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the age of invention-及27准

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* Philosophical Magazine察vol。 XI察p。 199 March察1832。

Henry also discovered the phenomena of self induction and mutual induction。 A current sent through a wire in the second story of the building induced currents through a similar wire in the cellar two floors below。 In this discovery Henry anticipated Faraday though his results as to mutual induction were not published until he had heard rumors of Faraday's discovery察which he thought to be something different。

The attempt to send signals by electricity had been made many times before Henry became interested in the problem。 On the invention of Sturgeon's magnet there had been hopes in England of a successful solution察but in the experiments that followed the current became so weak after a few hundred feet that the idea was pronounced impracticable。 Henry strung a mile of fine wire in the Academy察placed an ;intensity; battery at one end察and made the armature strike a bell at the other。 Thus he discovered the essential principle of the electric telegraph。 This discovery was made in 1831察the year before the idea of a working electric telegraph flashed on the mind of Morse。 There was no occasion for the controversy which took place later as to who invented the telegraph。 That was Morse's achievement察but the discovery of the great fact察which startled Morse into activity察was Henry's achievement。 In Henry's own words此 This was the first discovery of the fact that a galvanic current could be transmitted to a great distance with so little a diminution of force as to produce mechanical effects察and of the means by which the transmission could be accomplished。 I saw that the electric telegraph was now practicable。; He says further察however此 I had not in mind any particular form of telegraph察but referred only to the general fact that it was now demonstrated that a galvanic current could be transmitted to great distances察with sufficient power to produce mechanical effects adequate to the desired object。;*

* Deposition of Joseph Henry察September 7察1849察printed in Morse察 The Electra´Magnetic Telegraph;察p。 91。

Henry next turned to the possibility of a magnetic engine for the production of power and succeeded in making a reciprocating´bar motor察on which he installed the first automatic pole changer察or commutator察ever used with an electric battery。 He did not succeed in producing direct rotary motion。 His bar oscillated like the walking beam of a steamboat。

Henry was appointed in 1839。 Professor of Natural Philosophy in the College of New Jersey察better known today as Princeton University。 There he repeated his old experiments on a larger scale察confirmed Steinheil's experiment of using the earth as return conductor察showed how a feeble current would be strengthened察and how a small magnet could be used as a circuit maker and breaker。 Here were the principles of the telegraph relay and the dynamo。

Why察then察if the work of Henry was so important察is his name almost forgotten察except by men of science察and not given to any one of the practical applications of electricity拭The answer is plain。 Henry was an investigator察not an inventor。 He states his position very clearly此 I never myself attempted to reduce the principles to practice察or to apply any of my discoveries to processes in the arts。 My whole attention exclusive of my duties to the College察was devoted to original scientific investigations察and I left to others what I considered in a scientific view of subordinate importancethe application of my discoveries to useful purposes in the arts。 Besides this I partook of the feeling common to men of science察which disinclines them to secure to themselves the advantages of their discoveries by a patent。;

Then察too察his talents were soon turned to a wider field。 The bequest of James Smithson察that farsighted Englishman察who left his fortune to the United States to found ;the Smithsonian Institution察for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men察─was responsible for the diffusion of Henry's activities。 The Smithsonian Institution was founded at Washington in 1846察and Henry was fittingly chosen its Secretary察that is察its chief executive officer。 And from that time until his death in 1878察over thirty years察he devoted himself to science in general。

He studied terrestrial magnetism and building materials。 He reduced meteorology to a science察collecting reports by telegraph察made the first weather map察and issued forecasts of the weather based upon definite knowledge rather than upon signs。 He became a member of the Lighthouse Board in 1852 and was the head after 1871。 The excellence of marine illuminants and fog signals today is largely due to his efforts。 Though he was later drawn into a controversy with Morse over the credit for the invention of the telegraph察he used his influence to procure the renewal of Morse's patent。 He listened with attention to Alexander Graham Bell察who had the idea that electric wires might be made to carry the human voice察and encouraged him to proceed with his experiments。 ;He said察─Bell writes察 that he thought it was the germ of a great invention and advised me to work at it without publishing。 I said that I recognized the fact that there were mechanical difficulties in the way that rendered the plan impracticable at the present time。 I added that I felt that I had not the electrical knowledge necessary to overcome the difficulties。 His laconic answer was察'GET IT' I cannot tell you how much these two words have encouraged me。;

Henry had blazed the way for others to work out the principles of the electric motor察and a few experimenters attempted to follow his lead。 Thomas Davenport察a blacksmith of Brandon察Vermont察built an electric car in 1835察which he was able to drive on the road察and so made himself the pioneer of the automobile in America。 Twelve years later Moses G。 Farmer exhibited at various places in New England an electric´driven locomotive察and in 1851 Charles Grafton Page drove an electric car察on the tracks of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad察from Washington to Bladensburg察at the rate of nineteen miles an hour。 But the cost of batteries was too great and the use of the electric motor in transportation not yet practicable。

The great principle of the dynamo察or electric generator察was discovered by Faraday and Henry but the process of its development into an agency of practical power consumed many years察and without the dynamo for the generation of power the electric motor had to stand still and there could be no practicable application of electricity to transportation察or manufacturing察or lighting。 So it was that察except for the telegraph察whose story is told in another chapter察there was little more American achievement in electricity until after the Civil War。

The arc light as a practical illuminating device came in 1878。 It was introduced by Charles F。 Brush察a young Ohio engineer and graduate of the University of Michigan。 Others before him had attacked the problem of electric lighting察but lack of suitable carbons stood in the way of their success。 Brush overcame the chief difficulties and made several lamps to burn in series from one dynamo。 The first Brush lights used for street illumination were erected in Cleveland察Ohio察and soon the use of arc lights became general。 Other inventors improved the apparatus察but still there were drawbacks。 For outdoor lighting and for large halls they served the purpose察but they could not be used in small rooms。 Besides察they were in series察that is察the current passed through every lamp in turn察and an accident to one threw the whole series out of action。 The whole problem of indoor lighting was to be solved by one of America's most famous inventors。

The antecedents of Thomas Alva Edison in America may be traced back to the time when Franklin was beginning his career as a printer in Philadelphia。 The first American Edisons appear to have come from Holland about 1730 and settled on the Passaic River in New Jersey。 Edison's grandfather察John Edison察was a Loyalist in the Revolution who found refuge in Nova Scotia and subsequently moved to Upper Canada。 His son察Samuel Edison察thought he saw a moral in the old man's exile。 His father had taken the King's side and had lost his home察Samuel would make no such error。 So察when the Canadian Rebellion of 1837 broke out察Samuel Edison察aged thirty´three察arrayed himself on the side of the insurgents。 This time察however察the insurgents lost察and Samuel was obliged to flee to the United States察just as his father had fled to Canada。 He finally settled at Milan察Ohio察and there察in 1847察in a little brick house察which is still standing察Thomas Alva Edison was born。

When the boy was seven the family moved to Port Huron察Michigan。 The fact that he attended school only three months and soon became self´supporting was not due to poverty。 His mother察an educated woman of Scotch extraction察taught him at home after the schoolmaster reported that he was ;addled。; His desire for money to spend on chemicals for a laboratory which he had fitted up in the cellar led to his first venture in business。 ;By a great amount of persistence察─he says察 I got permission to go on the local train as newsboy。 The local train 

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