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the man who was afraid-第3节

小说: the man who was afraid 字数: 每页4000字

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slow; proud walk; a consciousness of power was evidenta firm confidence in himself。 He was liked by women and did not avoid them。

Ere six months had passed after the death of his wife; he courted the daughter of an Ural Cossack。 The father of the bride; notwithstanding that Ignat was known even in Ural as a 〃pranky〃 man; gave him his daughter in marriage; and toward autumn Ignat Gordyeeff came home with a young Cossack…wife。 Her name was Natalya。 Tall; well…built; with large blue eyes and with a long chestnut braid; she was a worthy match for the handsome Ignat。 He was happy and proud of his wife and loved her with the passionate love of a healthy man; but he soon began to contemplate her thoughtfully; with a vigilant eye。

Seldom did a smile cross the oval; demure face of his wifeshe was always thinking of something foreign to life; and in her calm blue eyes something dark and misanthropic was flashing at times。 Whenever she was free from household duties she seated herself in the most spacious room by the window; and sat there silently for two or three hours。 Her face was turned toward the street; but the look of her eyes was so indifferent to everything that lived and moved there beyond the window; and at the same time it was so fixedly deep; as though she were looking into her very soul。 And her walk; too; was queer。 Natalya moved about the spacious room slowly and carefully; as if something invisible restrained the freedom of her movements。 Their house was filled with heavy and coarsely boastful luxury; everything there was resplendent; screaming of the proprietor's wealth; but the Cossack…wife walked past the costly furniture and the silverware in a shy and somewhat frightened manner; as though fearing lest they might seize and choke her。 Evidently; the noisy life of the big commercial town did not interest this silent woman; and whenever she went out driving with her husband; her eyes were fixed on the back of the driver。 When her husband took her visiting she went and behaved there just as queerly as at home; when guests came to her house; she zealously served them refreshments; taking no interest whatever in what was said; and showing preference toward none。 Only Mayakin; a witty; droll man; at times called forth on her face a smile; as vague as a shadow。 He used to say of her:

〃It's a treenot a woman! But life is like an inextinguishable wood…pile; and every one of us blazes up sometimes。 She; too; will take fire; wait; give her time。 Then we shall see how she will bloom。〃

〃Eh!〃 Ignat used to say to her jestingly。 〃What are you thinking about? Are you homesick? Brighten up a bit!〃

She would remain silent; calmly looking at him。

〃You go entirely too often to the church。 You should wait。 You have plenty of time to pray for your sins。 Commit the sins first。 You know; if you don't sin you don't repent; if you don't repent; you don't work out your salvation。 You better sin while you are young。 Shall we go out for a drive?〃

〃I don't feel like going out。〃

He used to sit down beside her and embrace her。 She was cold; returning his caresses but sparingly。 Looking straight into her eyes; he used to say:

〃Natalya! Tell mewhy are you so sad? Do you feel lonesome here with me?〃

〃No;〃 she replied shortly。

〃What then is it? Are you longing for your people?〃

No; it's nothing。〃

〃What are you thinking about?〃

〃I am not thinking。〃

〃What then?〃

〃Oh; nothing!〃

Once he managed to get from her a more complete answer:

〃There is something confused in my heart。 And also in my eyes。 And it always seems to me that all this is not real。〃

She waved her hand around her; pointing at the walls; the furniture and everything。 Ignat did not reflect on her words; and; laughing; said to her:

〃That's to no purpose! Everything here is genuine。 All these are costly; solid things。 If you don't want these; I'll burn them; I'll sell them; I'll give them awayand I'll get new ones! Do you want me to?〃

〃What for?〃 said she calmly。

He wondered; at last; how one so young and healthy could live as though she were sleeping all the time; caring for nothing; going nowhere; except to the church; and shunning everybody。 And he used to console her:

〃Just wait。 You'll bear a son; and then an altogether different life will commence。 You are so sad because you have so little anxiety; and he will give you trouble。 You'll bear me a son; will you not?

