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memoirs of napoleon bonaparte, v12-第17节

小说: memoirs of napoleon bonaparte, v12 字数: 每页4000字

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the people gaped and listened with a sort of indifference。  As I had
taken a very active part in all that had happened during some preceding
days I was particularly curious to study what might be called the
physiognomy of Paris。  This was the second opportunity which had offered
itself for such a study; and I now saw the people applaud the fall of the
man whom they had received with enthusiasm after the 18th Brumaire。  The
reason was; that liberty was then hoped for; as it was hoped for in 1814。
I went out early in the morning to see the numerous groups of people who
had assembled in the streets。  I saw women tearing their handkerchiefs
and distributing the fragments as the emblems of the revived lily。  That
same morning I met on the Boulevards; and some hours afterwards on the
Place Louis XV。; a party of gentlemen who paraded the streets of the
capital proclaiming the restoration of the Bourbons and shouting; 〃Vive
le Roi!〃 and 〃Vive Louis XVIII!〃  At their head I recognised
MM。 Sosthenes de la Rochefoucauld; Comte de Froissard; the Duc de
Luxembourg; the Duc de Crussol; Seymour; etc。  The cavalcade distributed
white cockades in passing along; and was speedily joined by a numerous
crowd; who repaired to the Place Vendome。  The scene that was acted there
is well known; and the enthusiasm of popular joy could scarcely excuse
the fury that was directed against the effigy of the man whose
misfortunes; whether merited or not; should have protected him from such
outrages。  These excesses served; perhaps more than is generally
supposed; to favour the plans of the leaders of the Royalist party; to
whom M。 Nesselrode had declared that before he would pledge himself to
further their views he must have proofs that they were seconded by the
population of Paris。

I was afterwards informed by an eye…witness of what took place on the
evening of the 31st of March in one of the principal meetings of the
Royalists; which was held in the hotel of the Comte de Morfontaine; who
acted as president on the occasion。  Amidst a chaos of abortive
propositions and contradictory motions M。 Sosthenes de la Rochefoucauld
proposed that a deputation should be immediately sent to the Emperor
Alexander to express to him the wish of the meeting。  This motion was
immediately approved; and the mover was chosen to head the deputation。
On leaving the hotel the deputation met M。 de Chateaubriand; who had that
very day been; as it were; the precursor of the restoration; by
publishing his admirable manifesto; entitled 〃Bonaparte and the
Bourbons。〃  He was invited to join the deputation; but nothing could
overcome his diffidence and induce him to speak。  On arriving at the
hote1 in the Rue St。 Florentin the deputation was introduced to Count
Nesselrode; to whom M。 Sosthenes de la Rochefoucauld briefly explained
its object; he spoke of the wishes of the meeting and of the manifest
desire of Paris and of France。  He represented the restoration of the
Bourbons as the only means of securing the peace of Europe; and observed;
in conclusion; that as the exertions of the day must have been very
fatiguing to the Emperor; the deputation would not solicit the favour of
being introduced to him; but would confidently rely on the good faith of
his Imperial Majesty。  〃I have just left the Emperor;〃 replied M。
Nesselrode; 〃and can pledge myself for his intentions。  Return to the
meeting and announce to the French people that in compliance with their
wishes his Imperial Majesty will use all his influence to restore the
crown to the legitimate monarch: his Majesty Louis XVIII。 shall reascend
the throne of France。〃  With this gratifying intelligence the deputation
returned to the meeting in the Rue d'Anjou。

