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eminent victorians-第24节

小说: eminent victorians 字数: 每页4000字

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on its way and published in the English papers。 How is it

possible that anyone can have done this?'

The crushing indictment pointed straight at Manning。 And it was

true。 Manning had done the impossible deed。 Knowing what he did;

with the Bishop of Birmingham's two letters in his pocket; he had

put it about that Newman had refused the Hat。 But a change had

come over the spirit of the Holy See。 Things were not as they had

once been: Monsignor Talbot was at Passy; and Pio Nono was

where? The Duke of Norfolk intervened once again; Manning was

profuse in his apologies for having misunderstood Newman's

intentions; and hurried to the Pope to rectify the error。 Without

hesitation; the Sovereign Pontiff relaxed the rule of Roman

residence; and Newman became a Cardinal。

He lived to enjoy his glory for more than ten years。 Since he

rarely left the Oratory; and since Manning never visited

Birmingham; the two Cardinals met only once or twice。 After one

of these occasions; on returning to the Oratory; Cardinal Newman

said; 'What do you think Cardinal Manning did to me? He kissed


On Newman's death; Manning delivered a funeral oration; which

opened thus:

'We have lost our greatest witness for the Faith; and we are all

poorer and lower by the loss。

'When these tidings came to me; my first thought was this; in

what way can I; once more; show my love and veneration for my

brother and friend of more than sixty years?'

In private; however; the surviving Cardinal's tone was apt to be

more。。。 direct。 'Poor Newman!' he once exclaimed in a moment of

genial expansion。 'Poor Newman! He was a great hater!'


IN that gaunt and gloomy building more like a barracks than an

Episcopal palace Archbishop's House; Westminster; Manning's

existence stretched itself out into an extreme old age。 As his

years increased; his activities; if that were possible; increased

too。 Meetings; missions; lectures; sermons; articles; interviews;

letters such things came upon him in redoubled multitudes; and

were dispatched with an unrelenting zeal。 But this was not all;

with age; he seemed to acquire what was almost a new fervour; an

unaccustomed; unexpected; freeing of the spirit; filling him with

preoccupations which he had hardly felt before。 'They say I am

ambitious;' he noted in his Diary; 'but do I rest in my


No; assuredly he did not rest; but he worked now with no arriere

pensee for the greater glory of God。 A kind of frenzy fell upon


Poverty; drunkenness; vice; all the horrors and terrors of our


seized upon his mind; and urged him forward to new fields of

action and

new fields of thought。 The temper of his soul assumed almost a


cast。 'I am a Mosaic Radical;' he exclaimed; and; indeed; in the


of his energies; the incoherence of his conceptions; the


urgency of his desires; combined with his awe…inspiring aspect

and his venerable age; it was easy enough to trace the mingled

qualities of the patriarch; the prophet; and the demagogue。 As;

in his soiled and shabby garments; the old man harangued the

crowds of Bermondsey or Peckham upon the virtues of Temperance;

assuring them; with all the passion of conviction; as a final

argument; that the majority of the Apostles were total

abstainers; this Prince of the Church might have passed as a

leader of the Salvation Army。 His popularity was immense;

reaching its height during the great Dock Strikes of 1889; when;

after the victory of the men was assured; Manning was able; by

his persuasive eloquence and the weight of his character; to

prevent its being carried to excess。 After other conciliators

among whom was the Bishop of London had given up the task in

disgust; the octogenarian Cardinal worked on with indefatigable

resolution。 At last; late at night; in the schools in Kirby

Street; Bermondsey; he rose to address the strikers。 An

enthusiastic eye…witness has described the scene: 'Unaccustomed

tears glistened in the eyes of his rough and work…stained hearers

as the Cardinal raised his hand and solemnly urged them not to

prolong one moment more than they could help the perilous

uncertainty and the sufferings of their wives and children。 Just

above his uplifted hand was a figure of the Madonna and Child;

and some among the men tell how a sudden light seemed to swim

around it as the speaker pleaded for the women and children。 When

he sat down all in the room knew that he had won the day; and

that; so far as the Strike Committee was concerned; the matter

was at an end。'

