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memoirs of napoleon bonaparte, v12-第10节

小说: memoirs of napoleon bonaparte, v12 字数: 每页4000字

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penance may be commuted with priests so it may with gendarmes。
Delinquents contrived to purchase their escape from the bastinado by a
sum of money; and French gallantry substituted with respect to females
the birch for the cane。  I saw an order directing all female servants to
be examined as to their health unless they could produce certificates
from their masters。  On the 25th of December the Government granted
twenty…four hours longer to persons who were ordered to quit the town;
and two days after this indulgence an ordinance was published declaring
that those who should return to the town after once leaving it were to be
considered as rebels and accomplices of the enemy; and as such condemned
to death by a prevotal court。  But this was not enough。  At the end of
December people; without distinction of sex or age; were dragged from
their beds and conveyed out of the town on a cold night; when the
thermometer was between sixteen or eighteen degrees; and it was affirmed
that several old men perished in this removal。  Those who survived were
left on the outside of the Altona gates。  At Altona they all found refuge
and assistance。  On Christmas…day 7000 of these unfortunate persons were
received in the house of M。 Rainville;  formerly aide de camp to
Dumouriez; and who left France together with that general。  His house;
which was at Holstein; was usually the scene of brilliant entertainments;
but it was converted into the abode of misery; mourning; and death。  All
possible attention was bestowed on the unfortunate outlaws; but few
profited by it; and what is worse; the inhabitants of Altona suffered for
their generosity。  Many of the unfortunate persons were affected with the
epidemic disease which was raging in Hamburg; and which in consequence
broke out at Altona。

All means of raising money in Hamburg being exhausted; a seizure was made
of the funds of the Bank of that city; which yet contained from seven to
eight millions of marks。  Were those who ordered this measure not aware
that to seize on the funds of some of the citizens of Hamburg was an
injury to all foreigners who had funds in the Bank?  Such is a brief
statement of the vexations and cruelties which long oppressed this
unfortunate city。  Napoleon accused Hamburg of Anglomania; and by ruining
her he thought to ruin England。  Hamburg; feeble and bereft of her
sources; could only complain; like Jerusalem when besieged by Titus:
〃Plorans; plorcatrit in nocte。〃



     Prince Eugene and the affairs of ItalyThe army of Italy on the
     frontiers of AustriaEugene's regret at the defection of the
     BavariansMurat's dissimulation and perfidyHis treaty with
     AustriaHostilities followed by a declaration of warMurat
     abandoned by the French generalsProclamation from ParisMurat's
     successGigantic scheme of NapoleonNapoleon advised to join the
     JacobinsHis refusalArmament of the National GuardThe Emperor's
     farewell to the officersThe Congress of ChatillonRefusal of an
     armisticeNapoleon's character displayed in his negotiations
     Opening of the CongressDiscussionsRupture of the Conferences。

I wars now proceed to notice the affairs of Italy and the principal
events of the Viceroyalty of Eugene。  In order to throw together all that
I have to say about the Viceroy I must anticipate the order of time。

After the campaign of 1812; when Eugene revisited Italy; he was promptly
informed of the more than doubtful dispositions of Austria towards
France。  He then made preparations for raising an army capable of
defending the country which the Emperor had committed to his safeguard。
Napoleon was fully aware how much advantage he would derive from the
presence on the northern frontiers of Italy of an army sufficiently
strong to harass Austria; in case she should draw aside the transparent
veil which still covered her policy。  Eugene did all that depended on him
to meet the Emperor's wishes; but in spite of his efforts the army of
Italy was; after all; only an imaginary army to those who could compare
the number of men actually enrolled with the numbers stated in the lists。
When; in July 1813; the Viceroy was informed of the turn taken by the
negotiations at the shadow of a Congress assembled at Prague; he had no
longer any doubt of the renewal of hostilities; and foreseeing an attack
on Italy he resolved as speedily as possible to approach the frontiers of
Austria。  He had succeeded in assembling an army composed of French and
Italians; and amounting to 45;000 infantry and 5000 cavalry。  On the
renewal of hostilities the Viceroy's headquarters were at Udine。  Down to
the month of April 1814 he succeeded in maintaining a formidable
attitude; and in defending the entrance of his kingdom by dint of that
military talent which was to be expected in a man bred in the great
school of Napoleon; and whom the army looked up to as one of its most
skillful generals。

