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miss billy-第19节

小说: miss billy 字数: 每页4000字

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three years ago!  But what is he doing in his music?〃

The other shrugged his shoulders。

〃Same thing。  Plays occasionally; and plays well; too; but he's so
erratic it's difficult to get him to do it。  Everything must be
just so; you knowair; light; piano; and audience。  He's got
another book out; I'm tolda profound treatise on somebody's
something or othermusical; of course。〃

〃And he used to write music; doesn't he do that any more?〃

〃I believe so。  I hear of it occasionally through musical friends
of mine。  They even play it to me sometimes。  But I can't stand for
much of ithis stuffreally; Billy。〃

〃'Stuff' indeed!  And why not?〃  An odd hostility showed in Billy's

Again Calderwell shrugged his shoulders。

〃Don't ask me。  I don't know。  But they're always dead slow; somber
things; with the wail of a lost spirit shrieking through them。〃

〃But I just love lost spirits that wail;〃 avowed Billy; with more
than a shade of reproach in her voice。

Calderwell stared; then he shook his head。

〃Not in mine; thank you;〃 he retorted whimsically。  〃I prefer my
spirits of a more sane and cheerful sort。〃

The girl laughed; but almost instantly she fell silent。

〃I've been wondering;〃 she began musingly; after a time; 〃why some
one of those three men does notmarry。〃

〃You wouldn't wonderif you knew them better;〃 declared Calderwell。
〃Now think。  Let's begin at the top of the Strataby the way;
Bertram's name for that establishment is mighty clever!  First;
Cyril: according to Bertram Cyril hates 'all kinds of women and
other confusion'; and I fancy Bertram hits it about right。  So that
settles Cyril。  Then there's Williamyou know William。  Any girl
would say William was a dear; but William isn't a MARRYING man。  Dad
says;〃Calderwell's voice softened a little〃dad says that William
and his young wife were the most devoted couple that he ever saw;
and that when she died she seemed to take with her the whole of
William's heartthat is; what hadn't gone with the baby a few years
before。  There was a boy; you know; that died。〃

〃Yes; I know;〃 nodded Billy; quick tears in her eyes。  〃Aunt Hannah
told me。〃

〃Well; that counts out William; then;〃 said Calderwell; with an air
of finality。

〃But how about Bertram?  You haven't settled Bertram;〃 laughed
Billy; archly。

〃Bertram!〃 Calderwell's eyes widened。  〃Billy; can you imagine
Bertram's making love in real earnest to a girl?〃

〃Why; Idon'tknow; maybe!〃  Billy tipped her head from side to
side as if she were viewing a picture set up for her inspection。

〃Well; I can't。  In the first place; no girl would think he was
serious; or if by any chance she did; she'd soon discover that it
was the turn of her head or the tilt of her chin that he admired
TO PAINT。  Now isn't that so?〃

Billy laughed; but she did not answer。

〃It is; and you know it;〃 declared Calderwell。  〃And that settles
him。  Now you can see; perhaps; why none of these menwill marry。〃

It was a long minute before Billy spoke。

〃Not a bit of it。  I don't see it at all;〃 she declared with
roguish merriment。  〃Moreover; I think that some day; some one of
themwill marry; Sir Doubtful!〃

Calderwell threw a quick glance into her eyes。  Evidently something
he saw there sent a swift shadow to his own。  He waited a moment;
then asked abruptly:

〃Billy; WON'T you marry me?〃

Billy frowned; though her eyes still laughed。

〃Hugh; I told you not to ask me that again;〃 she demurred。

〃And I told you not to ask impossibilities of me;〃 he retorted
imperturbably。  〃Billy; won't you; nowseriously? 〃

〃Seriously; no; Hugh。  Please don't let us go all over that again
when we've done it so many times。〃

〃No; let's don't;〃 agreed the man; cheerfully。  〃And we don't have
to; either; if you'll only say 'yes;' now right away; without any
more fuss。〃

Billy sighed impatiently。

〃Hugh; won't you understand that I'm serious?〃 she cried; then she
turned suddenly; with a peculiar flash in her eyes。

〃Hugh; I don't believe Bertram himself could make love any more
nonsensically than you can!〃

Calderwell laughed; but he frowned; too; and again he threw into
Billy's face that keenly questioning glance。  He said somethinga
light somethingthat brought the laugh to Billy's lips in spite of
herself; but he was still frowning when he left the house some
minutes later; and the shadow was not gone from his eyes。



