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the argonauts of north liberty-第19节

小说: the argonauts of north liberty 字数: 每页4000字

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many rugs and hangings scattered in disorder around the room; and
apparently purposeless; except for color; there was a bamboo lounge
as large as a divan; with two or three cushions disposed on it; and
a low chair that seemed the incarnation of indolence。  Opposed to
this; on the wall; was the rigid picture of her grandfather; who
had apparently retired with his volume further into the canvas
before the spectacle of this ungodly opulence; a large Bible on a
funereal trestle…like stand; and the primmest and barest of
writing…tables; before which she was standing as at a sacrificial
altar。  With an almost mechanical movement she closed her portfolio
as her husband entered; and also shut the lid of a small box with a
slight snap。  This suggested exclusion of him from her previous
occupation; whatever it might have been; caused a faint shadow of
pain to pass across his loving eyes。  He cast a glance at his wife
as if mutely asking her to sit beside him; but she drew a chair to
the table; and with her elbow resting on the box; resignedly
awaited his speech。

〃I don't mean to disturb you; darling;〃 he said; gently; 〃but as we
were alone; I thought we might have one of our old…fashioned talks;

〃Don't let it be so old…fashioned as to include North Liberty
again;〃 she interrupted; wearily。  〃We've had quite enough of that
since I returned。〃

〃I thought you found fault with me then for forgetting the past。
But let that pass; dear; it is not OUR affairs I wanted to talk to
you about now;〃 he said; stifling a sigh; 〃it's about your friend。
Please don't misunderstand what I am going to say; nor that I
interpose except from necessity。〃

She turned her dark brown eyes in his direction; but her glance
passed abstractedly over his head into the garden。

〃It's a matter perfectly well known to meand; I fear; to all our
servants alsothat somebody is making clandestine visits to our
garden。  I would not trouble you before; until I ascertained the
object of these visits。  It is quite plain to me now that Dona
Rosita is that object; and that communications are secretly carried
on between her and some unknown stranger。  He has been here once or
twice before; he was here again yesterday。  Ezekiel saw him and saw

〃Together?〃 asked Mrs。 Demorest; sharply。

〃No; but it was evident that there was some understanding; and that
some communication passed between them。〃

〃Well?〃 said Mrs。 Demorest; with repressed impatience。

〃It is equally evident; Joan; that this stranger is a man who does
not dare to approach your friend in her own house; nor more openly
in this; but who; with her connivance; uses us to carry on an
intrigue which may be perfectly innocent; but is certainly
compromising to all concerned。  I am quite willing to believe that
Dona Rosita is only romantic and reckless; but that will not
prevent her from becoming a dupe of some rascal who dare not face
us openly; and who certainly does not act as her equal。〃

〃Well; Rosita is no chicken; and you are not her guardian。〃

There was a vague heartlessness; more in her voice than in her
words; that touched him as her cold indifference to himself had
never done; and for an instant stung his crushed spirit to revolt。
〃No〃 he said; sternly; 〃but I am her father's FRIEND; and I shall
not allow his daughter to be compromised under my roof。〃

Her eyes sprang up to meet his in hatred as promptly as they once
had met in love。  〃And since when; Richard Demorest; have you
become so particular?〃 she began; with dry asperity。  〃Since you
lured ME from the side of my wedded husband?  Since you met ME
clandestinely in trains and made love to ME under an assumed name?
Since you followed ME to my house under the pretext of being my
husband's friend; and forced meyes; forced meto see you
secretly under my mother's roof?  Did you think of compromising ME
then?  Did you think of ruining my reputation; of driving my
husband from his home in despair?  Did you call yourself a rascal
then?  Did you〃

〃Stop!〃 he said; in a voice that shook the rafters; 〃I command you;

She had gradually worked herself from a deliberately insulting
precision into an hysterical; and it is to be feared a virtuous;
conviction of her wrongs。  Beginning only with the instinct to
taunt and wound the man before her; she had been led by a secret
consciousness of something else he did not know to anticipate his
reproach and justify herself in a wild feminine abandonment of
emotion。  But she stopped at his words。  For a moment she was even
thrilled again by the strength and imperiousness she had loved。

