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eminent victorians-第23节

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the elect〃; that is; they shall not be deceived; but those who

have lost faith in the Incarnation; such as humanitarians;

rationalists; and pantheists; may well be deceived by any person

of great political power and success; who should restore the Jews

to their own land; and people Jerusalem once more with the sons

of the Patriarchs。 And; there is nothing in the political aspect

of the world which renders such a combination impossible; indeed;

the state of Syria; and the tide of European diplomacy; which 'is

continually moving eastward; render such an event within a

reasonable probability。' Then Manning threw out a bold

suggestion。 'A successful medium;' he said; 'might well pass

himself off by his preternatural endowments as the promised


Manning went on to discuss the course of events which would lead

to the final catastrophe。 But this subject; he confessed; 'deals

with agencies so transcendent and mysterious; that all I shall

venture to do will be to sketch in outline what the broad and

luminous prophecies; especially of the Book of Daniel and the

Apocalypse; set forth without attempting to enter into minute

details; which can only be interpreted by the event'。 While

applauding his modesty; we need follow Manning no further in his

commentary upon those broad and luminous works; except to observe

that 'the apostasy of the City of Rome from the Vicar of Christ

and its destruction by the Antichrist' was; in his opinion;

certain。 Nor was he without authority for this belief。 For it was

held by 'Malvenda; who writes expressly on the subject'; and who;

besides; 'states as the opinion of Ribera; Gaspar Melus; Viegas;

Suarez; Bellarmine; and Bosius that Rome shall apostatise from

the faith'。


THE death of Pius IX brought to Manning a last flattering

testimony of the confidence with which he was regarded at the

Court of Rome。 In one of the private consultations preceding the

Conclave; a Cardinal suggested that Manning should succeed to the

Papacy。 He replied that he was unfit for the position; because

it was essential for the interests of the Holy See that the next

Pope should be an Italian。 The suggestion was pressed; but

Manning held firm。 Thus it happened that the Triple Tiara seemed

to come; for a moment; within the grasp of the late Archdeacon of

Chichester; and the cautious hand refrained。 Leo XIII was

elected; and there was a great change in the policy of the

Vatican。 Liberalism became the order of the day。 And now at last

the opportunity seemed ripe for an act which; in the opinion of

the majority of English Catholics; had long been due the

bestowal of some mark of recognition from the Holy See upon the

labours and the sanctity of Father Newman。 It was felt that a

Cardinal's hat was the one fitting reward for such a life; and

accordingly the Duke of Norfolk; representing the Catholic laity

of England; visited Manning; and suggested that he should forward

the proposal to the Vatican。 Manning agreed; and then there

followed a curious series of incidents the last encounter in


jarring lives of those two men。 A letter was drawn up by Manning

for the eye of the Pope; embodying the Duke of Norfolk's

proposal; but there was an unaccountable delay in the

transmission of this letter; months passed; and it had not

reached the Holy Father。 The whole matter would; perhaps; have

dropped out of sight and been forgotten; in a way which had

become customary when honours for Newman were concerned; had not

the Duke of Norfolk himself; when he was next in Rome; ventured

to recommend to Leo XIII that Dr。 Newman should be made a

Cardinal。 His Holiness welcomed the proposal; but; he said; he

could do nothing until he knew the views of Cardinal Manning。

Thereupon; the Duke of Norfolk wrote to Manning; explaining what

had occurred; shortly afterwards; Manning's letter of

recommendation; after a delay of six months; reached the Pope;

and the offer of a Cardinalate was immediately dispatched to


But the affair was not yet over。 The offer had been made; would

it be accepted? There was one difficulty in the way。 Newman was

now an infirm old man of seventy…eight; and it is a rule that all

Cardinals who are not also diocesan Bishops or Archbishops

reside; as a matter of course; at Rome。 The change would have

been impossible for one of his years for one; too; whose whole

life was now bound up with the Oratory at Birmingham。 But; of

course; there was nothing to prevent His Holiness from making an

exception in Newman's case; and allowing him to end his days in

England。 Yet how was Newman himself to suggest this? The offer of

the Hat had come to him as an almost miraculous token of renewed

confidence; of ultimate reconciliation。 The old; long; bitter

estrangement was ended at last。 'The cloud is lifted from me for

ever!' he exclaimed when the news reached him。 It would be

melancholy indeed if the cup were now to be once more dashed from

his lips and he was obliged to refuse the signal honour。 In his

perplexity he went to the Bishop of Birmingham and explained the

whole situation。 The Bishop assured him that all would be well;

that he himself would communicate with the authorities; and put

the facts of the case before them。 Accordingly; while Newman

wrote formally refusing the Hat; on the ground of his

unwillingness to leave the Oratory; the Bishop wrote two letters

to Manning; one official and one private; in which the following

passages occurred:

'Dr。 Newman has far too humble and delicate a mind to dream of

thinking or saying anything which would look like hinting at any

kind of terms with the Sovereign Pontiff。 。。。 I think; however;

that I ought to express my own sense of what Dr。 Newman's

dispositions are; and that it will be expected of me。。。 I am

thoroughly confident that nothing stands in the way of his most

grateful acceptance; except what he tells me greatly distresses

him namely; the having to leave the Oratory at a critical


of its existence; and the impossibility of his beginning a new

life at his advanced age。'

And in his private letter the Bishop said: 'Dr。 Newman is very

much aged; and softened with age and the trials he has had;

especially the loss of his two brethren; St。 John and Caswall; he

can never refer to these losses without weeping and becoming

speechless for a time。 He is very much affected by the Pope's

kindness and would; I know; like to receive the great honour


him; but feels the whole difficulty at his age of changing his

life or having to leave the Oratory which I am sure he could

not do。 If the Holy Father thinks well to confer on him the

dignity; leaving him where he is; I know how immensely he would

be gratified; and you will know how generally the conferring on

him the Cardinalate will be applauded。'

These two letters; together with Newman's refusal; reached

Manning as he was on the point of starting for Rome。 After he had

left England; the following statement appeared in 〃The Times〃:

'Pope Leo XIII has intimated his desire to raise Dr。 Newman to


rank of Cardinal; but with expressions of deep respect for the

Holy See; Dr。 Newman has excused himself from accepting the


When Newman's eyes fell upon the announcement; he realised at

once that a secret and powerful force was working against him。 He

trembled; as he had so often trembled before; and certainly the

danger was not imaginary。 In the ordinary course of things; how

could such a paragraph have been inserted without his authority?

And consequently; did it not convey to the world; not only an

absolute refusal which he had never intended; but a wish on his

part to emphasise publicly his rejection of the proffered honour?

Did it not imply that he had lightly declined a proposal for

which in reality he was deeply thankful? And when the fatal

paragraph was read in Rome; might it not actually lead to the

offer of the Cardinalate being finally withheld?

In great agitation; Newman appealed to the Duke of Norfolk。 'As

to the statement;' he wrote; 'of my refusing a Cardinal's Hat;

which is in the papers; you must not believe it; for this reason:

'Of course; it implies that an offer has been made me; and I have

sent an answer to it。 Now I have ever understood that it is a

point of propriety and honour to consider such communications

sacred。 This statement; therefore; cannot come from me。 Nor could

it come from Rome; for it was made public before my answer got to


'It could only come; then; from someone who not only read my

letter; but; instead of leaving to the Pope to interpret it; took

upon himself to put an interpretation upon it; and published that

interpretation to the world。

'A private letter; addressed to Roman Authorities; is interpreted

on its way and published in the English papers。 How is it

possible that anyone can have done this?'

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