There is no question that great enthusiasm was displayed on the entrance
of the Allies into Paris。  It may be praised or blamed; but the fact
cannot be denied。  I closely watched all that was passing; and I observed
the expression of a sentiment which I had long anticipated when; after
his alliance with the daughter of the Caesars; the ambition of Bonaparte
increased in proportion as it was gratified: I clearly foresaw Napoleon's
fall。  Whoever watched the course of events during the last four years of
the Empire must have observed; as I did; that from the date of Napoleon's
marriage with Maria Louisa the form of the French Government became daily
more and more tyrannical and oppressive。  The intolerable height which
this evil had attained is evident from the circumstance that at the end
of 1813 the Legislative Body; throwing aside the mute character which it
had hitherto maintained; presumed to give a lecture to him who had never
before received a lecture from any one。  On the 31st of March it was
recollected what had been the conduct of Bonaparte on the occasion
alluded to; and those of the deputies who remained in Paris related how
the gendarmes had opposed their entrance into the hall of the Assembly。
All this contributed wonderfully to irritate the public mind against
Napoleon。  He had become master of France by the sword; and the sword
being sheathed; his power was at an end; for no popular institution
identified with the nation the new dynasty which he hoped to found。  。
The nation admired but did not love Napoleon; for it is impossible to
love what is feared; and he had done nothing to claim the affections of

I was present at all the meetings and conferences which were held at M de
Talleyrand's hotel; where the Emperor Alexander had taken up his
residence。  Of all the persons present at these meetings M。 de Talleyrand
was most disposed to retain Napoleon at the head of the Government; with
restrictions on the exercise of his power。  In the existing state of
things it was only possible to choose one of three courses: first; to
make peace with Napoleon; with the adoption of proper securities against
him; second; to establish a Regency; and third; to recall the Bourbons。

On the 13th of March I witnessed the entrance of the Allied sovereigns
into Paris; and after the procession had passed the new street of the
Luxembourg I repaired straight to M。 de Talleyrand's hotel; which I
reached before the Emperor Alexander; who arrived at a quarter…past one。
When his Imperial Majesty entered M。 de Talleyrand's drawing…room most of
the persons assembled; and particularly the Abbe de Pradt; the Abbe de
Montesquieu; and General Dessolles; urgently demanded the restoration of
the Bourbons。  The Emperor did not come to any immediate decision。
Drawing me into the embrasure of a window; which looked upon the street;
he made some observations which enabled me to guess what would be his
determination。  〃M。 de Bourrienne;〃 said he; 〃you have been the friend of
Napoleon; and so have I。  I was his sincere friend; but there is no
possibility of remaining at peace with a man of such bad faith。〃  These
last words opened my eyes; and when the different propositions which were
made came under discussion I saw plainly that Bonaparte; in making
himself Emperor; had made up the bed for the Bourbons。

A discussion ensued on the three possible measures which I have above
mentioned; and which were proposed by the Emperor Alexander himself。  I
thought; if I may so express myself; that his Majesty was playing a part;
when; pretending to doubt the possibility of recalling the Bourbons;
which he wished above all things; he asked M。 de Talleyrand what means he
proposed to employ for the attainment of that object?  Besides the
French; there were present at this meeting the Emperor Alexander; the
King of Prussia; Prince Schwartzenberg; M。 Nesselrode; M。 Pozzo…di…Borgo;
and Prince Liechtenstein。  During the discussion Alexander walked about
with some appearance of agitation。  〃Gentlemen;〃 said; he; addressing us
in an elevated tone of voice; 〃you know that it was not I who commenced
the war; you know that Napoleon came to attack me in my dominions。  But
we are not drawn here by the thirst of conquest or the desire of revenge。
You have seen the precautions I have taken to preserve your capital; the
wonder of the arts; from the horrors of pillage; to which the chances of
war would have consigned it。  Neither my Allies nor myself are engaged in
a war of reprisals; and I should be inconsolable if any violence were
committed on your magnificent city。  We are not waging war against
France; but against Napoleon; and the enemies of French liberty。
William; and you; Prince 〃 (here the Emperor turned towards the King of
Prussia and Prince Schwartzenberg; who represented the Emperor of
Austria); 〃you can both bear testimony that the sentiments I express are
yours。〃  Both bowed assent to this observation of Alexander; which his
Majesty several times repeated in different words。  He insisted that
France should be perfectly free; and declared that as soon as the wishes
of the country were understood; he and his Allies would support them;
without seeking to favour any particular government。

The Abbe de Pradt then declared; in a tone of conviction; that we were
all Royalists; and that the sentiments of France concurred with ours。
The Emperor Alexander; adverting to the different governments which migh

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