the age of invention-及4准
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scientific progress seems never to have abated。 He writes in October察1787察to a friend in France察describing his experience with lightning conductors and referring to the work of David Rittenhouse察the celebrated astronomer of Philadelphia。 On the 31st of May in the following year he is writing to the Reverend John Lathrop of Boston
;I have long been impressed with the same sentiments you so well express察of the growing felicity of mankind察from the improvement in philosophy察morals察politics察and even the conveniences of common living察and the invention of new and useful utensils and instruments察so that I have sometimes wished it had been my destiny to be born two or three centuries hence。 For invention and improvement are prolific察and beget more of their kind。 The present progress is rapid。 Many of great importance察now unthought of察will察before that period察be produced。;
Thus the old philosopher felt the thrill of dawn and knew that the day of great mechanical inventions was at hand。 He had read the meaning of the puffing of the young steam engine of James Watt and he had heard of a marvelous series of British inventions for spinning and weaving。 He saw that his own countrymen were astir察trying to substitute the power of steam for the strength of muscles and the fitful wind。 John Fitch on the Delaware and James Rumsey on the Potomac were already moving vessels by steam。 John Stevens of New York and Hoboken had set up a machine shop that was to mean much to mechanical progress in America。 Oliver Evans察a mechanical genius of Delaware察was dreaming of the application of high´pressure steam to both road and water carriages。 Such manifestations察though still very faint察were to Franklin the signs of a new era。
And so察with vision undimmed察America's most famous citizen lived on until near the end of the first year of George Washington's administration。 On April 17察1790察his unconquerable spirit took its flight。
In that year察1790察was taken the First Census of the United States。 The new nation had a population of about four million people。 It then included practically the present territory east of the Mississippi察except the Floridas察which belonged to Spain。 But only a small part of this territory was occupied。 Much of New York and Pennsylvania was savage wilderness。 Only the seacoast of Maine was inhabited察and the eighty´two thousand inhabitants of Georgia hugged the Savannah River。 Hardy pioneers had climbed the Alleghanies into Kentucky and Tennessee察but the Northwest Territorycomprising Ohio察Michigan察Indiana察Illinois察and Wisconsinwas not enumerated at all察so scanty were its people察perhaps not more than four thousand。
Though the First Census did not classify the population by occupation it is certain that nine´tenths of the breadwinners worked more or less upon the soil。 The remaining tenth were engaged in trade察transportation察manufacturing察fishing and included also the professional men察doctors察lawyers察clergymen察teachers察and the like。 In other words察nine out of ten of the population were engaged primarily in the production of food察an occupation which today engages less than three out of ten。 This comparison察however察requires some qualification。 The farmer and the farmer's wife and children performed many tasks which are now done in factories。 The successful farmer on the frontier had to be a jack of many trades。 Often he tanned leather and made shoes for his family and harness for his horses。 He was carpenter察blacksmith察cobbler察and often boat´builder and fisherman as well。 His wife made soap and candles察spun yarn and dyed it察wove cloth and made the clothes the family wore察to mention only a few of the tasks of the women of the eighteenth century。
The organization of industry察however察was beginning。 Here and there were small paper mills察glass factories´though many houses in the back country were without glass windowspotteries察and iron foundries and forges。 Capitalists察in some places察had brought together a few handloom weavers to make cloth for sale察and the famous shoemakers of Massachusetts commonly worked in groups。
The mineral resources of the United States were practically unknown。 The country seems to have produced iron enough for its simple needs察some coal察copper察lead察gold察silver察and sulphur。 But we may say that mining was hardly practiced at all。
The fisheries and the shipyards were great sources of wealth察especially for New England。 The cod fishers numbered several hundred vessels and the whalers about forty。 Thousands of citizens living along the seashore and the rivers fished more or less to add to the local food supply。 The deep´sea fishermen exported a part of their catch察dried and salted。 Yankee vessels sailed to all ports of the world and carried the greater part of the foreign commerce of the United States。 Flour察tobacco察rice察wheat察corn察dried fish察potash察indigo察and staves were the principal exports。 Great Britain was the best customer察with the French West Indies next察and then the British West Indies。 The principal imports came from the same countries。 Imports and exports practically balanced each other察at about twenty million dollars annually察or about five dollars a head。 The great merchants owned ships and many of them察such as John Hancock of Boston察and Stephen Girard of Philadelphia察had grown very rich。
Inland transportation depended on horses and oxen or boats。 There were few good roads察sometimes none at all save bridle paths and trails。 The settlers along the river valleys used boats almost entirely。 Stage´coaches made the journey from New York to Boston in four days in summer and in six in winter。 Two days were required to go between New York and Philadelphia。 Forty to fifty miles a day was the speed of the best coaches察provided always that they did not tumble into the ditch。 In many parts of the country one must needs travel on horseback or on foot。
Even the wealthiest Americans of those days had few or none of the articles which we regard today as necessities of life。 The houses were provided with openwhich察however cheerful察did not keep them warmor else with Franklin's stoves。 To strike a fire one must have the flint and tinderbox察for matches were unknown until about 1830。 Candles made the darkness visible。 There was neither plumbing nor running water。 Food was cooked in the ashes or over an open fire。
The farmer's tools were no less crude than his wife's。 His plough had been little improved since the days of Rameses。 He sowed his wheat by hand察cut it with a sickle察flailed it out upon the floor察and laboriously winnowed away the chaff。
In that same year察1790察came a great boon and encouragement to inventors察the first Federal Patent Act察passed by Congress on the 10th of April。 Every State had its own separate patent laws or regulations察as an inheritance from colonial days察but the Fathers of the Constitution had wisely provided that this function of government should be exercised by the nation。* The Patent Act察however察was for a time unpopular察and some States granted monopolies察particularly of transportation察until they were forbidden to do so by judicial decision。
* The Constitution Article 1察Section 8察Clause 8 empowers Congress此 To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts察by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries。;
The first Patent Act provided that an examining board察consisting of the Secretary of State察the Secretary of War察and the Attorney´General察or any two of them察might grant a patent for fourteen years察if they deemed the invention useful and important。 The patent itself was to be engrossed and signed by the President察the Secretary of State察and the Attorney´General。 And the cost was to be three dollars and seventy cents察plus the cost of copying the specifications at ten cents a sheet。
The first inventor to avail himself of the advantages of the new Patent Act was Samuel Hopkins of Vermont察who received a patent on the 31st of July for an improved method of ;Making Pot and Pearl Ashes。; The world knows nothing of this Samuel Hopkins察but the potash industry察which was evidently on his mind察was quite important in his day。 Potash察that is察crude potassium carbonate察useful in making soap and in the manufacture of glass察was made by leaching wood ashes and boiling down the lye。 To produce a ton of potash察the trees on an acre of ground would be cut down and burned察the ashes leached察and the lye evaporated in great iron kettles。 A ton of potash was worth about twenty´five dollars。 Nothing could show more plainly the relative value of money and human labor in those early times。
Two more patents were issued during the year 1790。 The second went to Joseph S。 Sampson of Boston for a method of making candles察and the third to Oliver Evans察of whom we shall learn more presently察for an improvement in manufacturing flour and meal。 The fourth patent was granted in 1791 to Francis Baily of Philadelphia for making punches for types。 Next Aaron Putnam of Medford察Massachusetts察thought that he could improve methods of distilling察and John Stone of Concord察Massachusetts察offered a new method of drivi