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the argonauts of north liberty-第20节

小说: the argonauts of north liberty 字数: 每页4000字

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his hand towards the path。  They walked on in silence; without even
looking at each other; until they reached a small summer…house that
stood in the angle of the wall。  Demorest entered。  〃We cannot be
heard here;〃 he said curtly。

〃And we can see what is going on。  Good;〃 said Blandford; coolly
following him。  The summer…house contained a bench and a table。
Blandford seated himself on the bench。  Demorest remained standing
beside the table。  There was a moment's silence。

〃I came here with no desire to see you or avoid you;〃 said
Blandford; with cold indifference。  〃A few weeks ago I might
perhaps have avoided you; for your own sake。  But since then I have
learned that among the many things I owe toto your wife is the
fact that five years ago she secretly DIVORCED ME; and that
consequently my living presence could neither be a danger nor a
menace to you。  I see;〃 he added; dryly; with a quick glance at
Demorest's horror…stricken face; 〃that I was also told the truth
when they said you were as ignorant of the divorce as I was。〃

He stopped; half in pity of his adversary's shame; half in surprise
of his own calmness。  Five years before; in the tumultuous
consciousness of his wrongs; he would have scarcely trusted himself
face to face with the cooler and more self…controlled Demorest。  He
wondered at and partly admired his own coolness now; in the
presence of his enemy's confusion。

〃As your mind is at rest on that point;〃 he continued; sarcastically;
〃I don't suppose you care to know what became of ME when I left
North Liberty。  But as it happens to have something to do with my
being here to…night; and is a part of my business with you; you'll
have to listen to it。  Sit down!  Very well; thenstand up!  It's
your own house。〃

His half cynical; wholly contemptuous ignoring of the real issue
between them was more crushing to Demorest than the keenest
reproach or most tragic outburst。  He did not lift his eyes as
Blandford resumed in a dry; business…like way:

〃When I came across the plains to California; I fell in with a man
about my own agean emigrant also。  I suppose I looked and acted
like a crazy fool through all the journey; for he satisfied himself
that I had some secret reason for leaving the States; and suspected
that I was; like himselfa criminal。  I afterwards learned that he
was an escaped thief and assassin。  Well; he played upon me all the
way here; for I didn't care to reveal my real trouble to him; lest
it should get back to North liberty〃  He interrupted himself with
a sarcastic laugh。  〃Of course; you understand that all this while
Joan was getting her divorce unknown to me; and you were marrying
heryet as I didn't know anything about it I let him compromise me
to save her。  But〃he stopped; his eye kindled; and; losing his
self…control in what to Demorest seemed some incoherent passion;
went on excitedly: 〃that man continued his persecution HEREyes;
HERE; in this very house; where I was a trusted and honored guest;
and threatened to expose me to a pure; innocent; simple girl who
had taken pity on meunless I helped him in a conspiracy of
cattle…stealers and road agents; of which he was chief。  I was such
a cursed sentimental fool then; that believing him capable of doing
this; believing myself still the husband of that woman; your wife;
and to spare that innocent girl the shame of thinking me a villain;
I purchased his silence by consenting。  May God curse me for it!〃

He had started to his feet with flashing eyes; and the indication
of an overmastering passion that to Demorest; absorbed only in the
stupefying revelation of his wife's divorce and the horrible doubt
it implied; seemed utterly vacant and unmeaning。

He had often dreamed of Blandford as standing before him;
reproachful; indignant; and even desperate over his wife's
unfaithfulness; but this insane folly and fury over some trivial
wrong done to that plump; baby…faced; flirting Dona Rosita; crushed
him by its unconscious but degrading obliteration of Joan and
himself more than the most violent denunciation。  Dazed and
bewildered; yet with the instinct of a helpless man; he clung only
to that part of Blandford's story which indicated that he had come
there for Rosita; and not to separate him from Joan; and even
turned to his former friend with a half…embarrassed gesture of
apology as he stammered

〃Then it was YOU who were Rosita's lover; and you who have been
here to see her。  Forgive me; Nedif I had only known it。〃  He
stopped and timidly extended his hand。  But Blandford put it aside
with a cold gesture and folded his arms。

