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小说: undine 字数: 每页4000字

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〃There must be something beautiful; but at the same time extremely
awful; about a soul。 Tell me; holy sir; were it not better that we
never shared such a gift?〃 She was silent again as if waiting for an
answer; and her tears had ceased to flow。 All in the cottage had
risen from their seats and had stepped back from her with horror。
She; however; seemed to have eyes for no one but the holy man; her
features wore an expression of fearful curiosity; which appeared
terrible to those who saw her。 〃The soul must be a heavy burden;〃
she continued; as no one answered her; 〃very heavy! for even its
approaching image overshadows me with anxiety and sadness。 And; ah!
I was so light…hearted and so merry till now!〃 And she burst into a
fresh flood of tears; and covered her face with the drapery she
wore。 Then the priest went up to her with a solemn air; and spoke to
her; and conjured her by the name of the Most Holy to cast aside the
veil that enveloped her; if any spirit of evil possessed her。 But
she sank on her knees before him; repeating all the sacred words he
uttered; praising God; and protesting that she wished well with the
whole world。

Then at last the priest said to the knight: 〃Sir bridegroom; I will
leave you alone with her whom I have united to you in marriage。 So
far as I can discover there is nothing of evil in her; but much
indeed that is mysterious。 I commend to youprudence; love; and
fidelity。〃 So saying; he went out; and the fisherman and his wife
followed him; crossing themselves。

Undine had sunk on her knees: she unveiled her face and said;
looking timidly round on Huldbrand: 〃Alas! you will surely now not
keep me as your own; and yet I have done no evil; poor child that I
am!〃 As she said this; she looked so exquisitely graceful and
touching; that her bridegroom forgot all the horror he had felt; and
all the mystery that clung to her; and hastening to her he raised
her in his arms。 She smiled through her tears; it was a smile like
the morning…light playing on a little stream。

〃You cannot leave me;〃 she whispered; with confident security;
stroking the knight's cheek with her tender hand。 Huldbrand tried to
dismiss the fearful thoughts that still lurked in the background of
his mind; persuading him that he was married to a fairy or to some
malicious and mischievous being of the spirit world; only the single
question half unawares escaped his lips: 〃My little Undine; tell me
this one thing; what was it you said of spirits of the earth and of
Kuhleborn; when the priest knocked at the door?〃

〃It was nothing but fairy tales!children's fairy tales!〃 said
Undine; with all her wonted gayety; 〃I frightened you at first with
them; and then you frightened me; that's the end of our story and of
our nuptial evening。〃

〃Nay! that it isn't;〃 said the knight; intoxicated with love; and
extinguishing the tapers; he bore his beautiful beloved to the
bridal chamber by the light of the moon which shone brightly through
the windows。



The fresh light of the morning awoke the young married pair。
Wonderful and horrible dreams had disturbed Huldbrand's rest; he had
been haunted by spectres; who; grinning at him by stealth; had tried
to disguise themselves as beautiful women; and from beautiful women
they all at once assumed the faces of dragons; and when he started
up from these hideous visions; the moonlight shone pale and cold
into the room; terrified he looked at Undine; who still lay in
unaltered beauty and grace。 Then he would press a light kiss upon
her rosy lips; and would fall asleep again only to be awakened by
new terrors。 After he had reflected on all this; now that he was
fully awake; he reproached himself for any doubt that could have led
him into error with regard to his beautiful wife。 He begged her to
forgive him for the injustice he had done her; but she only held out
to him her fair hand; sighed deeply; and remained silent。 But a
glance of exquisite fervor beamed from her eyes such as he had never
seen before; carrying with it the full assurance that Undine bore
him no ill…will。 He then rose cheerfully and left her; to join his
friends in the common apartment。

He found the three sitting round the hearth; with an air of anxiety
about them; as if they dared not venture to speak aloud。 The priest
seemed to be praying in his inmost spirit that all evil might be
averted。 When; however; they saw the young husband come forth so
cheerfully the careworn expression of their faces vanished。

