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the argonauts of north liberty-第5节

小说: the argonauts of north liberty 字数: 每页4000字

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until she reached the door of the Independence Hotel。


Mrs。 Blandford entered the side door boldly。  Luckily for her; the
austerities of the Sabbath were manifest even here; the bar…room
was closed; and the usual loungers in the passages were absent。
Without risking the recognition of her voice in an inquiry to the
clerk; she slipped past the office; still muffled in her veil; and
quickly mounted the narrow staircase。  For an instant she hesitated
before the public parlor; and glanced dubiously along the half…lit
corridor。  Chance befriended her; the door of a bedroom opened at
that moment; and Richard Demorest; with his overcoat and hat on;
stepped out in the hall。

With a quick and nervous gesture of her hand she beckoned him to
approach。  He came towards her leisurely; with an amused curiosity
that suddenly changed to utter astonishment as she hurriedly lifted
her veil; dropped it; turned; and glided down the staircase into
the street again。  He followed rapidly; but did not overtake her
until she had reached the corner; when she slackened her pace an
instant for him to join her。

〃Lulu;〃 he said eagerly; 〃is it you?〃

〃Not a word here;〃 she said; breathlessly。  〃Follow me at a

She started forward again in the direction of her own house。
He followed her at a sufficient interval to keep her faintly
distinguishable figure in sight until she had crossed three
streets; and near the end of the next block glided up the steps of
a house not far from the one where he remembered to have left
Blandford。  As he joined her; she had just succeeded in opening the
door with a pass…key; and was awaiting him。  With a gesture of
silence she took his hand in her cold fingers; and leading him
softly through the dark hall and passage; quickly entered the
kitchen。  Here she lit a candle; turned; and faced him。  He could
see that the outside shutters were bolted; and the kitchen
evidently closed for the night。

As she removed the veil from her face he made a movement as if to
regain her hand again; but she drew it away。

〃You have forced this upon me;〃 she said hurriedly; 〃and it may be
ruin to us both。  Why have you betrayed me?〃

〃Betrayed you; LuluGood God! what do you mean?〃

She looked him full in the eye; and then said slowly; 〃Do you mean
to say that you have told no one of our meetings?〃

〃Only onemy old friend Blandford; who lives  Ah; yes!  I see it
now。  You are neighbors。  He has betrayed me。  This house is〃

〃My father's!〃 she replied boldly。

The momentary uneasiness passed from Demorest's resolute face。  His
old self…sufficiency returned。  〃Good;〃 he said; with a frank
laugh; 〃that will do for me。  Open the door there; Lulu; and take
me to him。  I'm not ashamed of anything I've done; my girl; nor
need you be。  I'll tell him my real name is Dick Demorest; as I
ought to have told you before; and that I want to marry you; fairly
and squarely; and let him make the conditions。  I'm not a vagabond
nor a thief; Lulu; if I have met you on the sly。  Come; dear; let
us end this now。  Come〃

But she had thrown herself before him and placed her hand upon his
lips。  〃Hush! are you mad?  Listen to me; I tell youpleaseoh;
dono you must not!〃  He had covered her hand with kisses and was
drawing her face towards his own。  〃Nonot again; it was wrong
then; it is monstrous now。  I implore you; listen; if you love me;

He released her。  She sank into a chair by the kitchen…table; and
buried her flushed face in her hands。

He stood for a moment motionless before her。  〃Lulu; if that is
your name;〃 he said slowly; but gently; 〃tell me all now。  Be frank
with me; and trust me。  If there is anything stands in the way; let
me know what it is and I can overcome it。  If it is my telling Ned
Blandford; don't let that worry you; he's as loyal a fellow as ever
breathed; and I'm a dog to ever think he willingly betrayed us。
His wife; well; she's one of those pious saintsbut no; she would
not be such a cursed hypocrite and bigot as this。〃

〃Hush; I tell you!  WILL you hush;〃 she said; in a frantic whisper;
springing to her feet and grasping him convulsively by the lapels
of his overcoat。  〃Not a word more; or I'll kill myself。  Listen!
Do you know what I brought you here for? why I left mythis house
and dragged you out of your hotel?  Well; it was to tell you that
you must leave me; leave HEREgo out of this house and out of this
town at once; to…night!  And never look on it or me again!  There!
you have said we must end this now。  It is ended; as only it could
and ever would end。  And if you open that door except to go; or if
you attempt toto touch me again; I'll do something desperate。

