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the alkahest-第23节

小说: the alkahest 字数: 每页4000字

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confusion and find shelter under the maternal wing; turning her neck

with a swan…like motion to keep sight of Emmanuel; who still supported

his uncle on his arm。 The light was cleverly arranged to give due

value to the pictures; and the half…obscurity of the gallery

encouraged those furtive glances which are the joy of timid natures。

Neither went so far; even in thought; as the first note of love; yet

both felt the mysterious trouble which stirs the heart; and is

jealously kept secret in our youth from fastidiousness or modesty。

The first impression which forces a sensibility hitherto suppressed to

overflow its borders; is followed in all young people by the same

half…stupefied amazement which the first sounds of music produce upon

a child。 Some children laugh and think; others do not laugh till they

have thought; but those whose hearts are called to live by poetry or

love; listen stilly and hear the melody with a look where pleasure

flames already; and the search for the infinite begins。 If; from an

irresistible feeling; we love the places where our childhood first

perceived the beauties of harmony; if we remember with delight the

musician; and even the instrument; that taught them to us; how much

more shall we love the being who reveals to us the music of life? The

first heart in which we draw the breath of love;is it not our home;

our native land? Marguerite and Emmanuel were; each to each; that

Voice of music which wakes a sense; that hand which lifts the misty

veil; and reveals the distant shores bathed in the fires of noonday。

When Madame Claes paused before a picture by Guido representing an

angel; Marguerite bent forward to see the impression it made upon

Emmanuel; and Emmanuel looked at Marguerite to compare the mute

thought on the canvas with the living thought beside him。 This

involuntary and delightful homage was understood and treasured。 The

old abbe gravely praised the picture; and Madame Claes answered him;

but the youth and the maiden were silent。

Such was their first meeting: the mysterious light of the picture

gallery; the stillness of the old house; the presence of their elders;

all contributed to trace upon their hearts the delicate lines of this

vaporous mirage。 The many confused thoughts that surged in

Marguerite's mind grew calm and lay like a limpid ocean traversed by a

luminous ray when Emmanuel murmured a few farewell words to Madame

Claes。 That voice; whose fresh and mellow tone sent nameless delights

into her heart; completed the revelation that had come to her;a

revelation which Emmanuel; were he able; should cherish to his own

profit; for it often happens that the man whom destiny employs to

waken love in the heart of a young girl is ignorant of his work and

leaves it unfinished。 Marguerite bowed confusedly; her true farewell

was in the glance which seemed unwilling to lose so pure and lovely a

vision。 Like a child she wanted her melody。 Their parting took place

at the foot of the old staircase near the parlor; and when Marguerite

re…entered the room she watched the uncle and the nephew till the

street…door closed upon them。

Madame Claes had been so occupied with the serious matters which

caused her conference with the abbe that she did not on this occasion

observe her daughter's manner。 When Monsieur de Solis came again to

the house on the occasion of her illness; she was too violently

agitated to notice the color that rushed into Marguerite's face and

betrayed the tumult of a virgin heart conscious of its first joy。 By

the time the old abbe was announced; Marguerite had taken up her

sewing and appeared to give it such attention that she bowed to the

uncle and nephew without looking at them。 Monsieur Claes mechanically

returned their salutation and left the room with the air of a man

called away by his occupations。 The good Dominican sat down beside

Madame Claes and looked at her with one of those searching glances by

which he penetrated the minds of others; the sight of Monsieur Claes

and his wife was enough to make him aware of a catastrophe。

〃My children;〃 said the mother; 〃go into the garden; Marguerite; show

Emmanuel your father's tulips。〃

Marguerite; half abashed; took Felicie's arm and looked at the young

man; who blushed and caught up little Jean to cover his confusion。

When all four were in the garden; Felicie and Jean ran to the other

side; leaving Marguerite; who; conscious that she was alone with young

de Solis; led him to the pyramid of tulips; arranged precisely in the

same manner year after year by Lemulquinier。

〃Do you love tulips?〃 asked Marguerite; after standing for a moment in

deep silence;a silence Emmanuel seemed little disposed to break。

〃Mademoiselle; these flowers are beautiful; but to love them we must

perhaps have a taste of them; and know how to understand their

beauties。 They dazzle me。 Constant study in the gloomy little chamber

in which I live; close to my uncle; makes me prefer those flowers that

are softer to the eye。〃

Saying these words he glanced at Marguerite; but the look; full as it

was of confused desires; contained no allusion to the lily whiteness;

