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miss billy-第31节

小说: miss billy 字数: 每页4000字

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And then he looked at Billy。  The girl was plainly nervous。  There
was a deep flush on her cheeks and a brilliant sparkle in her eyes。
She was talking rapidlyalmost incoherently at timesand her
voice was tremulous。  Frequent little embarrassed laughs punctuated
her sentences; and her fingers toyed with everything that came
within reach。  Some time before she had sprung to her feet and had
turned on the electric lights; and when she came back she had not
taken her old position at William's side; but had seated herself in
a chair near by。  All of which; according to William's eyes; meant
the maidenly shyness of a girl who has just said 〃yes〃 to the man
she loves。

William went home that night in a daze。  To himself he said that he
had gone out in search of a daughter; and had come back with a



It was decided that for the present; the engagement should not be
known outside the family。  The wedding would not take place
immediately; William said; and it was just as well to keep the
matter to themselves until plans were a little more definite。

The members of the family were told at once。  Aunt Hannah said 〃Oh;
my grief and conscience!〃 three times; and made matters scarcely
better by adding apologetically:  〃Oh; of course it's all right;
it's all right; only〃  She did not finish her sentence; and
William; who had told her the news; did not know whether he would
have been more or less pleased if she had finished it。

Cyril received the information moodily; and lapsed at once into a
fit of abstraction from which he roused himself hardly enough to
offer perfunctory congratulations and best wishes。

Billy was a little puzzled at Cyril's behavior。  She had been sure
for some time that Cyril had ceased to care specially for her; even
if he ever did fancy that he loved her。  She had hoped to keep him
for a friend; but of late she had been forced to question even his
friendliness。  He had; in fact; gone back almost to his old reserve
and taciturn aloofness。

From the West; in response to William's news of the engagement;
came a cordially pleased note in Kate's scrawling handwriting。
Kate; indeed; seemed to be the only member of the family who was
genuinely delighted with the coming marriage。  As to Bertram
Bertram appeared to have aged years in a single night; so drawn and
white was his face the morning after William had told him his

William had dreaded most of all to tell Bertram。  He was very sure
that Bertram himself cared for Billy; and it was doubly hard
because in William's own mind was a strong conviction that the
younger man was decidedly the one for her。  Realizing; however;
that Bertram must be told; William chose a time for the telling
when Bertram was smoking in his den in the twilight; with his face
half hidden from sight。

Bertram said littlevery little; that night; but in the morning he
went straight to Billy。

Billy was shocked。  She had never seen the smiling; self…reliant;
debonair Bertram like this。

〃Billy; is this true?〃 he demanded。  The dull misery in his voice
told Billy that he knew the answer before he asked the question。

〃Yes; yes; but; Bertram; pleaseplease don't take it like this!〃
she implored。

〃How would you have me take it?〃

〃Why; justjust sensibly。  You know I told you thatthat the
other never could benever。〃

〃I know YOU said so; but Ibelieved otherwise。〃

〃But I told youI did not love youthat way。〃

Bertram winced。  He rose to his feet abruptly。

〃I know you did; Billy。  I'm a fool; of course; to think that I
could everchange it。  I shouldn't have come here; either; this
morning。  But Ihad to。  Good…by!〃  His face; as he held out his
hand; was tragic with renunciation。

〃Why; Bertram; you aren't goingnowlike this!〃 cried the girl。
〃You've just come!〃

The man turned almost impatiently。

〃And do you think I can staylike this?  Billy; won't you say
good…by?〃 he asked in a softer voice; again with outstretched hand。

Billy shook her head。  She ignored the hand; and resolutely backed

〃No; not like that。  You are angry with me;〃 she grieved。
〃Besides; you make it sound as ifif you were going away。〃

〃I am going away。〃

〃Bertram!〃  There was terror as well as dismay in Billy's voice。

Again the man turned sharply。

〃Billy; why are you making this thing so hard for me?〃 he asked in
despair。  〃Can't you see that I must go?〃

