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the alkahest-第33节

小说: the alkahest 字数: 每页4000字

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strangeness of the objects that surrounded him; the obscurity of parts

of the vast garret from which fantastic engines seemed about to

spring; all contributed to startle Marguerite; who said to herself; in


〃He is mad!〃

Then she went up to him and whispered in his ear; 〃Send away


〃No; no; my child; I want him: I am in the midst of an experiment no

one has yet thought of。 For the last three days we have been watching

for every ray of sun。 I now have the means of submitting metals; in a

complete vacuum; to concentrated solar fires and to electric currents。

At this very moment the most powerful action a chemist can employ is

about to show results which I alone〃

〃My father; instead of vaporizing metals you should employ them in

paying your notes of hand〃

〃Wait; wait!〃

〃Monsieur Merkstus has been here; father; and he must have ten

thousand francs by four o'clock。〃

〃Yes; yes; presently。 True; I did sign a little note which is payable

this month。 I felt sure I should have found the Absolute。 Good God! If

I could only have a July sun the experiment would be successful。〃

He grasped his head and sat down on an old cane chair; a few tears

rolled from his eyes。

〃Monsieur is quite right;〃 said Lemulquinier; 〃it is all the fault of

that rascally sun which is too feeble;the coward; the lazy thing!〃

Master and valet paid no further attention to Marguerite。

〃Leave us; Mulquinier;〃 she said。

〃Ah! I see a new experiment!〃 cried Claes。

〃Father; lay aside your experiments;〃 said his daughter; when they

were alone。 〃You have one hundred thousand francs to pay; and we have

not a penny。 Leave your laboratory; your honor is in question。 What

will become of you if you are put in prison? Will you soil your white

hairs and the name of Claes with the disgrace of bankruptcy? I will

not allow it。 I shall have strength to oppose your madness; it would

be dreadful to see you without bread in your old age。 Open your eyes

to our position; see reason at last!〃

〃Madness!〃 cried Balthazar; struggling to his feet。 He fixed his

luminous eyes upon his daughter; crossed his arms on his breast; and

repeated the word 〃Madness!〃 so majestically that Marguerite trembled。

〃Ah!〃 he cried; 〃your mother would never have uttered that word to me。

She was not ignorant of the importance of my researches; she learned a

science to understand me; she recognized that I toiled for the human

race; she knew there was nothing sordid or selfish in my aims。 The

feelings of a loving wife are higher; I see it now; than filial

affection。 Yes; Love is above all other feelings。 See reason!〃 he went

on; striking his breast。 〃Do I lack reason? Am I not myself? You say

we are poor; well; my daughter; I choose it to be so。 I am your

father; obey me。 I will make you rich when I please。 Your fortune? it

is a pittance! When I find the solvent of carbon I will fill your

parlor with diamonds; and they are but a scintilla of what I seek。 You

can well afford to wait while I consume my life in superhuman


〃Father; I have no right to ask an account of the four millions you

have already engulfed in this fatal garret。 I will not speak to you of

my mother whom you killed。 If I had a husband; I should love him;

doubtless; as she loved you; I should be ready to sacrifice all to

him; as she sacrificed all for you。 I have obeyed her orders in giving

myself wholly to you; I have proved it in not marrying and compelling

you to render an account of your guardianship。 Let us dismiss the past

and think of the present。 I am here now to represent the necessity

which you have created for yourself。 You must have money to meet your

notesdo you understand me? There is nothing left to seize here but

the portrait of your ancestor; the Claes martyr。 I come in the name of

my mother; who felt herself too feeble to defend her children against

their father; she ordered me to resist you。 I come in the name of my

brothers and my sister; I come; father; in the name of all the Claes;

