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memoirs of napoleon bonaparte, v12-第11节

小说: memoirs of napoleon bonaparte, v12 字数: 每页4000字

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contrary; I am much to be pitied。  I hear of nothing but the disasters of
the Grand Army。  I have been obliged to enter into a treaty with the
Austrians; and an arrangement with the English; commanded by Lord
Bentinck; in order to save my Kingdom from a threatened landing of the
English and the Sicilians; which would infallibly have excited an

There could not be a more ingenuous confession of the antipathy which
Joachim knew the Neapolitans to entertain towards his person and
government。  His address to the French was ineffectual。  It was easy to
foresee what would ensue。  The Viceroy soon received an official
communication from Napoleon's War Minister; accompanied by an Imperial
decree; recalling all the French who were in the service of Joachim; and
declaring that all who were taken with arms in their hands should be
tried by a courtmartial as traitors to their country。  Murat commenced by
gaining advantages which could not be disputed。  His troops almost
immediately took possession of Leghorn and the citadel of Ancona; and the
French were obliged to evacuate Tuscany。

The defection of Murat overthrew one of Bonaparte's gigantic conceptions。
He had planned that Murat and Eugene with their combined forces should
march on the rear of the Allies; while he; disputing the soil of France
with the invaders; should multiply obstacles to their advance; the King
of Naples and the Viceroy of Italy were to march upon Vienna and make
Austria tremble in the heart of her capital before the timid million of
her Allies; who measured their steps as they approached Paris; should
desecrate by their presence the capital of France。  When informed of the
vast project; which; however; was but the dream of a moment; I
immediately recognised that eagle glance; that power of discovering great
resources in great calamities; so peculiar to Bonaparte。

Napoleon was yet Emperor of France; but he who had imposed on all Europe
treaties of peace no less disastrous than the wars which had preceded
them; could not now obtain an armistice; and Caulaincourt; who was sent
to treat for one at the camp of the Allies; spent twenty days at
Luneville before he could even obtain permission to pass the advanced
posts of the invading army。  In vain did Caulaincourt entreat Napoleon to
sacrifice; or at least resign temporarily; a portion of that glory
acquired in so many battles; and which nothing could efface in history。
Napoleon replied; 〃I will sign whatever you wish。  To obtain peace I will
exact no condition; but I will not dictate my own humiliation。〃  This
concession; of course; amounted to a determination not to sign or to
grant anything。

In the first fortnight of January 1814 one…third of France was invaded;
and it was proposed to form a new Congress; to be held at Chatillon…sur…
Seine。  The situation of Napoleon grew daily worse and worse。  He was
advised to seek extraordinary resources in the interior of the Empire;
and was reminded of the fourteen armies which rose; as if by enchantment;
to defend France at the commencement of the Revolution。  Finally; a
reconciliation with the Jacobins; a party who had power to call up masses
to aid him; was recommended。  For a moment he was inclined to adopt this
advice。  He rode on horseback through the surburbs of St。 Antoine and St。
Marceau; courted the populace; affectionately replied to their
acclamations; and he thought he saw the possibility of turning to account
the attachment which the people evinced for him。  On his return to the
Palace some prudent persons ventured to represent to him that; instead of
courting this absurd sort of popularity it would be more advisable to
rely on the nobility and the higher classes of society。  〃Gentlemen;〃
replied he; 〃you may say what you please; but in the situation in which I
stand my only nobility is the rabble of the faubourgs; and I know of no
rabble but the nobility whom I have created。〃  This was a strange
compliment to all ranks; for it was only saying that they were all rabble

