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                                      75 AD
                                  83?…30 B。C。
                                  by Plutarch
                           translated by John Dryden


  THE grandfather of Antony was the famous pleader; whom Marius put to death for having taken part with Sylla。 His father was Antony; surnamed of Crete; not very famous or distinguished in public life; but a worthy good man; and particularly remarkable for his liberality; as may appear from a single example。 He was not very rich; and was for that reason checked in the exercise of his good nature by his wife。 A friend that stood in need of money came to borrow of him。 Money he had none; but he bade a servant bring him water in a silver basin; with which; when it was brought; he wetted his face; as if he meant to shave; and; sending away the servant upon another errand; gave his; friend the basin; desiring him to turn it to his purpose。 And when there was; afterwards; a great inquiry for it in the house; and his wife was in a very ill…humour; and was going to put the servants one by one to the search; he acknowledged what he had done; and begged her pardon。   His wife was Julia; of the family of the Caesars; who; for her discretion and fair was not inferior to any of her time。 Under her; Antony received his education; she being; after the death of his father; remarried to Cornelius Lentulus; who was put to death by Cicero for having been of Catiline's conspiracy。 This; probably; was the first ground and occasion of that mortal grudge that Antony bore Cicero。 He says; even; that the body of Lentulus was denied burial; till; by application made to Cicero's wife; it was granted to Julia。 But this seems to be a manifest error; for none of those that suffered in the consulate of Cicero had the right of burial denied them。 Antony grew up a very beautiful youth; but by the worst of misfortunes; he fell into the acquaintance and friendship of Curio; a man abandoned to his pleasures; who; to make Antony's dependence upon him a matter of greater necessity; plunged him into a life of drinking and dissipation; and led him through a course of such extravagance that he ran; at that early age; into debt to the amount of two hundred and fifty talents。 For this sum Curio became his surety; on hearing which; the elder Curio; his father; drove Antony out of his house。 After this; for some short time he took part with Clodius; the most insolent and outrageous demagogue of the time; in his course of violence and disorder; but getting weary before long; of his madness; and apprehensive of the powerful party forming against him; he left Italy and travelled into Greece; where he spent his time in military exercises and in the study of eloquence。 He took most to what was called the Asiatic taste in speaking; which was then at its height; and was; in many ways; suitable to his ostentatious; vaunting temper; full of empty flourishes and unsteady efforts for glory。   After some stay in Greece; he was invited by Gabinius; who had been consul; to make a campaign with him in Syria; which at first he refused; not being willing to serve in a private character; but receiving a commission to command the horse; he went along with him。 His first…service was against Aristobulus; who had prevailed with the Jews to rebel。 Here he was himself the first man to scale the largest of the works; and beat Aristobulus out of all of them; after which he routed in a pitched battle; an army many times over the number of his; killed almost all of them and took Aristobulus and his son prisoners。 This war ended; Gabinius was solicited by Ptolemy to restore him to his kingdom of Egypt; and a promise made of ten thousand talents reward。 Most of the officers were against this enterprise; and Gabinius himself did not much like it; though sorely tempted by the ten thousand talents。 But Antony; desirous of brave

actions and willing to please Ptolemy; joined in persuading Gabinius to go。 And whereas all were of opinion that the most dangerous thing before them was the march to Pelusium; in which they would have to pass over a deep sand; where no fresh water was to be hoped for; along the Acregma and the Serbonian marsh (which the Egyptians call Typhon's breathing…hole; and which is; in probability; water left behind by; or making its way through from; the Red Sea; which is here divided from the Mediterranean by a narrow isthmus); Antony; being ordered thither with the horse; not only made himself master of the passes; but won Pelusium itself; a great city; took the garrison prisoners; and by this means rendered the march secure to the army; and the way to victory not difficult for the general to pursue。 The enemy also reaped some benefit of his eagerness for honour。 For when Ptolemy; after he had entered Pelusium; in his rage and spite against the Egyptians; designed to put them to the sword; Antony withstood him; and hindered the execution。 In all the great and frequent skirmishes and battles he gave continual proofs of his personal valour and military conduct; and once in particular; by wheeling about and attacking the rear of the enemy; he gave the victory to the assailants in the front; and received for this service signal marks of distinction。 Nor was his humanity towards the deceased Archelaus less taken notice of。 He had been formerly his guest and acquaintance; and; as he was now compelled; he fought him bravely while alive; but on his death; sought out his body and buried it with royal honours。 The consequence was that he left behind him a great name among the Alexandrians; and all who were serving in the Roman army looked upon him as a most gallant soldier。   He had also a very good and noble appearance; his beard was well grown; his forehead large; and his nose aquiline; giving him altogether a bold; masculine look that reminded people of the faces of Hercules in paintings and sculptures。 It was; moreover; an ancient tradition; that the Antonys were descended from Hercules; by a son of his called Anton; and this opinion he thought to give credit to by the similarity of his person just mentioned; and also by the fashion of his dress。 For; whenever he had to appear before large numbers; he wore his tunic girt low about the hips; a broadsword on his side; and over all a large coarse mantle。 What might seem to some very insupportable; his vaunting; his raillery; his drinking in public; sitting down by the men as they were taking their food; and eating; as he stood; off the common soldiers' tables; made him the delight and pleasure of the army。 In love affairs; also; he was very agreeable: he gained many friends by the assistance he gave them in theirs; and took other people's raillery upon his own with good…humour。 And his generous ways; his open and lavish hand in gifts and favours to his friends and fellow…soldiers; did a great deal for him in his first advance to power; and after he had become great; long maintained his fortunes; when a thousand follies were hastening their overthrow。 One instance of his liberality I must relate。 He had ordered payment to one of his friends of twenty…five myriads of money or decies; as the Romans call it; and his steward wondering at the extravagance of the sum; laid all the silver in a heap; as he should pass by。 Antony; seeing the heap; asked what it meant; his steward replied; 〃The money you have ordered to be given to your friend。〃 So; perceiving the man's malice; said he; 〃I thought the decies had been much more; 'tis too little; let it be doubled。〃 This; however; was at a later time。   When the Roman state finally broke up into two hostile factions; the aristocratical party joining Pompey; who was in the city; and the popular side seeking help from Caesar; who was at the head of an army in Gaul; Curio; the friend of Antony; having changed his party and devoted himself to Caesar; brought over Antony also to his service。 And the influence which he gained with the people by his eloquence and by the money which was supplied by Caesar; enabled him to make Antony; first; tribune of the people; and then; augur。 And Antony's accession to office was at once of the greatest advantage to Caesar。 In the first place; he resisted the consul Marcellus; who was putting under Pompey's orders the troops who were already collected; and was giving him power to raise new levies; he; on the other hand; making an order that they should be sent into Syria to reinforce Bibulus; who was making war with the Parthians; and that no one should give in his name to serve under Pompey。 Next; when the senators would not suffer Caesar's letters to be received or read in the senate; by virtue of his office he read them publicly; and succeeded so well; that many were brought to change their mind; Caesar's demands; as they appeared in what he wrote; being but just and reasonable。 At length; two questions being put in the senate; the one; whether Pompey should dismiss his army; the other; if Caesar his; some were for the former; for the latter all; except some few; when Antony stood up and put the question; if it would be agreeable to them that both Pompey and Caesar should dismiss their armies。 This proposal met with the greatest approval

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