They were facing each other after five years of mistaken passion;
even as they had faced each other that night in her mother's
kitchen。  But the grave of that dead passion yawned between them。
It was Joan who broke the silence; that after her single outburst
seemed to fill and oppress the room。

〃As far as Rosita is concerned;〃 she said; with affected calmness;
〃she is going to…night。  And you probably will not be troubled any
longer by your mysterious visitor。〃

Whether he heeded the sarcastic significance of her last sentence;
or even heard her at all; he did not reply。  For a moment he turned
his blazing eyes full upon her; and then without a word strode from
the room。

She walked to the door and stood uneasily listening in the passage
until she heard the clatter of hoofs in the paved patio; and knew
that he had ordered his horse。  Then she turned back relieved to
her room。

It was already sunset when Demorest drew rein again at the entrance
of the corral; and the last stroke of the Angelus was ringing from
the Mission tower。  He looked haggard and exhausted; and his horse
was flecked with foam and dirt。  Wherever he had been; or for what
object; or whether; objectless and dazed; he had simply sought to
lose himself in aimlessly wandering over the dry yellow hills or in
careering furiously among his own wild cattle on the arid; brittle
plain; whether he had beaten all thought from his brain with the
jarring leap of his horse; or whether he had pursued some vague and
elusive determination to his own door; is not essential to this
brief chronicle。  Enough that when he dismounted he drew a pistol
from his holster and replaced it in his pocket。

He had just pushed open the gate of the corral as he led in his
horse by the bridle; when he noticed another horse tethered among
some cotton woods that shaded the outer wall of his garden。  As he
gazed; the figure of a man swung lightly from one of the upper
boughs of a cotton…wood on the wall and disappeared on the other
side。  It was evidently the clandestine visitor。  Demorest was
in no mood for trifling。  Hurriedly driving his horse into the
enclosure with a sharp cut of his riata; he closed the gate upon
him; slipped past the intervening space into the patio; and then
unnoticed into the upper part of the garden。  Taking a narrow by…
path in the direction of the cotton woods that could be seen above
the wall; he presently came in sight of the object of his search
moving stealthily towards the house。  It was the work of a moment
only to dash forward and seize him; to find himself engaged in a
sharp wrestle; to half draw his pistol as he struggled with his
captive in the open。  But once in the clearer light; he started;
his grasp of the stranger relaxed; and he fell back in bewildered

〃Edward Blandford!  Good God!〃

The pistol had dropped from his hand as he leaned breathless
against a tree。  The stranger kicked the weapon contemptuously
aside。  Then quietly adjusting his disordered dress; and picking
the brambles from his sleeve; he said with the same air of disdain;
〃Yes!  Edward Blandford; whom you thought dead!  There!  I'm not a
ghostthough you tried to make me one this time;〃 he said;
pointing to the pistol。

Demorest passed his hand across his white face。  〃Then it's you
and you have come here forforJoan?〃

〃For Joan?〃 echoed Blandford; with a quick scornful laugh; that
made the blood flow back into Demorest's face as from a blow; and
recalled his scattered senses。  〃For Joan;〃 he repeated。  〃Not

The two men were facing each other in irreconcilable yet confused
antagonism。  Both were still excited and combative from their late
physical struggle; but with feelings so widely different that it
would have been impossible for either to have comprehended the
other。  In the figure that had apparently risen from the dead to
confront him; Demorest only saw the man he had unconsciously
wrongedthe man who had it in his power to claim Joan and exact a
terrible retribution!  But it was part of this monstrous and
irreconcilable situation that Blandford had ceased to contemplate
it; and in his preoccupation only saw the actual interference of a
man whom he no longer hated; but had begun to pity and despise。

He glanced coolly around him。  〃Whatever we've got to say to each
other;〃 he said deliberately; 〃had better not be overheard。  At
least what I have got to say to you。〃


Demorest; now as self…possessed as his adversary; haughtily waved
his hand towards the path。  They walked on in silence; without e

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