At this time the Jacobins were disposed to exert every effort to serve
him; but they required to have their own way; and to be allowed freely to
excite and foster revolutionary sentiments。  The press; which groaned
under the most odious and intolerable censorship; was to be wholly
resigned to them。  I do not state these facts from hearsay。  I happened
by chance to be present at two conferences in which were set forward
projects infected with the odour of the clubs; and these projects were
supported with the more assurance because their success was regarded as
certain。  Though I had not seen Napoleon since my departure for Hamburg;
yet I was sufficiently assured of his feeling towards the Jacobins to be
convinced that he would have nothing to do with them。  I was not wrong。
On hearing of the price they set on their services he said; 〃 This is…too
much; I shall have a chance of deliverance in battle; but I shall have
none with these furious blockheads。  There can be nothing in common
between the demagogic principles of '93 and the monarchy; between clubs
of madmen and a regular Ministry; between a Committee of Public Safety
and an Emperor; between revolutionary tribunals and established laws。
If fall I must; I will not bequeath France to the Revolution from which I
have delivered her。〃

These were golden words; and Napoleon thought of a more noble and truly
national mode of parrying the danger which threatened him。  He ordered
the enrolment of the National Guard of Paris; which was placed under the
command of Marshal Moncey。  A better choice could not have been made; but
the staff of the National Guard was a focus of hidden intrigues; in which
the defence of Paris was less thought about than the means of taking
advantage of Napoleon's overthrow。  I was made a captain in this Guard;
and; like the rest of the officers; I was summoned to the Tuileries; on
the 23d of January; when the Emperor took leave of the National Guard
previously to his departure from Paris to join the army。

Napoleon entered with the Empress。  He advanced with a dignified step;
leading by the hand his son; who was not yet three years old。  It was
long since I had seen him。  He had grown very corpulent; and I remarked
on his pale countenance an expression of melancholy and irritability。

The habitual movement of the muscles of his neck was more decided and
more frequent than formerly。  I shall not attempt to describe what were
my feelings during this ceremony; when I again saw; after a long
separation; the friend of my youth; who had become master of Europe;
and was now on the point of sinking beneath the efforts of his enemies。
There was something melancholy in this solemn and impressive ceremony。
I have rarely witnessed such profound silence in so numerous an assembly。
At length Napoleon; in a voice as firm and sonorous as when he used to
harangue his troops in Italy or in Egypt; but without that air of
confidence which then beamed on his countenance; delivered to the
assembled officers an address which was published in all the journals of
the time。  At the commencement of this address he said; 〃I set out this
night to take the command of the army。  On quitting the capital I
confidently leave behind me my wife and my son; in whom so many hopes are
centred。〃  I listened attentively to Napoleon's address; and; though he
delivered it firmly; he either felt or feigned emotion。  Whether or not
the emotion was sincere on his part; it was shared by many present; and
for my own part I confess that my feelings were deeply moved when he
uttered the words; 〃I leave you my wife and my son。〃  At that moment my
eyes were fixed on the young Prince; and the interest with which he
inspired me was equally unconnected with the splendour which surrounded
and the misfortunes which threatened him。  I beheld in the interesting
child not the King of Rome but the son of my old friend。  All day long
afterwards I could not help feeling depressed while comparing the
farewell scene of the morning with the day on which we took possession of
the Tuileries。  How many centuries seemed the fourteen years which
separated the two events。

It may be worth while to remind those who are curious in comparing dates
that Napoleon; the successor of Louis XVI。; and who had become the nephew
of that monarch by his marriage with the niece of Marie Antoinette; took
leave of the National Guard of Paris on the anniversary of the fatal 21st
of January; after twenty…five years of successive terror; fear; hope;
glory; and misfortune。

Meanwhile; a Congress was opened at Chatillon…sur…Seine; at which were
assembled the Duke of Vicenza on the part of France; Lords Aderdeen and
Cathcart and Sir Charles Stewart as the representatives of England; Count
Razumowsky on the part of Russia; Count Stadion for Austria; and Count
Humboldt for Prussia。  Before the opening of the Congress; the Duke of
Vicenza; in conformity with the Emperor's orders; demanded an armistice;
which is almost invariably granted during negotiations for peace; but it
was now too late: the Allies had long since determined not to listen to
any such demand。  They t

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