The old fisherman even began to jest with the knight; so pleasantly;
that the aged wife smiled good…humoredly as she listened to them。
Undine at length made her appearance。 All rose to meet her and all
stood still with surprise; for the young wife seemed so strange to
them and yet the same。 The priest was the first to advance toward
her with paternal arms affection beaming in his face; and; as he
raised his hand to bless her; the beautiful woman sank reverently on
her knees before him。 With a few humble and gracious words she
begged him to forgive her for any foolish things she might have said
the evening before; and entreated him in an agitated tone to pray
for the welfare of her soul。 She then rose; kissed her foster…
parents; and thanking them for all the goodness they had shown her;
she exclaimed: 〃Oh! I now feel in my innermost heart; how much; how
infinitely much; you have done for me; dear; kind people!〃 She could
not at first desist from her caresses; but scarcely had she
perceived that the old woman was busy in preparing breakfast; than
she went to the hearth; cooked and arranged the meal; and would not
suffer the good old mother to take the least trouble。

She continued thus throughout the whole day; quiet; kind; and
attentiveat once a little matron and a tender; bashful girl。 The
three who had known her longest expected every moment to see some
whimsical vagary of her capricious spirit burst forth。 But they
waited in vain for it。 Undine remained as mild and gentle as an
angel。 The holy father could not take his eyes from her; and he said
repeatedly to the bridegroom: 〃The goodness of heaven; sir; has
intrusted a treasure to you yesterday through me; unworthy as I am;
cherish it as you ought; and it will promote your temporal and
eternal welfare。〃

Toward evening Undine was hanging on the knight's arm with humble
tenderness; and drew him gently out of the door; where the declining
sun was shining pleasantly on the fresh grass; and upon the tall;
slender stems of the trees。 The eyes of the young wife were moist;
as with the dew of sadness and love; and a tender and fearful secret
seemed hovering on her lips; which; however; was only disclosed by
scarcely audible sighs。 She led her husband onward and onward in
silence; when he spoke; she only answered him with looks; in which;
it is true; there lay no direct reply to his inquiries; but whole
heaven of love and timid devotion。 Thus they reached the edge of the
swollen forest stream; and the knight was astonished to see it
rippling along in gentle waves; without a trace of its former
wildness and swell。 〃By the morning it will be quite dry;〃 said the
beautiful wife; in a regretful tone; 〃and you can then travel away
wherever you will; without anything to hinder you。〃

〃Not without you; my little Undine;〃 replied the knight; laughing:
〃remember; even if I wished to desert you; the church; and the
spiritual powers; and the emperor; and the empire would interpose
and bring the fugitive back again。〃

〃All depends upon you; all depends upon you;〃 whispered his wife;
half…weeping and half…smiling。 〃I think; however; nevertheless; that
you will keep me with you: I love you so heartily。 Now carry me
across to that little island that lies before us。 The matter shall
be decided there。 I could easily indeed glide through the rippling
waves; but it is so restful in your arms; and if you were to cast me
off; I shall have sweetly rested in them once more for the last
time。〃 Huldbrand; full as he was of strange fear and emotion; knew
not what to reply。 He took her in his arms and carried her across;
remembering now for the first time that this was the same little
island from which he had borne her back to the old fisherman on that
first night。 On the further side he put her down on the soft grass;
and was on the point of placing himself lovingly near his beautiful
burden; when she said: 〃No; there opposite to me! I will read my
sentence in your eyes; before your lips speak; now; listen
attentively to what I will relate to you。〃 And she began:

〃You must know; my loved one; that there are beings in the elements
which almost appear like mortals; and which rarely allow themselves
to become visible to your race。 Wonderful salamanders glitter and
sport in the flames; lean and malicious gnomes dwell deep within the
earth; spirits; belonging to the air; wander through the forests;
and a vast family of water…spirits live in the lakes; and streams;
and brooks。 In resounding domes of crystal; through which the sky
looks in with its sun and stars; these latter spirits find their
beautiful abode; lofty trees of coral wit

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