During the great and unfortunate events of 1813 all eyes had been fixed
on Germany and the Rhine; but the defection of Murat for a time diverted
attention to Italy。  That event did not so very much surprise me; for I
had not forgotten my conversation with the King of Naples in the Champs
Elysees; with which I have made the reader acquainted。  At first Murat's
defection was thought incredible by every one; and it highly excited
Bonaparte's indignation。  Another defection which occurred about the same
period deeply distressed Eugene; for although raised to the rank of a
prince; and almost a sovereign; he was still a man; and an excellent man。
He was united to the Princess Amelia of Bavaria; who was as amiable and
as much beloved as he; and he had the deep mortification to count the
subjects of his father…in…law among the enemies whom he would probably
have to combat。  Fearing lest he should be harassed by the Bavarians on
the side of the Tyrol; Eugene commenced his retrograde movement in the
autumn of 1813。  He at first fell back on the Tagliamento; and
successively on the Adige。  On reaching that river the army of Italy was
considerably diminished; in spite of all Eugene's care of his troops。
About the end of November Eugene learned that a Neapolitan corps was
advancing upon Upper Italy; part taking the direction of Rome; and part
that of Ancona。  The object of the King of Naples was to take advantage
of the situation of Europe; and he was duped by the promises held out to
him as the reward of his treason。  Murat seemed to have adopted the
artful policy of Austria; for not only had he determined to join the
coalition; but he was even maintaining communications with England and
Austria; while at the same time he was making protestations of fidelity
to his engagements with Napoleon。

When first informed of Murat's treason by the Viceroy the Emperor refused
to believe it。  〃No;〃 he exclaimed to those about him; 〃it cannot be!
Murat; to whom I have given my sister!  Murat; to whom I have given a
throne!  Eugene must be misinformed。  It is impossible that Murat has
declared himself against me!〃  It was; however; not only possible but
true。  Gradually throwing aside the dissimulation beneath which he had
concealed his designs; Murat seemed inclined to renew the policy of Italy
during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries; when the art of deceiving
was deemed by the Italian Governments the most sublime effort of genius。
Without any declaration of war; Murat ordered the Neapolitan General who
occupied Rome to assume the supreme command in the Roman States; and to
take possession of the country。  General Miollis; who commanded the
French troops in Rome; could only throw himself; with his handful of men;
into the Castle of St。 Angelo; the famous mole of Adrian; in which was
long preserved the treasury of Sixtus V。  The French General soon found
himself blockaded by the Neapolitan troops; who also blockaded Civita
Vecchia and Ancona。

The treaty concluded between Murat and Austria was definitively signed on
the 11th of January 1814。  As soon as he was informed of it the Viceroy;
certain that he should soon have to engage with the Neapolitans; was
obliged to renounce the preservation of the line of the Adige; the
Neapolitan army being in the rear of his right wing。  He accordingly
ordered a retrograde movement to the other side of the Mincio; where his
army was cantoned。  In this position Prince Eugene; on the 8th of
February; had to engage with the Austrians; who had come up with him; and
the victory of the Mincio arrested; for some time; the invasion of the
Austrian army and its junction with the Neapolitan troops。

It was not until eight days after that Murat officially declared war
against the Emperor; and immediately several general and superior
officers; and many French troops; who were in his service; abandoned him;
and repaired to the headquarters of the Viceroy。  Murat made endeavours
to detain them; they replied; that as he had declared war against France;
no Frenchman who loved his country could remain in his service。  〃Do you
think;〃 returned he; 〃that my heart is lees French than yours?  On the
contrary; I am much to be pitied。  I hear of nothi

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