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小说: undine 字数: 每页4000字

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floated away with the current into the ocean; even then Bertalda was
in some measure to blame for her death; and it was unfitting for her
to step into the place of the poor supplanted one。 Yet the fisherman
had a strong regard for the knight also; and the entreaties of his
daughter; who had become much more gentle and submissive; and her
tears for Undine; turned the scale; and he must at length have given
his consent; for he remained at the castle without objection; and a
messenger was despatched to Father Heilmann; who had united Undine
and Huldbrand in happy days gone by; to bring him to the castle for
the second nuptials of the knight。

The holy man; however; had scarcely read the letter from the knight
of Ringstetten; than he set out on his journey to the castle; with
far greater expedition than even the messenger had used in going to
him。 Whenever his breath failed in his rapid progress; or his aged
limbs ached with weariness; he would say to himself: 〃Perhaps the
evil may yet be prevented; fail not; my tottering frame; till you
have reached the goal!〃 And with renewed power he would then press
forward; and go on and on without rest or repose; until late one
evening he entered the shady court…yard of castle Ringstetten。

The betrothed pair were sitting side by side under the trees; and
the old fisherman was near them; absorbed in thought。 The moment
they recognized Father Heilmann; they sprang up; and pressed round
him with warm welcome。 But he; without making much reply; begged
Huldbrand to go with him into the castle; and when the latter looked
astonished; and hesitated to obey the grave summons; the reverend
father said to him:

〃Why should I make any delay in wishing to speak to you in private;
Herr von Ringstetten? What I have to say concerns Bertalda and the
fisherman as much as yourself; and what a man has to hear; he may
prefer to hear as soon as possible。 Are you then so perfectly
certain; Knight Huldbrand; that your first wife is really dead? It
scarcely seems so to me。 I will not indeed say anything of the
mysterious condition in which she may be existing; and I know; too;
nothing of it with certainty。 But she was a pious and faithful wife;
that is beyond all doubt; and for a fortnight past she has stood at
my bedside at night in my dreams; wringing her tender hands in
anguish and sighing out: 'Oh; prevent him; good father! I am still
living! oh; save his life! save his soul!' I did not understand what
this nightly vision signified; when presently your messenger came;
and I hurried thither; not to unite; but to separate; what ought not
to be joined together。 Leave her; Huldbrand! Leave him; Bertalda! He
yet belongs to another; and do you not see grief for his lost wife
still written on his pale cheek? No bridegroom looks thus; and a
voice tells me that if you do not leave him; you will never be

The three listeners felt in their innermost heart that Father
Heilmann spoke the truth; but they would not believe it。 Even the
old fisherman was now so infatuated that he thought it could not be
otherwise than they had settled it in their discussions during the
last few days。 They therefore all opposed the warnings of the priest
with a wild and gloomy rashness; until at length the holy father
quitted the castle with a sad heart; refusing to accept even for a
single night the shelter offered; or to enjoy the refreshments
brought him。 Huldbrand; however; persuaded himself that the priest
was full of whims and fancies; and with dawn of day he sent for a
father from the nearest monastery; who; without hesitation; promised
to perform the ceremony in a few days。



It was between night and dawn of day that the knight was lying on
his couch; half…waking; half…sleeping。 Whenever he was on the point
of falling asleep a terror seemed to come upon him and scare his
rest away; for his slumbers were haunted with spectres。 If he tried;
however; to rouse himself in good earnest he felt fanned as by the
wings of a swan; and he heard the soft murmuring of waters; until
soothed by the agreeable delusion; he sunk back again into a half…
conscious state。 At length he must have fallen sound asleep; for it
seemed to him as if he were lifted up upon the fluttering wings of
the swans and borne by them far over land and sea; while they sang
to him their sweetest music。 〃The music of the swan! the music of
the swan!〃 he kept saying to himself; 〃does it not always portend
death?〃 But it had yet another meaning。 All at once he felt as if he
were hovering over the Mediterranean Sea。 A swan was singing
musically in his ear that this was the Mediterranean Sea。 And while
he was looking down upon the waters below they became clear as
crystal; so that he could see through them to the bottom。 He was
delighted at this; for he could see Undine sitting beneath the
crystal arch。 It is true she was weeping bitterly; and looking much
sadder than in the happy days when they had lived together at the
castle of Ringstetten; especially at their commencement; and
afterward also; shortly before they had begun their unhappy Danube
excursion。 The knight could not help thinking upon all this very
fully and deeply; but it did not seem as if Undine perceived him。

