

silks and satins; cashmere shawls; necklaces; jewels; afforded as much

delight to those who gave as to those who received; enjoyment that was

almost childlike shone on every face; and the mere value of the

magnificent presents was lost sight of by the spectators;who often

busy themselves in estimating it out of curiosity。

The ceremonial forms used for generations in the Claes family for

solemnities of this nature now began。 The parents alone were seated;

all present stood before them at a little distance。 To the left of the

parlor on the garden side were Gabriel and Mademoiselle Conyncks; next

to them stood Monsieur de Solis and Marguerite; and farther on;

Felicie and Pierquin。 Balthazar and Monsieur Conyncks; the only

persons who were seated; occupied two armchairs beside the notary who;

for this occasion; had taken Pierquin's duty。 Jean stood behind his

father。 A score of ladies elegantly dressed; and a few men chosen from

among the nearest relatives of the Pierquins; the Conyncks; and the

Claes; the mayor of Douai; who was to marry the couples; the twelve

witnesses chosen from among the nearest friends of the three families;

all; even the curate of Saint…Pierre; remained standing and formed an

imposing circle at the end of the parlor next the court…yard。 This

homage paid by the whole assembly to Paternity; which at such a moment

shines with almost regal majesty; gave to the scene a certain antique

character。 It was the only moment for sixteen long years when

Balthazar forgot the Alkahest。

Monsieur Raparlier went up to Marguerite and her sister and asked if

all the persons invited to the ceremony and to the dinner had arrived;

on receiving an affirmative reply; he returned to his station and took

up the marriage contract between Marguerite and Monsieur de Solis;

which was the first to be read; when suddenly the door of the parlor

opened and Lemulquinier entered; his face flaming。

〃Monsieur! monsieur!〃 he cried。

Balthazar flung a look of despair at Marguerite; then; making her a

sign; he drew her into the garden。 The whole assembly were conscious

of a shock。

〃I dared not tell you; my child;〃 said the father; 〃but since you have

done so much; you will save me; I know; from this last trouble。

Lemulquinier lent me all his savingsthe fruit of twenty years'

economyfor my last experiment; which failed。 He has come no doubt;

finding that I am once more rich; to insist on having them back。 Ah!

my angel; give them to him; you owe him your father; he alone consoled

me in my troubles; he alone has had faith in me;without him I should

have died。〃

〃Monsieur! monsieur!〃 cried Lemulquinier。

〃What is it?〃 said Balthazar; turning round。

〃A diamond!〃

Claes sprang into the parlor and saw the stone in the hands of the old

valet; who whispered in his ear;

〃I have been to the laboratory。〃

The chemist; forgetting everything about him; cast a terrible look on

the old Fleming which meant; 〃You went before me to the laboratory!〃

〃Yes;〃 continued Lemulquinier; 〃I found the diamond in the china

capsule which communicated with the battery which we left to work;

monsieurand see!〃 he added; showing a white diamond of octahedral

form; whose brilliancy drew the astonished gaze of all present。

〃My children; my friends;〃 said Balthazar; 〃forgive my old servant;

forgive me! This event will drive me mad。 The chance work of seven

years has producedwithout mea discovery I have sought for sixteen

years。 How? My God; I know notyes; I left sulphide o

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