〃If it pleases God;〃 she answered; lowering her head。

Then her mood began to irritate him。

〃Well; why do you wear such a long face? You walk as though on glass。 You look as if you had ruined somebody's soul! Eh! You are such a succulent woman; and yet you have no taste for anything。 Fool!〃

Coming home intoxicated one day; he began to ply her with caresses; while she turned away from him。 Then he grew angry; and exclaimed:

〃Natalya! Don't play the fool; look out!〃

She turned her face to him and asked calmly:

〃What then?〃

Ignat became enraged at these words and at her fearless look。

〃What?〃 he roared; coming up close to her。

〃Do you wish to kill me?〃 asked she; not moving from her place; nor winking an eye。

Ignat was accustomed to seeing people tremble before his wrath; and it was strange and offensive to him to see her calm。

〃There;〃 he cried; lifting his hand to strike her。 Slowly; but in time; she eluded the blow; then she seized his hand; pushed it away from her; and said in the same tone:

〃Don't you dare to touch me。 I will not allow you to come near me!〃

Her eyes became smaller and their sharp; metallic glitter sobered Ignat。 He understood by her face that she; too; was a strong beast; and if she chose to she wouldn't admit him to her; even though she were to lose her life。

〃Oh;〃 he growled; and went away。

But having retreated once; he would not do it again: he could not bear that a woman; and his wife at that; should not bow before him this would have degraded him。 He then began to realise that henceforth his wife would never yield to him in any matter; and that an obstinate strife for predominance must start between them。

〃Very well! We'll see who will conquer;〃 he thought the next day; watching his wife with stern curiosity; and in his soul a strong desire was already raging to start the strife; that he might enjoy his victory the sooner。

But about four days later; Natalya Fominichna announced to her husband that she was pregnant。

Ignat trembled for joy; embraced her firmly; and said in a dull voice:

〃You're a fine fellow; Natalya! Natasha; if it should be a son! If you bear me a son I'll enrich you! I tell you plainly; I'll be your slave! By God! I'll lie down at your feet; and you may trample upon me; if you like!〃

〃This is not within our power; it's the will of the Lord;〃 said she in a low voice。

〃Yes; the Lord's!〃 exclaimed Ignat with bitterness and drooped his head sadly。

From that moment he began to look after his wife as though she were a little child。

〃Why do you sit near the window? Look out。 You'll catch cold in your side; you may take sick;〃 he used to say to her; both sternly and mildly。 〃Why do you skip on the staircase? You may hurt yourself。 And you had better eat more; eat for two; that he may have enough。〃

And the pregnancy made Natalya more morose and silent; as though she were looking still deeper into herself; absorbed in the throbbing of new life within her。 But the smile on her lips became clearer; and in her eyes flashed at times something new; weak and timid; like the first ray of the dawn。

When; at last; the time of confinement came; it was early on an autumn morning。 At the first cry of pain she uttered; Ignat turned pale and started to say something; but only waved his hand and left the bedroom; where his wife was shrinking convulsively; and went down to the little room which had served his late mother as a chapel。 He ordered vodka; seated himself by the table and began to drink sternly; listening to the alarm in the house and to the moans of his wife that came from above。 In the corner of the room; the images of the ikons; indifferent and dark; stood out confusedly; dimly illumined by the glimmering light of the image lamp。 There was a stamping and scraping of feet over his head; something heavy was moved from one side of the floor to the other; there was a clattering of dishes; people were bustling hurriedly; up and down the staircase。 Everything was being done in haste; yet time was creeping slowly。 Ignat could hear a muffled voice from above

〃As it seems; she cannot be delivered that way。 We had better send to the church to open the gates of the Lord。〃

Vassushka; one of the hangers…on in his house; entered the room next to Ignat's and began to pray in a loud whisper:

〃God; our Lord; descend from the skies in Thy benevolence; born of the Holy Virgin。 Thou dost divine the helplessness of human creatures。 Forgive Thy servant。〃

And suddenly drowning all other sounds; a superhuman; soul… rending cry rang out; and a continuous moan floated softly over the room and died out in the corners; which were filled now with the twilight。 Ignat cast stern glances at the ikons; heaved a deep sigh and thought:

〃Is it possible that it's again a daughter?〃

At time

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