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the alkahest-第16节

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stripped of hair; the upturned moustache; the angular; worn face!

What awful impassiveness in his bearing! Ah! surely if there had been

a room in any inn I would never have allowed him to sleep here。〃

〃That Polish gentleman;〃 resumed Balthazar; 〃was named Adam de

Wierzchownia。 When you left us alone that evening in the parlor; we

happened by chance to speak of chemistry。 Compelled by poverty to give

up the study of that science; he had become a soldier。 It was; I

think; by means of a glass of sugared water that we recognized each

other as adepts。 When I ordered Mulquinier to bring the sugar in

pieces; the captain gave a start of surprise。 'Have you studied

chemistry?' he asked。 'With Lavoisier;' I answered。 'You are happy in

being rich and free;' he cried; then from the depths of his bosom came

the sigh of a man;one of those sighs which reveal a hell of anguish

hidden in the brain or in the heart; a something ardent; concentrated;

not to be expressed in words。 He ended his sentence with a look that

startled me。 After a pause; he told me that Poland being at her last

gasp he had taken refuge in Sweden。 There he had sought consolation

for his country's fate in the study of chemistry; for which he had

always felt an irresistible vocation。 'And I see you recognize as I

do;' he added; 'that gum arabic; sugar; and starch; reduced to powder;

each yield a substance absolutely similar; with; when analyzed; the

same qualitative result。'

〃He paused again; and then; after examining me with a searching eye;

he said confidentially; in a low voice; certain grave words whose

general meaning alone remains fixed on my memory; but he spoke with a

force of tone; with fervid inflections; with an energy of gesture;

which stirred my very vitals; and struck my imagination as the hammer

strikes the anvil。 I will tell you briefly the arguments he used;

which were to me like the live coal laid by the Almighty upon Isaiah's

tongue; for my studies with Lavoisier enabled me to understand their

full bearing。

〃'Monsieur;' he said; 'the parity of these three substances; in

appearance so distinct; led me to think that all the productions of

nature ought to have a single principle。 The researches of modern

chemistry prove the truth of this law in the larger part of natural

effects。 Chemistry divides creation into two distinct parts;organic

nature; and inorganic nature。 Organic nature; comprising as it does

all animal and vegetable creations which show an organization more or

less perfect;or; to be more exact; a greater or lesser motive power;

which gives more or less sensibility;is; undoubtedly; the more

important part of our earth。 Now; analysis has reduced all the

products of this nature to four simple substances; namely: three

gases; nitrogen; hydrogen; and oxygen; and another simple substance;

non…metallic and solid; carbon。 Inorganic nature; on the contrary; so

simple; devoid of movement and sensation; denied the power of growth

(too hastily accorded to it by Linnaeus); possesses fifty…three simple

substances; or elements; whose different combinations make its

products。 Is it probable that means should be more numerous where a

lesser number of results are produced?

〃'My master's opinion was that these fifty…three primary bodies have

one originating principle; acted upon in the past by some force the

knowledge of which has perished to…day; but which human genius ought

to rediscover。 Well; then; suppose that this force does live and act

again; we have chemical unity。 Organic and inorganic nature would

apparently then rest on four essential principles;in fact; if we

could decompose nitrogen which we ought to consider a negation; we

should have but three。 This brings us at once close upon the great

Ternary of the ancients and of the alchemists of the Middle Ages; whom

we do wrong to scorn。 Modern chemistry is nothing more than that。 It

is much; and yet little;much; because the science has never recoiled

before difficulty; little; in comparison with what remains to be done。

Chance has served her well; my noble Science! Is not that tear of

crystallized pure carbon; the diamond; seemingly the last substance

possible to create? The old alchemists; who thought that gold was

decomposable and therefore creatable; shrank from the idea of

producing the diamond。 Yet we have discovered the nature and the law

of its composition。

〃'As for me;' he continued; 'I have gone farther still。 An experiment

proved to me that the mysterious Ternary; which has occupied the human

mind from time immemorial; will not be found by physical analyses;

which lack direction to a fixed point。 I will relate; in the first

place; the experiment itself。

〃'Sow cress…seed (to take one among the many substances of organic

nature) in flour of brimstone (to take another simple substance)。

Sprinkle the seed with distilled water; that no unknown element may

reach the product of the germination。 The seed germinates; and sprouts

from a known environment; and feeds only on elements known by

analysis。 Cut off the stalks from time to time; till you get a

sufficient quantity to produce after burning them enough ashes for the

experiment。 Well; by analyzing those ashes; you will obtain silicic

acid; aluminium; phosphate and carbonate of lime; carbonate of

magnesia; the sulphate and carbonate of potassium; and oxide of iron;

precisely as if the cress had grown in ordinary earth; beside a brook。

Now; those elements did not exist in the brimstone; a simple substance

which served for soil to the cress; nor in the distilled water with

which the plant was nourished; whose composition was known。 But since

they are no more to be found in the seed itself; we can explain their

presence in the plant only by assuming the existence of a primary

element common to all the substances contained in the cress; and also

to all those by which we environed it。 Thus the air; the distilled

water; the brimstone; and the various elements which analysis finds in

the cress; namely; potash; lime; magnesia; aluminium; etc。; should

have one common principle floating in the atmosphere like light of the


〃'From this unimpeachable experiment;' he cried; 'I deduce the

existence of the Alkahest; the Absolute;a substance common to all

created things; differentiated by one primary force。 Such is the net

meaning and position of the problem of the Absolute; which appears to

me to be solvable。 In it we find the mysterious Ternary; before whose

shrine humanity has knelt from the dawn of ages;the primary matter;

the medium; the product。 We find that terrible number THREE in all

things human。 It governs religions; sciences; and laws。

〃'It was at this point;' he went on; 'that poverty put an end to my

researches。 You were the pupil of Lavoisier; you are rich; and master

of your own time; I will therefore tell you my conjectures。 Listen to

the conclusions my personal experiments have led me to foresee。 The

PRIME MATTER must be the common principle in the three gases and in

carbon。 The MEDIUM must be the principle common to negative and

positive electricity。 Proceed to the discovery of the proofs that will

establish those two truths; you will then find the explanation of all

phenomenal existence。

〃'Oh; monsieur!' he cried; striking his brow; 'when I know that I

carry here the last word of Creation; when intuitively I perceive the

Unconditioned; is it LIVING to be dragged hither and thither in the

ruck of men who fly at each other's throats at the word of command

without knowing what they are doing? My actual life is an inverted

dream。 My body comes and goes and acts; it moves amid bullets; and

cannon; and men; it crosses Europe at the will of a power I obey and

yet despise。 My soul has no consciousness of these acts; it is fixed;

immovable; plunged in one idea; rapt in that idea; the Search for the

Alkahest;for that principle by which seeds that are absolutely

alike; growing in the same environments; produce; some a white; others

a yellow flower。 The same phenomenon is seen in silkworms fed from the

same leaves; and apparently constituted exactly alike;one produces

yellow silk; another white; and if we come to man himself; we find

that children often resemble neither father nor mother。 The logical

deduction from this fact surely involves the explanation of all the

phenomena of nature。

〃'Ah; what can be more in harmony with our ideas of God than to

believe that he created all things by the simplest method? The

Pythagorean worship of ONE; from which come all other numbers; and

which represented Primal Matter; that of the number TWO; the first

aggregation and the type of all the rest; that of the number THREE;

which throughout all time has symbolized God;that is to say; Matter;

Force; and Product;are they not an echo; lingering along the ages;

of some confused knowledge of the Absolute? Stahl; Becker; Paracelsus;

Agrippa; all t

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