In those days; there were strange visitors at the Archbishop's


Careful priests and conscientious secretaries wondered what the

world was coming to when they saw labour leaders like M。r John

Burns and Mr。 Ben Tillett; and land…reformers like Mr。 Henry

George; being ushered into the presence of his Eminence。 Even the

notorious Mr。 Stead appeared; and his scandalous paper with its

unspeakable revelations lay upon the Cardinal's table。 This

proved too much for one of the faithful tonsured dependents of

the place; and he ventured to expostulate with his master。 But

he never did so again。

When the guests were gone; and the great room was empty; the old

man would draw himself nearer to the enormous fire; and review

once more; for the thousandth time; the long adventure of his

life。 He would bring out his diaries and his memoranda; he would

rearrange his notes; he would turn over again the yellow leaves

of faded correspondences; seizing his pen; he would pour out his

comments and reflections; and fill; with an extraordinary

solicitude; page after page with elucidations; explanations;

justifications; of the vanished incidents of a remote past。 He

would snip with scissors the pages of ancient journals; and with

delicate ecclesiastical fingers; drop unknown mysteries into the


Sometimes he would turn to the four red folio scrapbooks with

their collection of newspaper cuttings; concerning himself; over


period of thirty years。 Then the pale cheeks would flush and the

close…drawn lips would grow even more menacing than before。


mulish malice;' he would note。 'Pure lyingconscious; deliberate

and designed。' 'Suggestive lying。 Personal animosity is at the

bottom of this。'

And then he would suddenly begin to doubt。 After all; where was

he? What had he accomplished? Had any of it been worthwhile? Had

he not been out of the world all his life! Out of the world!

'Croker's 〃Life and Letters〃; and Hayward's 〃Letters〃;' he notes;

'are so full of politics; literature; action; events; collision

of mind with mind; and that with such a multitude of men in every

state of life; that when I look back; it seems as if I had been

simply useless。' And again; 'The complete isolation and exclusion

from the official life of England in which I have lived; makes me

feel as if I had done nothing'。 He struggled to console himself

with the reflexion that all this was only 'the natural order'。

'If the natural order is moved by the supernatural order; then I

may not have done nothing。 Fifty years of witness for God and His

Truth; I hope; has not been in vain。' But the same thoughts

recurred。 'In reading Macaulay's life I had a haunting feeling

that his had been a life of public utility and mine a vita

umbratilis; a life in the shade。' Ah! it was God's will。 'Mine

has been a life of fifty years out of the world as Gladstone's

has been in it。 The work of his life in this world is manifest。 I

hope mine may be in the next。 I suppose our Lord called me out of

the world because He saw that I should lose my soul in it。'

Clearly; that was the explanation。

And yet he remained sufficiently in the world to discharge with

absolute efficiency the complex government of his diocese almost

up to the last moment of his existence。 Though his bodily

strength gradually ebbed; the vigour of his mind was undismayed。

At last; supported by cushions; he continued; by means of a

dictated correspondence; to exert his accustomed rule。 Only

occasionally would he lay aside his work to plunge into the yet

more necessary duties of devotion。 Never again would he preach;

never again would he put into practice those three salutary rules

of his in choosing a subject for a sermon: '(1) asking God to

guide the choice; (2) applying the matter to myself; (3) making

the sign of the cross on my head and heart and lips in honour of

the Sacred Mouth;' but he could still pray; he could turn

especially to the Holy Ghost。 'A very simple but devout person;'

he wrote in one of his latest memoranda; 'asked me why in my

first volume of sermons I said so little about the Holy Ghost。 I

was not aware of it; but I found it to be true。 I at once

resolved that I would make a reparation every day of my life to

the Holy Ghost。 This I have never failed to do to this day。 To


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