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miss billy-第34节

小说: miss billy 字数: 每页4000字

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had done for her; and put yourself out。  I said it so she'd
appreciate things; of course; but she took it quite differently
from what I had intended she should take it; and seemed quite cut
up about it。  Then she went away in that wily; impulsive fashion。〃

William bit his lip; but he did not speak。  Kate was plunging on
feverishly; and in the face of the greater revelation he let the
lesser one drop。

〃And so that's why I was particularly anxious to bring things
around right again;〃 continued Kate。  〃And that's why I spoke。  I
thought I'd seen how things were; and on the drive I said so。  Then
is when I advised you to speak to Billy; but you declared that
Billy wasn't ready; and that you couldn't make a girl marry against
her will。  NOW don't you recollect it?〃

A great light of understanding broke over William's face。  He
started to speak; but something evidently stayed the words on his
lips。  With controlled deliberation he turned and sat down。  Then
he said:

〃Kate; will you kindly tell me just what you DID do?〃

〃Why; I didn't do so very much。  I just tried to help; that's all。
After I talked with you; and advised you to ask Billy right away to
marry you; I went to her。  I thought she cared for you already;
anyway; but I just wanted to tell her how very much it was to you;
and so sort of pave the way。  And now comes the part that I started
to tell you a little while ago when you caught me up so sharply。  I
was going to say that when I told Billy this; she appeared to be
surprised; and almost frightened。  You see; she hadn't known you
cared for her; after all; and so I had a chance to help and make it
plain to her how you did love her; so that when you spoke everything
would be all right。  There; that's all。  You see I didn't do so
very much。〃

〃'So very much'!〃 groaned William; starting to his feet。  〃Great

〃Why; William; what do you mean?  Where are you going?〃

〃I'm goingtoBilly;〃 retorted William with slow distinctness。
〃And I'm going to try to get therebeforeyouCAN!〃  And with
this extraordinary shotfor Williamhe left the house。

William went to Billy as fast as steam could carry him。  He found
her in her little drawing…room listlessly watching with Aunt Hannah
the game of chess that Bertram and Marie were playing。

〃Billy; you poor; dear child; come here;〃 he said abruptly; as soon
as the excitement of his unexpected arrival had passed。  〃I want to
talk to you。〃  And he led the way to the veranda which he knew
would be silent and deserted。

〃To talk tome?〃 murmured Billy; as she wonderingly came to his
side; a startled questioning in her wide dark eyes。



William did not re…enter the house after his talk with Billy on the

〃I will go down the steps and around by the rose garden to the
street; dear;〃 he said。  〃I'd rather not go in now。  Just make my
adieus; please; and say that I couldn't stay any longer。  And now
good…by。〃  His eyes as they looked down at her; were moist and very
tender。  His lips trembled a little; but they smiled; and there was
a look of new…born peace and joy on his face。

Billy; too; was smiling; though wistfully。  The frightened
questioning had gone from her eyes; leaving only infinite

〃You are sure itit is all rightnow?〃 she stammered。

〃Very sure; little girl; and it's the first time it has been right
for weeks。  Billy; that was very dear of you; and I love you for
it; but think how nearhow perilously near you came to lifelong

〃But I thoughtyou wanted meso much;〃 she smiled shyly。

〃And I did; and I dofor a daughter。  You don't doubt that NOW?〃

〃No; oh; no;〃 laughed Billy; softly; and to her face came a happy
look of relief as she finished:  〃And I'll be so glad to bethe

For some minutes after the man had gone; Billy stood by the steps
where he had left her。  She was still there when Bertram came to
the veranda door and spoke to her。

〃Billy; I saw William go by the window; so I knew you were alone。
May I speak to you?〃

The girl turned with a start。

〃Why; of course!  What is it?but I thought you were playing。
Where is Marie?〃

〃The game is finished; besidesBilly; why are you always asking me
lately where Marie is; as if I were her keeper; or she mine?〃 he
demanded; with a touch of nervous irritation。

〃Why; nothing; Bertram;〃 smiled Billy; a little wearily; 〃only that
you were playing together a few minutes ago; and I wondered where
she had gone。〃

〃'A few minutes ago'!〃 echoed Bertram with sudden bitterness。
〃Evidently the time passed swiftly with you; Billy。  William was
out here MORE than an hour。〃


