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eminent victorians-第45节

小说: eminent victorians 字数: 每页4000字

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Arnold had passed from his perplexities forever。

There can be little doubt that what he had achieved justified the

prediction of the Provost of Oriel that he would 'change the face

of education all through the public schools of England'。 It is

true that; so far as the actual machinery of education was

concerned; Dr。 Arnold not only failed to effect a change; but

deliberately adhered to the old system。 The monastic and literary

conceptions of education; which had their roots in the Middle

Ages; and had been accepted and strengthened at the revival of

Learning; he adopted almost without hesitation。 Under him; the

public school remained; in essentials; a conventional

establishment; devoted to the teaching of Greek and Latin

grammar。 Had he set on foot reforms in these directions; it seems

probable that he might have succeeded in carrying the parents of

England with him。 The moment was ripe; there was a general desire

for educational changes; and Dr。 Arnold's great reputation could

hardly have been resisted。 As it was; he threw the whole weight

of his influence into the opposite scale; and the ancient system

became more firmly established than ever。

The changes which he did effect were of a very different nature。

By introducing morals and religion into his scheme of education;

he altered the whole atmosphere of public…school life。

Henceforward the old rough…and…tumble; which was typified by the

regime of Keate at Eton; became impossible。 After Dr。 Arnold; no

public school could venture to ignore the virtues of

respectability。 Again; by his introduction of the prefectorial

system; Dr。 Arnold produced far…reaching effectseffects which

he himself; perhaps; would have found perplexing。 In his day;

when the school hours were over; the boys were free to enjoy

themselves as they liked; to bathe; to fish; to ramble for long

afternoons in the country; collecting eggs or gathering flowers。

'The taste of the boys at this period;' writes an old Rugbaean

who had been under Arnold; 'leaned strongly towards flowers'。 The

words have an odd look today。 'The modern reader of 〃Tom Brown's

Schooldays〃 searches in vain for any reference to compulsory

games; house colours; or cricket averages。 In those days; when

boys played games they played them for pleasure; but in those

days the prefectorial system the system which hands over the

life of a school to an oligarchy of a dozen youths of seventeen

was still in its infancy; and had not yet borne its fruit。

Teachers and prophets have strange after…histories; and that of

Dr。 Arnold has been no exception。 The earnest enthusiast who

strove to make his pupils Christian gentlemen and who governed

his school according to the principles of the Old Testament; has

proved to be the founder of the worship of athletics and the

worship of good form。 Upon those two poles our public schools

have turned for so long that we have almost come to believe that

such is their essential nature; and that an English public

schoolboy who wears the wrong clothes and takes no interest in

football; is a contradiction in terms。 Yet it was not so before

Dr。 Arnold; will it always be so after him? We shall see。


Dean Stanley。 Life and Correspondence of Dr Arnold。 

Thomas Hughes。 Tom Brown's Schooldays。 

Sir H。 Maxwell…Lyte。 History of Eton College。 

Wilfrid Ward。 W。 G。 Ward and the Oxford Movement。

H。 Clough。 Letters。 An Old Rugbaean。 Recollections of Rugby。

Thomas Arnold。 Passages in a Wandering Life。

The End of General Gordon

DURING the year 1883 a solitary English gentleman was to be seen;

wandering; with a thick book under his arm; in the neighbourhood 

of Jerusalem。 His unassuming figure; short and slight; with its 

half…gliding; half…tripping motion; gave him a boyish aspect; 

which contrasted; oddly; but not unpleasantly; with the touch of 

grey on his hair and whiskers。 There was the same contrast

enigmatic and attractivebetween the sunburnt brick…red 

complexionthe hue of the seasoned travellerand the large blue

eyes; with their look of almost childish sincerity。 To the 

friendly inquirer; he would explain; in a row; soft; and very 

distinct voice; that he was engaged in elucidating four 

questionsthe site of the Crucifixion; the line of division 

between the tribes of Benjamin and Judah; the identification of 

Gideon; and the position of the Garden of Eden。 He was also; he 

would add; most anxious to discover the spot where the Ark first 

touched ground; after the subsidence of the Flood: he believed; 