and I command you to give up your experiments; or earn the means of

pursuing them hereafter; if pursue them you must。 If you arm yourself

with the power of your paternity; which you employ only for our

destruction; I have on my side your ancestors and your honor; whose

voice is louder than that of chemistry。 The Family is greater than

Science。 I have been too long your daughter。〃

〃And you choose to be my executioner;〃 he said; in a feeble voice。

Marguerite turned and fled away; that she might not abdicate the part

she had just assumed: she fancied she heard again her mother's voice

saying to her; 〃Do not oppose your father too much; love him well。〃


〃Mademoiselle has made a pretty piece of work up yonder;〃 said

Lemulquinier; coming down to the kitchen for his breakfast。 〃We were

just going to put our hands on the great secret; we only wanted a

scrap of July sun; for monsieur;ah; what a man! he's almost in the

shoes of the good God himself!was almost within THAT;〃 he said to

Josette; clicking his thumbnail against a front tooth; 〃of getting

hold of the Absolute; when up she came; slam bang; screaming some

nonsense about notes of hand。〃

〃Well; pay them yourself;〃 said Martha; 〃out of your wages。〃

〃Where's the butter for my bread?〃 said Lemulquinier to the cook。

〃Where's the money to buy it?〃 she answered; sharply。 〃Come; old

villain; if you make gold in that devil's kitchen of yours; why don't

you make butter? 'Twouldn't be half so difficult; and you could sell

it in the market for enough to make the pot boil。 We all eat dry

bread。 The young ladies are satisfied with dry bread and nuts; and do

you expect to be better fed than your masters? Mademoiselle won't

spend more than one hundred francs a month for the whole household。

There's only one dinner for all。 If you want dainties you've got your

furnaces upstairs where you fricassee pearls till there's nothing else

talked of in town。 Get your roast chickens up there。〃

Lemulquinier took his dry bread and went out。

〃He will go and buy something to eat with his own money;〃 said Martha;

〃all the better;it is just so much saved。 Isn't he stingy; the old


〃Starve him! that's the only way to manage him;〃 said Josette。 〃For a

week past he hasn't rubbed a single floor; I have to do his work; for

he is always upstairs。 He can very well afford to pay me for it with

the present of a few herrings; if he brings any home; I shall lay

hands on them; I can tell him that。〃

〃Ah!〃 exclaimed Martha; 〃I hear Mademoiselle Marguerite crying。 Her

wizard of a father would swallow the house at a gulp without asking a

Christian blessing; the old sorcerer! In my country he'd be burned

alive; but people here have no more religion than the Moors in


Marguerite could scarcely stifle her sobs as she came through the

gallery。 She reached her room; took out her mother's letter; and read

as follows:

  My Child;If God so wills; my spirit will be within your heart

  when you read these words; the last I shall ever write; they are

  full of love for my dear ones; left at the mercy of a demon whom I

  have not been able to resist。 When you read these words he will

  have taken your last crust; just as he took my life and squandered

  my love。 You know; my darling; if I loved your father: I die

  loving him less; for I take precautions against him which I never

  could have practised while living。 Yes; in the depths of my coffin

  I shall have kept a resource for the day when some terrible

  misfortune overtakes you。 If when that day comes you are reduced

  to poverty; or if your honor is in question; my child; send for

  Monsieur de Solis; should he be living;if not; for his nephew;

  our good Emmanuel; they hold one hundred and seventy thousand

  francs which are yours and will enable you to live。

  If nothing shall have subdued his passion; if his children prove

  no stronger barrier than my happiness has been; and cannot stop

  his criminal career;leave him; leave your father; that you may

  live。 I could not forsake him; I was bound to him。 You;

  Marguerite; you must save the family。 I absolve you for all you

  may do to defend Gabriel and Jean and Felicie。 Take courage; be

  the guardian angel of the Claes。 Be firm;I dare not say be

  pitiless; but to repair the evil already done you must keep some

  means at hand。 On the day when you read this letter; regard

  yourself as ruined already; for nothing will stay the fury of that

  passion which has torn all things from me。

  My child; remember this: the truest love is to forget your heart。

  Even though you be forced to deceive your father; your

  dissimulation will be blessed; your actions; however blamable they

  may seem; will be heroic if taken to protect the family。 The

  virtuous Monsieur 

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