〃You have forgotten all you ever knew of me; Demorest!  I am not in
the habit of making clandestine appointments with helpless women
whose natural protectors I dare not face。  I have never pursued an
innocent girl to the house I dared not enter。  When I found that I
could not honorably retain Dona Rosita's affection; I fled her
roof。  When I believed that even if I broke with this scoundrelas
I didI was still legally if not morally tied to your wife; and
could not marry Rosita; I left her never to return。  And I tore my
heart out to do it。〃

The tears were standing in his eyes。  Demorest regarded him again
with vacant wonder。  Tears!not for Joan's unfaithfulness to him
but for this silly girl's transitory sentimentalism。  It was

And yet what was Joan to Blandford now?  Why should he weep for the
woman who had never loved himwhom he loved no longer?  The woman
who had deceived himwho had deceived them BOTH。  Yes! for Joan
must have suspected that Blandford was living to have sought her
secret divorceand yet she had never told himhimthe man for
whom she got it。  Ah! he must not forget THAT!  It was to marry him
that she had taken that step。  It was perhaps a foolish cautiona
mistaken reservation; but it was the follythe mistake of a loving
woman。  He hugged this belief the closer; albeit he was conscious
at the same time of following Blandford's story of his alienated
affection with a feeling of wonder and envy。

〃And what was the result of this touching sacrifice?〃 continued
Blandford; trying to resume his former cynical indifference。  〃I'll
tell you。  This scoundrel set himself about to supplant me。  Taking
advantage of my absence; his knowledge that her affection for me
was heightened by the mystery of my life; and trusting to profit by
a personal resemblance he is said to bear to me; he began to haunt
her。  Lately he has grown bolder; and he dared even to communicate
with her here。  For it is he;〃 he continued; again giving way to
his passion; 〃this dog; this sneaking coward; who visits the place
unknown to you; and thinks to entrap the poor girl through her
memory of me。  And it is he that I came here to prevent; to expose
if necessary to kill!  Don't misunderstand me。  I have made myself
a deputy of the law for that purpose。  I've a warrant in my pocket;
and I shall take him; this mongrel; half…breed Cherokee Bob; by
fair means or foul!〃

The energy and presence of his passion was so infectious that it
momentarily swept away Demorest's doubts of the past。  〃And I will
help you; before God; Blandford;〃 he said eagerly。  〃And Joan
shall; too。  She will find out from Rosita how far〃

〃Thank you;〃 interrupted Blandford; dryly; 〃but your wife has
already interfered in this matter; to my cost。  It is to her; I
believe; I owe this wretch's following Rosita here。  She already
knows this manhas met him twice in San Francisco; he even boasts
of YOUR jealousy。  You know best how far he lied。〃

But Demorest had braced himself against the chill sensation that
had begun to creep over him as Blandford spoke。  He nerved himself
and said; proudly; 〃I forbade her knowing him on account of his
reputation solely。  I have no reason to believe she has ever even
wished to disobey me。〃

A smile of scorn that had kindled in Blandford's eyes; darkened
with a swift shadow of compassion as he glanced at Demorest's hard;
ashen face。  He held out his hand with a sudden impulse。  〃Enough;
I accept your offer; and shall put it to the test this very night。
I knowif you do notthat Rosita is to leave here for Los Osos an
hour from now in a private carriage; which your wife has ordered
especially for her。  The same information tells me that this
villain and another of his gang will be in wait for the carriage
three miles out of the pueblo to attack it and carry off the young

〃Are you mad!〃 said Demorest; in unfeigned amazement。  〃Do you
believe them capable of attacking a private carriage and carrying
off a solitary; defenceless woman?  Come; Blandford; this is a
school…girl romancenot an act of mercenary highwaymenleast of
all Cherokee Bob and his gang。  This is some madness of Rosita's;
surely;〃 he continued with a forced laugh。

〃Does this mean that you think better of your promise?〃 asked
Blandford; dryly。

〃I said I was at your service;〃 said Demorest; reproachfully。

〃Then hear my plan to prevent it; and yet take that dog in the act;〃
said Blandford。  〃But we must first wait here till the last moment
to ascertain if he makes any signal to show that his plan is altered;
or that he has

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