indeed; that he had solved that problem; as a reference to some 

passages in the book which he was carrying would show。

This singular person was General Gordon; and his book was the 

Holy Bible。

In such complete retirement from the world and the ways of men; 

it might have seemed that a life of inordinate activity had found

at last a longed…for; final peacefulness。 For month after 

month; for an entire year; the General lingered by the banks of 

the Jordan。 But then the enchantment was suddenly broken。 Once 

more adventure claimed him; he plunged into the whirl of high 

affairs; his fate was mingled with the frenzies of Empire and the

doom of peoples。 And it was not in peace and rest; but in ruin 

and horror; that he reached his end。

The circumstances of that tragic history; so famous; so bitterly 

debated; so often and so controversially described; remain full 

of suggestion for the curious examiner of the past。 There emerges

from those obscure; unhappy records an interest; not merely 

political and historical; but human and dramatic。 One catches a 

vision of strange characters; moved by mysterious impulses; 

interacting in queer complication; and hurrying at lastso it 

almost seemslike creatures in a puppet show to a predestined 

catastrophe。 The characters; too; have a charm of their own: they

are curiously English。 What other nation on the face of the earth

could have produced Mr。 Gladstone and Sir Evelyn Baring and Lord 

Hartington and General Gordon? Alike in their emphasis and their 

lack of emphasis; in their eccentricity and their


in their matter…of…factness and their romance; these four figures

seem to embody the mingling contradictions of the English spirit。

As for the mise…en…scene; it is perfectly appropriate。 But first;

let us glance at the earlier adventures of the hero of the piece。

Charles George Gordon was born in 1833。 His father; of Highland 

and military descent; was himself a Lieutenant…General; his 

mother came of a family of merchants; distinguished for their sea

voyages into remote regions of the Globe。 As a boy; Charlie was 

remarkable for his high spirits; pluck; and love of mischief。 

Destined for the Artillery; he was sent to the Academy at 

Woolwich; where some other characteristics made their appearance。

On one occasion; when the cadets had been forbidden to leave the 

dining…room and the senior corporal stood with outstretched arms 

in the doorway to prevent their exit; Charlie Gordon put his head

down; and; butting the officer in the pit of the stomach; 

projected him down a flight of stairs and through a glass door at

the bottom。 For this act of insubordination he was nearly 

dismissed while the captain of his company predicted that he 

would never make an officer。 A little later; when he was 

eighteen; it came to the knowledge of the authorities that 

bullying was rife at the Academy。 The new…comers were questioned;

and one of them said that Charlie Gordon had hit him over the 

head with a clothes…brush。 He had worked well; and his record was

on the whole a good one; but the authorities took a serious view 

of the case; and held back his commission for six months。 It was 

owing to this delay that he went into the Royal Engineers; 

instead of the Royal Artillery。

He was sent to Pembroke; to work at the erection of 

fortifications; and at Pembroke those religious convictions; 

which never afterwards left him; first gained a hold upon his 

mind。 Under the influence of his sister Augusta and of a 'very 

religious captain of the name of Drew'; he began to reflect upon 

his sins; look up texts; and hope for salvation。 Though he had 

never been confirmed he never was confirmed he took the 

sacrament every Sunday; and he eagerly perused the Priceless 

Diamond; Scott's Commentaries; and The Remains of the Rev。 R。 

McCheyne。 'No novels or worldly books;' he wrote to his sister; 

'come up to the Commentaries of Scott。。。。 I; remember well when 

you used to get them in numbers; and I used to laugh at them; 

but; thank God; it is different with me now。 I feel much happier 

and more contented than I used to do。 I did not like Pembroke; 

but now I would not wish for any prettier place。 I have got a 

horse and gig; and Drew and myself drive all about 

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