〃Indeed; I can't。  And you mustn't go; either。  There isn't any
reason why you should;〃 urged Billy; talking very fast; and working
her fingers nervously。  〃Things are just the same as they were
beforefor you。  I'm just going to marry William; but I wasn't
ever going to marry you; so that doesn't change things any for you。
Don't you see?  Why; Bertram; you mustn't go away!  There won't be
anybody left。  Cyril's going next week; you know; and if you go
there won't be anybody left but William and me。  Bertram; you
mustn't go; don't you see?  I should feel lost withoutyou!〃
Billy was almost crying now。

Bertram looked up quickly。  An odd change had come to his face。
For a moment he gazed silently into Billy's agitated countenance;
then he asked in a low voice:

〃Billy; did you think that after you and William were married I
should still continue to live atthe Strata?〃

〃Why; of course you will!〃 cried the girl; indignantly。  〃Why;
Bertram; you'll be my brother thenmy real brother; and one of the
very chiefest things I'm anticipating when I go there to live is
the good times you and I will have together when I'm William's

Bertram drew in his breath audibly; and caught his lower lip
between his teeth。  With an abrupt movement he turned his back and
walked to the window。  For a full minute he stayed there; watched
by the amazed; displeased eyes of the girl。  When he came back he
sat down quietly in the chair facing Billy。  His countenance was
grave and his eyes were a little troubled; but the haggard look of
misery was quite gone。

〃Billy;〃 he began gently; 〃you must forgive my saying this; but
are you quite sure youlove William?〃

Billy flushed with anger。

〃You have no right to ask such a question。  Of course I love

〃Of course you dowe all love William。  William is; in fact; a
most lovable man。  But William's wife should; perhaps; love him a
little differently fromall of us。〃

〃And she will; certainly;〃 retorted the girl; with a quick lifting
of her chin。  〃Bertram; I don't think you have any right toto
make such insinuations。〃

〃And I won't make them any more;〃 replied Bertram; gravely。  〃I
just wanted you to make sure that youknew。〃

〃I shall make sure; and I shall know;〃 said Billy; firmlyso
firmly that it sounded almost as if she were trying to convince
herself as well as others。

There was a long pause; then the man asked diffidently:

〃And so you are very sure thatthat you want me tostay?〃

〃Indeed I do!  Besides;don't you remember?there are all my
people to be entertained。  They must be taken to places; and given
motor rides and picnics。  You told me last week that you'd love to
help me; but; of course; if you don't want to〃

〃But I do want to;〃 cried Bertram; heartily; a gleam of the old
cheerfulness springing to his eyes。  〃I'm dying to!〃

The girl looked up with quick distrust。  For a moment she eyed him
with bent brows。  To her mind he had gone back to his old airy;
hopeful light…heartedness。  He was once more 〃only Bertram。〃  She
hesitated; then said with stern decision:

〃Bertram; you know I want you; and you must know that I'm delighted
to have you drop this silly notion of going away。  But if this
quick change means that you are staying with any idea thatthat
_I_ shall change; thenthen you must go。  But if you will stay as
WILLIAM'S BROTHER thenI'll be more than glad to have you。〃

〃I'll stayas William's brother;〃 agreed Bertram; and Billy did
not notice the quick indrawing of his breath nor the close shutting
of his lips after the words were spoken。



By the middle of July the routine of Billy's days was well
established。  Marie had been for a week a welcome addition to the
family; and she was proving to be of invaluable aid in entertaining
Billy's guests。  The overworked widow and the little lodging…house
keeper from the West End were enjoying Billy's hospitality now; and
just to look at their beaming countenances was an inspiration;
Billy said。

Cyril had gone abroad。  Aunt Hannah was spending a week at the
North Shore with friends。  Bertram; true to his promise; was
playing the gallant to Billy's guests; and so assiduous was he in
his attentions that Billy at last remonstrated with him。

〃But I didn't mean them to take ALL your time;〃 she protested。

〃Don't they like it?  Do they see too much of me?〃 he demanded。

〃No; no!  They love it; of course。  You must know that。  Nobody
else could give such beautiful times as you've given us。  But it's
yourself I'm thinking of。  You're giving up all your time。
Besides; I didn't mean to keep you here all summer; of course。  You
always go away some; you know; for a vacation。〃

〃But I'm having 

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