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memoirs of napoleon bonaparte, v12-第13节

小说: memoirs of napoleon bonaparte, v12 字数: 每页4000字

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this obscurity and vagueness should have banished all confidence on the
part of the Plenipotentiaries of the Allied powers?  Three days after the
sitting of the 10th of March they declared they could not even enter into
a discussion of the verbal protocol of the French Minister。  They
requested that M。 de Caulaincourt would declare whether he would accept
or reject the project of a treaty presented by the Allied Sovereigns; or
offer a counter…project。

The Duke of Vicenza; who was still prohibited; by secret instructions
from coming to any conclusion on the proposed basis; inserted in the
protocol of the sitting of the 13th of March a very ambiguous note。  The
Plenipotentiaries of the Allies; in their reply; insisted upon receiving
another declaration from the French Plenipotentiary; which should contain
an acceptance or refusal of their project of a treaty presented in the
conference of the 7th of February; or a counter…project。  After much
discussion Caulaincourt agreed to draw up a counter…project; which he
presented on the 15th; under the following title: 〃Project of a
definitive Treaty between France and the Allies。〃  In this extraordinary
project; presented after so much delay; M。 de Caulaincourt; to the great
astonishment of the Allies; departed in no respect from the declarations
of the 10th of March。  He replied again to the ultimatum of the Allies;
or what be wished to regard as such; by defending a multitude of petty
interests; which were of no importance in so great a contest; but in
general the conditions seemed rather those of a conqueror dictating to
his enemies than of a man overwhelmed by misfortune: As may readily be
imagined; they were; for the most part; received with derision by the

Everything tends to prove that the French Plenipotentiary had received no
positive instructions from the 5th of February; and that; after all the
delay which Napoleon constantly created; Caulaincourt never had it in his
power to answer; categorically; the propositions of the Allies。  Napoleon
never intended to make peace at Chatillon on the terms proposed。  He
always hoped that some fortunate event would enable him to obtain more
favourable conditions。

On the 18th of March; that is to say; three days after the presentation
of this project of a treaty; the Plenipotentiaries of the Allies recorded
in the protocol their reasons for rejecting the extraordinary project of
the French Minister。  For my part; I was convinced; for the reasons I
have mentioned; that the Emperor would never agree to sign the conditions
proposed in the ultimatum of the Allies; dated the 13th of March; and I
remember having expressed that opinion to M。 de Talleyrand。  I saw him on
the 14th; and found him engaged in perusing some intelligence he had just
received from the Duke of Vicenza; announcing; as beyond all doubt; the
early signature of peace。  Caulaincourt had received orders to come to a
conclusion。  Napoleon; he said; had given him a carte blanche to save the
capital; and avoid a battle; by which the last resources of the nation
would be endangered。  This seemed pretty positive; to be sure; but even
this assurance did not; for a moment; alter my opinion。  The better to
convince me; M。 de Talleyrand gave me Caulaincourt's letter to read。
After reading it I confidently said; 〃He will never sign the conditions。〃
M。 de Talleyrand could not help thinking me very obstinate in my opinion;
for he judged of what the Emperor would do by his situation; while I
judged by his character。  I told M。 de Talleyrand that Caulaincourt might
have received written orders to sign; for the sake of showing them to the
Plenipotentiaries of the Allies; but that I had no doubt he had been
instructed to postpone coming to a conclusion; and to wait for final
orders。  I added; that I saw no reason to change my opinion; and that I
continued to regard the breaking up of the Congress as nearer than
appearances seemed to indicate。  Accordingly; three days afterwards; the
Allies grew tired of the delay and the conferences were broken up。  Thus
Napoleon sacrificed everything rather than his glory。  He fell from a
great height; but he never; by his signature; consented to any
dismemberment of France。