She threw him off again and stepped back; strangely beautiful in
the loosened shackles of her long repressed human emotion。  It was
as if the passion…rent robes of the priestess had laid bare the
flesh of the woman dazzling and victorious。  Demorest was
fascinated and frightened。

〃Then you do not love me?〃 he said with a constrained smile; 〃and I
am a fool?〃

〃Love you!〃 she repeated。  〃Love you;〃 she continued; bowing her
brown head over her hanging arms and clasped hands。  〃What then has
brought me to this?  Oh;〃 she said suddenly; again seizing him by
his two arms; and holding him from her with a half…prudish; half…
passionate gesture; 〃why could you not have left things as they
were; why could we not have met in the same old way we used to
meet; when I was so foolish and so happy?  Why could you spoil that
one dream I have clung to?  Why didn't you leave me those few days
of my wretched life when I was weak; silly; vain; but not the
unhappy woman I am now。  You were satisfied to sit beside me and
talk to me then。  You respected my secret; my reserve。  My God! I
used to think you loved me as I loved youfor THAT!  Why did you
break your promise and follow me here?  I believed you the first
day we met; when you said there was no wrong in my listening to
you; that it should go no further; that you would never seek to
renew it without my consent。  You tell me I don't love you; and I
tell you now that we must part; that frightened as I was; foolish
as I was; that day was the first day I had ever lived and felt as
other women live and feel。  If I ran away from you then it was
because I was running away from my old self too。  Don't you
understand me?  Could you not have trusted me as I trusted you?〃

〃I broke my promise only when you broke yours。  When you would not
meet me I followed you here; because I loved you。〃

〃And that is why you must leave me now;〃 she said; starting from
his outstretched arms again。  〃Do not ask me why; but go; I implore
you。  You must leave this town to…night; to…morrow will be too

He cast a hurried glance around him; as if seeking to gather
some reason for this mysterious haste; or a clue for future
identification。  He saw only the Sabbath…sealed cupboards; the cold
white china on the dresser; and the flicker of the candle on the
partly…opened glass transom above the door。  〃As you wish;〃 he
said; with quiet sadness。  〃I will go now; and leave the town to…
night; but〃his voice struck its old imperative note〃this shall
not end here; Lulu。  There will be a next time; and I am bound to
win you yet; in spite of all and everything。〃

She looked at him with a half…frightened; half…hysterical light in
her eyes。  〃God knows!〃

〃And you will be frank with me then; and tell me all?〃

〃Yes; yes; another time; but go now。〃  She had extinguished the
candle; turned the handle of the door noiselessly; and was holding
it open。  A faint light stole through the dark passage。  She drew
back hastily。  〃You have left the front door open;〃 she said in a
frightened voice。  〃I thought you had shut it behind me;〃 he
returned quickly。  〃Good night。〃  He drew her towards him。  She
resisted slightly。  They were for an instant clasped in a
passionate embrace; then there was a sudden collapse of the light
and a dull jar。  The front door had swung to。

With a desperate bound she darted into the passage and through the
hall; dragging him by the hand; and threw the front door open。
Without; the street was silent and empty。

〃Go;〃 she whispered frantically。

Demorest passed quickly down the steps and disappeared。  At the
same moment a voice came from the banisters of the landing above。
〃Who's there?〃

〃It's I; mother。〃

〃I thought so。  And it's like Edward to bring you and sneak off in
that fashion。〃

Mrs。 Blandford gave a quick sigh of relief。  Demorest's flight had
been mistaken for her husband's habitual evasion。  Knowing that her
mother would not refer to the subject again; she did not reply; but
slowly mounted the dark staircase with an assumption of more than
usual hesitating precaution; in order to recover her equanimity。

The clocks were striking eleven when she left her mother's house
and re…entered her own。  She was surprised to find a light burning
in the kitchen; and Ezekiel; their hired man; awaiting her in a
dominant and nasal key of religious and practical disapprobation。
〃Pity you wern't tu hum afore; ma'am; considerin' the doins that's
goin' on i

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