Billy's time was well occupied。  There were so many; many things
she wished to do; and so few; few hours in which to do them。  First
there was her music。  She made arrangements at once to study with
one of Boston's best piano teachers; and she also made plans to
continue her French and German。  She joined a musical club; a
literary club; and a more strictly social club; and to numerous
church charities and philanthropic enterprises she lent more than
her name; giving freely of both time and money。

Friday afternoons; of course; were to be held sacred to the
Symphony concerts; and on certain Wednesday mornings there was to
be a series of recitals; in which she was greatly interested。

For Society with a capital S; Billy cared little; but for
sociability with a small s; she cared much; and very wide she
opened her doors to her friends; lavishing upon them a wealth of
hospitality。  Nor did they all come in carriages or automobiles
these friends。  A certain pale…faced little widow over at the South
End knew just how good Miss Neilson's tea tasted on a crisp October
afternoon and Marie Hawthorn; a frail young woman who gave music
lessons; knew just how restful was Miss Neilson's couch after a
weary day of long walks and fretful pupils。

〃But how in the world do you discover them allthese forlorn
specimens of humanity?〃 queried Bertram one evening; when he had
found Billy entertaining a freckled…faced messenger…boy with a
plate of ice cream and a big square of cake。

〃Anywhereeverywhere;〃 smiled Billy。

〃Well; this last candidate for your favor; who has just gonewho's

〃I don't know; beyond that his name is 'Tom;' and that he likes ice

〃And you never saw him before?〃


〃Humph!  One wouldn't think it; to see his charming air of
nonchalant accustomedness。〃

〃Oh; but it doesn't take much to make a little fellow like that
feel at home;〃 laughed Billy。

〃And are you in the habit of feeding every one who comes to your
house; on ice cream and chocolate cake?  I thought that stone
doorstep of yours was looking a little worn。〃

〃Not a bit of it;〃 retorted Billy。  〃This little chap came with a
message just as I was finishing dinner。  The ice cream was
particularly good to…night; and it occurred to me that he might
like a taste; so I gave it to him。〃

Bertram raised his eyebrows quizzically。

〃Very kind; of course; butwhy ice cream?〃 he questioned。  〃I
thought it was roast beef and boiled potatoes that was supposed to
be handed out to gaunt…eyed hunger。〃

〃It is;〃 nodded Billy; 〃and that's why I think sometimes they'd
like ice cream and chocolate frosting。  Besides; to give sugar
plums one doesn't have to unwind yards of red tape; or worry about
'pauperizing the poor。'  To give red flannels and a ton of coal;
one must be properly circumspect and consult records and city
missionaries; of course; and that's why it's such a relief
sometimes just to hand over a simple little sugar plum and see them

For a minute Bertram was silent; then he asked abruptly:

〃Billy; why did you leave the Strata?〃

Billy was taken quite by surprise。  A pink flush spread to her
forehead; and her tongue stumbled at first over her reply。

〃Why; Iit seemedyouwhy; I left to go to Hampden Falls; to be
sure。  Don't you remember?〃 she finished gaily。

〃Oh; yes; I remember THAT;〃 conceded Bertram with disdainful
emphasis。  〃But why did you go to Hampden Falls?〃

〃Why; itit was the only place to gothat is; I WANTED to go
there;〃 she corrected hastily。  〃Didn't Aunt Hannah tell you that
II was homesick to get back there?〃

〃Oh; yes; Aunt Hannah SAID that;〃 observed the man; 〃but wasn't
that homesickness a littlesudden?〃

Billy blushed pink again。

〃Why; maybe; butwell; homesickness is always more or less sudden;
isn't it?〃 she parried。

Bertram laughed; but his eyes grew suddenly almost tender。

〃See here; Billy; you can't bluff worth a cent;〃 he declared。  〃You
are much too refreshingly frank for that。  Something was the
trouble。  Now what was it?  Won't you tell me; please?〃

Billy pouted。  She hesitated and gazed anywhere but into the
challenging eyes before her。  Then very suddenly she looked
straight into them。

〃Very well; there WAS a reason for my leaving;〃 she confessed a
little breathlessly。  〃Ididn't want tobother you any moreall
of you。〃

〃Bother us!〃

〃No。  I found out。  You couldn't paint; Mr。 Cyril couldn't play or
write; andand everything was different because I was there。  But
I didn't blame youno; no!〃 she assured him hastily。  〃It was only
that Ifound out。〃

〃And may I ask HOW you obtained this most extraordinary information?〃
demanded Bertram; savagely。

Billy shook her head。  Her round litt

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