the sweet serenity; the tender coloring which made her face a flower。

〃Do you work very hard?〃 she asked; leading him to a wooden seat with

a back; painted green。 〃Here;〃 she continued; 〃the tulips are not so

close; they will not tire your eyes。 Yes; you are right; those colors

are dazzling; they give pain。〃

〃Do I work hard?〃 replied the young man after a short silence; as he

smoothed the gravel with his foot。 〃Yes; I work at many things。 My

uncle wished to make me a priest。〃

〃Oh!〃 exclaimed Marguerite; naively。

〃I resisted; I felt no vocation for it。 But it required great courage

to oppose my uncle's wishes。 He is so good; he loves me so much! Quite

recently he bought a substitute to save me from the conscriptionme;

a poor orphan!〃

〃What do you mean to be?〃 asked Marguerite; then; immediately checking

herself as though she would unsay the words; she added with a pretty

gesture; 〃I beg your pardon; you must think me very inquisitive。〃

〃Oh; mademoiselle;〃 said Emmanuel; looking at her with tender

admiration; 〃except my uncle; no one ever asked me that question。 I am

studying to be a teacher。 I cannot do otherwise; I am not rich。 If I

were principal of a college…school in Flanders I should earn enough to

live moderately; and I might marry some single woman whom I could

love。 That is the life I look forward to。 Perhaps that is why I prefer

a daisy in the meadows to these splendid tulips; whose purple and gold

and rubies and amethysts betoken a life of luxury; just as the daisy

is emblematic of a sweet and patriarchal life;the life of a poor

teacher like me。〃

〃I have always called the daisies marguerites;〃 she said。

Emmanuel colored deeply and sought an answer from the sand at his

feet。 Embarrassed to choose among the thoughts that came to him; which

he feared were silly; and disconcerted by his delay in answering; he

said at last; 〃I dared not pronounce your name〃then he paused。

〃A teacher?〃 she said。

〃Mademoiselle; I shall be a teacher only as a means of living: I shall

undertake great works which will make me nobly useful。 I have a strong

taste for historical researches。〃


That 〃ah!〃 so full of secret thoughts added to his confusion; he gave

a foolish laugh and said:

〃You make me talk of myself when I ought only to speak of you。〃

〃My mother and your uncle must have finished their conversation; I

think;〃 said Marguerite; looking into the parlor through the windows。

〃Your mother seems to me greatly changed;〃 said Emmanuel。

〃She suffers; but she will not tell us the cause of her sufferings;

and we can only try to share them with her。〃

Madame Claes had; in fact; just ended a delicate consultation which

involved a case of conscience the Abbe de Solis alone could decide。

Foreseeing the utter ruin of the family; she wished to retain; unknown

to Balthazar who paid no attention to his business affairs; part of

the price of the pictures which Monsieur de Solis had undertaken to

sell in Holland; intending to hold it secretly in reserve against the

day when poverty should overtake her children。 With much deliberation;

and after weighing every circumstance; the old Dominican approved the

act as one of prudence。 He took his leave to prepare at once for the

sale; which he engaged to make secretly; so as not to injure Monsieur

Claes in the estimation of others。

The next day Monsieur de Solis despatched his nephew; armed with

letters of introduction; to Amsterdam; where Emmanuel; delighted to do

a service to the Claes family; succeeded in selling all the pictures

in the gallery to the noted bankers Happe and Duncker for the

ostensible sum of eighty…five thousand Dutch ducats and fifteen

thousand more which were paid over s

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