〃Yes; I know。  I've no business to say that; of course;〃 sighed the
man; 〃but; Billy; that's why I came outbecause I must speak to
you this once。  Won't you come and sit down; please?〃 he implored

〃Why; Bertram;〃 murmured Billy again; faintly; as she turned toward
the vine…shaded corner and sat down。  Her eyes were startled。  A
swift color had come to her cheeks。

〃Billy;〃 began the man; in a sternly controlled voice; 〃please let
me speak this once; and don't try to stop me。  You may think; for a
moment; that it's disloyal to William if you listen; but it isn't。
There's this much due to methat you let me speak now。  Billy; I
can't stand it。  I've tried; but it's no use。  I've got to go away;
and it's right that I should。  I'm not the only one that thinks so;
either。  Marie does; too。〃


〃Yes。  I talked it all over with her。  She's known for a long time
how it's been with me; how I caredfor you。〃

〃Marie!  You've told Marie that?〃 gasped Billy。

〃Yes。  Surely you don't mind Marie's knowing;〃 went on Bertram;
dejectedly。  〃And she's been so good to me; and tried tohelp me。〃

Bertram was not looking at Billy now。  If he had been he would have
seen the incredulous joy come into her face。  His eyes were moodily
fixed on the floor。

〃And so; Billy; I've come to tell you。  I'm going away;〃 he
continued; after a moment。  〃I've got to go。  I thought once; when
I first talked with you of William; that you didn't know your own
heart; that you didn't really care for him。  I was even fool enough
to think thatthat it would be I to whom you'd turnsome day。
And so I stayed。  But I stayed honorably; Billy!  YOU know that!
You know that I haven't once forgottennot once; that I was only
William's brother。  I promised you I'd be thatand I have been;
haven't I?〃

Billy nodded silently。  Her face was turned away。

〃But; Billy; I can't do it any longer。  I've got to ask for my
promise back; and then; of course; I can't stay。〃

〃But youyou don't have to goaway;〃 murmured the girl; faintly。

Bertram sprang to his feet。  His face was white。

〃Billy;〃 he cried; standing tall and straight before her; 〃Billy; I
love every touch of your hand; every glance of your eye; every word
that falls from your lips。  Do you think I can staynow?  I want
my promise back!  When I'm no longer William's brotherthen I'll

〃But you don't have to have it backthat is; you don't have to
have it at all;〃 stammered Billy; flushing adorably。  She; too; was
on her feet now。

〃Billy; what do you mean?〃

〃Don't you see?  II HAVE turned;〃 she faltered breathlessly;
holding out both her hands。

Even then; in spite of the great light that leaped to his eyes;
Bertram advanced only a single step。

〃ButWilliam?〃 he questioned; unbelievingly。

〃It WAS a mistake; just as you thought。  We know nowboth of us。
We don't either of us care for the otherthat way。  AndBertram;
I think it HAS been youall the time; only I didn't know!〃

〃Billy; Billy!〃 choked Bertram in a voice shaken with emotion。  He
opened his arms then; wideand Billy walked straight into them。



It was two days after Billy's new happiness had come to her that
Cyril came home。  He went very soon to see Billy。

The girl was surprised at the change in his appearance。  He had
grown thin and haggard looking; and his eyes were somber。  He moved
restlessly about the room for a time; finally seating himself at
the piano and letting his fingers slip from one mournful little
melody to another。  Then; with a discordant crash; he turned。

〃Billy; do you think any girl would marryme?〃 he demanded。

〃Why; Cyril!〃

〃There; now; please don't begin that;〃 he begged fretfully。  〃I
realize; of course; that I'm a very unlikely subject for matrimony。
You made me understand that clearly enough last winter!〃


Cyril raised his eyebrows。

〃Oh; I came to you for a little encouragement; and to make a
confession;〃 he said。  〃I made the confessionbut I didn't get
the encouragement。〃

Billy changed color。  She thought she knew what he meant; but at
the same time she couldn't understand why he should wish to refer
to that conversation now。

〃Aconfession?〃 she repeated; hesitatingly。

〃Yes。  I told you that I'd begun to doubt my being such a woman…
hater; after all。  I intimated that YOU'D begun the softening
process; and that then I'd found a certain other young woman who
hadwell; who had kept up the good work。〃

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