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the alkahest-第37节

小说: the alkahest 字数: 每页4000字

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good people of Douai believed that Mademoiselle Claes would marry her

great…uncle。 The rumor of this marriage reached Pierquin; and brought

him back in hot haste to the House of Claes。

Great changes had taken place in the ideas of that clever speculator。

For the last two years society in Douai had been divided into hostile

camps。 The nobility formed one circle; the bourgeoisie another; the

latter naturally inimical to the former。 This sudden separation took

place; as a matter of fact; all over France; and divided the country

into two warring nations; whose jealous squabbles; always augmenting;

were among the chief reasons why the revolution of July; 1830; was

accepted in the provinces。 Between these social camps; the one ultra…

monarchical; the other ultra…liberal; were a number of functionaries

of various kinds; admitted; according to their importance; to one or

the other of these circles; and who; at the moment of the fall of the

legitimate power; were neutral。 At the beginning of the struggle

between the nobility and the bourgeoisie; the royalist 〃cafes〃

displayed an unheard…of splendor; and eclipsed the liberal 〃cafes〃 so

brilliantly that these gastronomic fetes were said to have cost the

lives of some of their frequenters who; like ill…cast cannon; were

unable to withstand such practice。 The two societies naturally became


Pierquin; though rich for a provincial lawyer; was excluded from

aristocratic circles and driven back upon the bourgeoisie。 His self…

love must have suffered from the successive rebuffs which he received

when he felt himself insensibly set aside by people with whom he had

rubbed shoulders up to the time of this social change。 He had now

reached his fortieth year; the last epoch at which a man who intends

to marry can think of a young wife。 The matches to which he was able

to aspire were all among the bourgeoisie; but ambition prompted him to

enter the upper circle by means of some creditable alliance。

The isolation in which the Claes family were now living had hitherto

kept them aloof from these social changes。 Though Claes belonged to

the old aristocracy of the province; his preoccupation of mind

prevented him from sharing the class antipathies thus created。 However

poor a daughter of the Claes might be; she would bring to a husband

the dower of social vanity so eagerly desired by all parvenus。

Pierquin therefore returned to his allegiance; with the secret

intention of making the necessary sacrifices to conclude a marriage

which should realize all his ambitions。 He kept company with Balthazar

and Felicie during Marguerite's absence; but in so doing he

discovered; rather late in the day; a formidable competitor in

Emmanuel de Solis。 The property of the deceased abbe was thought to be

considerable; and to the eyes of a man who calculated all the affairs

of life in figures; the young heir seemed more powerful through his

money than through the seductions of the heartas to which Pierquin

never made himself uneasy。 In his mind the abbe's fortune restored the

de Solis name to all its pristine value。 Gold and nobility of birth

were two orbs which reflected lustre on one another and doubled the


The sincere affection which the young professor testified for Felicie;

whom he treated as a sister; excited Pierquin's spirit of emulation。

He tried to eclipse Emmanuel by mingling a fashionable jargon and

sundry expressions of superficial gallantry with anxious elegies and

business airs which sat more naturally on his countenance。 When he

declared himself disenchanted with the world he looked at Felicie; as

if to let her know that she alone could reconcile him with life。

Felicie; who received for the first time in her life the compliments

of a man; listened to this language; always sweet however deceptive;

she took emptiness for depth; and needing an object on which to fix

the vague emotions of her heart; she allowed the lawyer to occupy her

mind。 Envious perhaps; though quite unconsciously; of the loving

attentions with which Emmanuel surrounded her sister; she doubtless

wished to be; like Marguerite; the object of the thoughts and cares of

a man。

Pierquin readily perceived the preference which Felicie accorded him

over Emmanuel; and to him it was a reason why he should persist in his

attentions; so that in the end he went further than he at first

intended。 Emmanuel watched the beginning of this passion; false

perhaps in the lawyer; artless in Felicie; whose future was at stake。

Soon; little colloquies followed; a few words said in a low voice

behind Emmanuel's back; trifling deceptions which give to a look or a

word a meaning whose insidious sweetness may be the cause of innocent

mistakes。 Relying on his intimacy with Felicie; Pierquin tried to

discover the secret of Marguerite's journey; and to know if it were

really a question of her marriage; and whether he must renounce all

hope; but; notwithstanding his clumsy cleverness in questioning them;

neither Balthazar nor Felicie could give him any light; for the good

reason that they were in the dark themselves: Marguerite in taking the

reins of power seemed to have followed its maxims and kept silence as

to her projects。

The gloomy sadness of Balthazar and his great depression made it

difficult to get through the evenings。 Though Emmanuel succeeded in

making him play backgammon; the chemist's mind was never present;

during most of the time this man; so great in intellect; seemed simply

stupid。 Shorn of his expectations; ashamed of having squandered three

fortunes; a gambler without money; he bent beneath the weight of ruin;

beneath the burden of hopes that were betrayed rather than

annihilated。 This man of genius; gagged by dire necessity and

upbraiding himself; was a tragic spectacle; fit to touch the hearts of

the most unfeeling of men。 Even Pierquin could not enter without

respect the presence of that caged lion; whose eyes; full of baffled

power; now calmed by sadness and faded from excess of light; seemed to

proffer a prayer for charity which the mouth dared not utter。

Sometimes a lightning flash crossed that withered face; whose fires

revived at the conception of a new experiment; then; as he looked

about the parlor; Balthazar's eyes would fasten on the spot where his

wife had died; a film of tears rolled like hot grains of sand across

the arid pupils of his eyes; which thought had made immense; and his

head fell forward on his breast。 Like a Titan he had lifted the world;

and the world fell on his breast and crushed him。

This gigantic grief; so manfully controlled; affected Pierquin and

Emmanuel powerfully; and each felt moved at times to offer this man

the necessary money to renew his search;so contagious are the

convictions of genius! Both understood how it was that Madame Claes

and Marguerite had flung their all into this gulf; but reason promptly

checked the impulse of their hearts; and their emotion was spent in

efforts at consolation which still further embittered the anguish of

the doomed Titan。

Claes never spoke of his eldest daughter; and showed no interest in

her departure nor any anxiety as to her silence in not writing either

to him or to Felicie。 When de Solis or Pierquin asked for news of her

he seemed annoyed。 Did he suspect that Marguerite was working against

him? Was he humiliated at having resigned the majestic rights of

paternity to his own child? Had he come to love her less because she

was now the father; he the child? Perhaps there were many of these

reasons; many of these inexpressible feelings which float like vapors

through the soul; in the mute disgrace which he laid upon Marguerite。

However great may be the great men of earth; be they known or unknown;

fortunate or unfortunate in their endeavors; all have likenesses which

belong to human nature。 By a double misfortune they suffer through

their greatness not less than through their defects; and perhaps

Balthazar needed to grow accustomed to the pangs of wounded vanity。

The life he was leading; the evenings when these four persons met

together in Marguerite's absence; were full of sadness and vague;

uneasy apprehensions。 The days were barren like a parched…up soil;

where; nevertheless; a few flowers grew; a few rare consolations;

though without Marguerite; the soul; the hope; the strength of the

family; the atmosphere seemed misty。

Two months went by in this way; during which Balthazar awaited the

return of his daughter。 Marguerite was brought back to Douai by her

uncle who remained at the house instead of returning to Cambrai; no

doubt to lend the weight of his authority to some coup d'etat planned

by his niece。 Marguerite's return was made a family fete。 Pierquin and

Monsieur de Solis were invited to dinner by Felicie and Balthazar。

When the travelling…carriage stopped before the house; the four went

to meet it with demonstrations of joy。 

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