The Plenipotentiaries of the Allies; convinced that these renewed
difficulties and demands had no other object but to gain time; stated
that the Allied powers; faithful to their principles; and in conformity
with their previous declarations; regarded the negotiations at Chatillon
as terminated by the French Government。  This rupture of the conferences
took place on the 19th of March; six days after the presentation of the
ultimatum of the Allied powers。  The issue of these long discussions was
thus left to be decided by the chances of war; which were not very
favourable to the man who boldly contended against armed Europe。  The
successes of the Allies during the conferences at Chatillon had opened to
their view the road to Paris;  while Napoleon shrunk from the necessity
of signing his own disgrace。  In these circumstances was to be found the
sole cause of his ruin; and he might have said; 〃Tout est perdu; fors la
gloire。〃  His glory is immortal。

     'The conviviality and harmony that reigned between the Ministers
     made the society and Intercourse at Chatillon most agreeable。  The
     diplomatists dined alternately with each other; M。 de Caulaincourt
     liberally passing for all the Ministers; through the French advanced
     posts; convoys of all the good cheer in epicurean wises; etc。; that
     Paris could afford; nor was female society wanting to complete the
     charm and banish ennui from the Chatillon Congress; which I am sure
     will be long recollected with sensations of pleasure by all the
     Plenipotentiaries there engaged (Memoirs of Lord Burghersh)。



     Curious conversation between General Reynier and the Emperor
     AlexanderNapoleon repulses the PrussiansThe Russians at
     FontainebleauBattle of BrienneSketch of the campaign of France
     Supper after the battle of Champ AubertIntelligence of the arrival
     of tho Duc d'Angouleme and the Comte d'Artois in FranceThe battle
     of the ravens and the eagleBattle of CraonneDeparture of the
     Pope and the Spanish PrincesCapture of a convoyMacdonald at the
     Emperor's headquartersThe inverted cipher。

I was always persuaded; and everything I have since seen has confirmed my
opinion; that the Allies entering France had no design of restoring the
House of Bourbon; or of imposing any Government whatever on the French
people。  They came to destroy and not to found。  That which they wished
to destroy from the commencement of their success was Napoleon's
supremacy; in order to prevent the future invasions with which they
believed Europe would still be constantly threatened。  If; indeed; I had
entertained any doubt on this subject it would have been banished by the
account I heard of General Reynier's conversation with the Emperor
Alexander。  That General; who was made prisoner at Leipsic; was
exchanged; and returned to France。  In the beginning of February 1814 he
passed through Troves; where the Emperor Alexander then was。  Reynier
expressed a desire to be allowed to pay his respects to the Emperor; and
to thank him for having restored him to liberty。  He was received with
that affability of manner which was sometimes affected by the Russian

On his arrival at Paris General Reynier called at the Duc de Rovigo's;
where I had dined that day; and where he still was when I arrived。  He
related in my hearing the conversation to which I have alluded; and
stated that it had all the appearance of sincerity on the Emperor's part。
Having asked Alexander whether he had any instructions for Napoleon; as
the latter; on learning that he had seen his Majesty would not fail to
ask him many questions; he replied that he had nothing particular to
communicate to him。  Alexander added that he was Napoleon's friend; but
that he had; personally; much reasonto complain of his conduct; that
the Allies would have nothing more to do with him; that they had no
intention of forcing any Sovereign upon France; but that they would no
longer acknowledge Napoleon as Emperor of the French。  〃For my part;〃
said Alexander; 〃I can no longer place any confidence in him。  He has
deceived me too often。〃  In reply to this Reynier made some remarks
dictated by his attachment and fidelity to Bonaparte。  He observed that
Napoleon was acknowledged as Sovereign of France by every treaty。  〃But;〃
added Reynier; 〃if you should persist in forcing him to resign the
supreme power; whom will you put in his place?〃〃Did you not choose him;
why then can you not choose some one else to govern you?  I repeat that
we do not intend to force any one upon you but we will have no more to do
with Napoleon。〃

Several Generals were then named; and after Reynier had explained …the
great difficulties which would oppose any such choice; Alexander
interrupted him saying; 〃But; General; there is Bernadotte。' Has he not
been voluntarily chosen Prince Royal of Sweden; may he not also be raised

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