Meanwhile Kuhleborn had approached her; and was on the point of
reproving her for her weeping。 But she drew herself up; and looked
at him with such a noble and commanding air that he almost shrunk
back with fear。 〃Although I live here beneath the waters;〃 said she;
〃I have yet brought down my soul with me; and therefore I may well
weep; although you can not divine what such tears are。 They too are
blessed; for everything is blessed to him in whom a true soul

He shook his head incredulously; and said; after some reflection:
〃And yet; niece; you are subject to the laws of our element; and if
he marries again and is unfaithful to you; you are in duty bound to
take away his life。〃

〃He is a widower to this very hour;〃 replied Undine; 〃and his sad
heart still holds me dear。〃

〃He is; however; at the same time betrothed;〃 laughed Kuhleborn;
with scorn; 〃and let only a few days pass; and the priest will have
given the nuptial blessing; and then you will have to go upon earth
to accomplish the death of him who has taken another to wife。〃

〃That I cannot do;〃 laughed Undine in return; 〃I have sealed up the
fountain securely against myself and my race。〃

〃But suppose he should leave his castle;〃 said Kuhleborn; 〃or should
have the fountain opened again! for he thinks little enough of these

〃It is just for that reason;〃 said Undine; still smiling amid her
tears; 〃it is just for that reason; that he is now hovering in
spirit over the Mediterranean Sea; and is dreaming of this
conversation of ours as a warning。 I have intentionally arranged it

Kuhleborn; furious with rage; looked up at the knight; threatened;
stamped with his feet; and then swift as an arrow shot under the
waves。 It seemed as if he were swelling in his fury to the size of a
whale。 Again the swans began to sing; to flap their wings; and to
fly。 It seemed to the knight as if he were soaring away over
mountains and streams; and that he at length reached the castle
Ringstetten; and awoke on his couch。

He did; in reality; awake upon his couch; and his squire coming in
at that moment informed him that Father Heilmann was still lingering
in the neighborhood; that he had met him the night before in the
forest; in a hut which he had formed for himself of the branches of
trees; and covered with moss and brushwood。 To the question what he
was doing here; since he would not give the nuptial blessing; he had
answered: 〃There are other blessings besides those at the nuptial
altar; and though I have not gone to the wedding; it may be that I
shall be at another solemn ceremony。 We must be ready for all
things。 Besides; marrying and mourning are not so unlike; and every
one not wilfully blinded must see that well。〃

The knight placed various strange constructions upon these words;
and upon his dream; but it is very difficult to break off a thing
which a man has once regarded as certain; and so everything remained
as it had been arranged。



If I were to tell you how the marriage…feast passed at castle
Ringstetten; it would seem to you as if you saw a heap of bright and
pleasant things; but a gloomy veil of mourning spread over them all;
the dark hue of which would make the splendor of the whole look less
like happiness than a mockery of the emptiness of all earthly joys。
It was not that any spectral apparitions disturbed the festive
company; for we know that the castle had been secured from the
mischief of the threatening water…spirits。 But the knight and the
fisherman and all the guests felt as if the chief personage were
still lacking at the feast; and that this chief personage could be
none other than the loved and gentle Undine。 Whenever a door opened;
the eyes of all were involuntarily turned in that direction; and if
it was nothing but the butler with new dishes; or the cup…bearer

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