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memoirs of the comtesse du barry-第88节

小说: memoirs of the comtesse du barry 字数: 每页4000字

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venture。  We descended into the garden with many smiles at the singular figures we made; but no sooner were we in the open air; than the sight of the clear  heavens sparkling with stars; the cool still night; the vast walks lined with statues; which resembled a troop of white phantoms; the gentle waving of the branches; as the evening breeze stirred their leaves; with that feeling of awe and solemnity generally attendant upon the midnight hour; awoke in our minds ideas more suitable to our situation。  We ceased speaking and walked slowly down the walk past the basin of the dragon; in order; by crossing the park; to reach the chateau de Trianon。

Fortune favoured us; for we met only one guard in the park; this man having recognised us as we drew near; saluted us; and was about to retire; when my brother…in…law called him back an desired him to take our key; and open with it the nearest gates to the place which we wished to go to。  He also commanded him to await our return。  The soldier was accustomed to these nocturnal excursions even on the part of the most scrupulous and correct gentlemen and ladies of the court。  He; therefore; assured us of his punctuality; and opened for us a great iron gate; which it would have cost my brother…in…law much trouble to have turned upon its hinges。

The nearer we approached the end of our journey; the more fully did our minds become impressed with new and painful disquietudes。 At length; we reached the place of our destination。

My brother…in…law desired he might be announced but said nothing

of who I was。  We were expected; for a Swiss belonging to the palace conducted us to a chamber at one end of the chateau; where; stretched on a bed of loathsome disease; was the creature who; but a few hours before; had been deemed worthy the embraces of a powerful monarch。  Beside her were an elderly female; her mother; and an aged priest; who had been likewise summoned by the unfortunate girl; and her brother; a young man of about twenty…four years of age; with an eye of fire; and a frame of Herculean power。 He was sitting with his back turned towards the door; the mother; half reclining on the bed; held in her hand a handkerchief steeped in her tears; while the ecclesiastic read prayers to them from a book which he held。  A nurse; whom we had not before perceived; answered the call of the Swiss; and inquired of him what he wanted。

〃I want nothing; myself;〃 answered he; 〃but here is comte Jean du Barry with a lady from Versailles; they say they come at the request of mademoiselle Anne。〃

We were now on the threshold of the door; and the nurse; crossing the chamber; spoke to the mother; who hastily rose; while the priest discontinued his prayers。  The mother looked at us; then whispered some words to her daughter。  The patient stirred in her bed; and the nurse returning to us; said to comte Jean that he might approach the bed of the invalid。

He advanced and I followed him; although the noisome effluvia with which the air was loaded produced a sickness I scarcely could surmount。  The gloom of the place was still further increased by the dim light of two wax candles placed in a nook of the room。

The priest; having recognised my brother…in…law; and suspecting doubtless who I was; was preparing to withdraw; but the sick girl made signs for him to remain。  He obeyed; but removing to a distance; he took his place beside the young man; who; understanding only that strangers had arrived; rose from his seat and displayed his tall gigantic height to the fullest advantage。


Interview with the joiner's daughterConsultation of the physicians respecting the kingThe small…pox declares itselfthe comte de MuyThe princessesExtreme sensibility of madame de MirepoixThe king is kept in ignorance of his real conditionThe archbishop of Paris visits Versailles

The gloomy and mysterious air scattered over the group which presented itself to our eyes filled us with desponding thoughts。 There appeared throughout the party a kind of concentrated grief and silent despair which struck us with terror。  We remained motionless in the same spot without any persons quitting their fixed attitude to offer us a seat。  After some minutes of a deep silence; which I durst not interrupt any more than comte Jean; whose accustomed hardihood seemed effectually checked; the suffering girl raised herself in her bed; and in a hollow voice exclaimed;

〃Comtesse du Barry; what brings you here?〃

The sound of her hoarse and grating voice made me start; spite of myself。

〃My poor child;〃 answered I; tenderly; 〃I come to see you at your request。〃

〃Yes; yes;〃 replied she; bursting into a frightful fit of laughter; 〃I wished to see you to thank you for my dishonour; and for the perdition into which you have involved me。〃

〃My daughter;〃 said the priest; approaching her; 〃is this what you promised me?〃

〃And what did I promise to God when I vowed to hold myself chaste and spotless?  Perjured wretch that I am; I have sold my honour for paltry gold; wheedled by the deceitful flattery of that man who stands before me; I joined his infamous companion in the path of guilt and shame。  But the just vengeance of heaven has overtaken me; and I am rightly punished。〃

Whether this language was the result of a previously studied lesson I know not; but it was ill…calculated to raise my failing spirits。

〃My child; my beloved child!〃  exclaimed the weeping mother; 〃fear not; God is merciful and will accept your sincere abhorrence of your fault。  I have this day offered in your name a fine wax taper to your patroness; St。 Anne; who will; no doubt; intercede for you。〃

〃No; no!〃  replied the unhappy girl; 〃there is no longer any hope for me; and the torments I now suffer are but the preludes to those which I am doomed to endure everlastingly。〃

This singular scene almost convulsed me with agitation。  I seized the arm of my brother…in…law with the intention of escaping from so miserable a spot; the invalid perceived my design and vehemently exclaimed;

〃Stay; comtesse du Barry; I have not yet finished with you; I have not yet announced the full revenge I shall take for your share in my present hopeless condition; your infamous exaltation draws to a close; the same poison which is destroying me; circulates in the veins of him you have too long governed; but your reign is at an end。  He will soon quit his earthly crown; and my hand strikes the blow which sends him hence。  But still; dying a victim to a cruel and loathsome complaint; I go to my grave triumphing over my haughty rival; for I shall die the last possessor of the king's affections。  Heavens!  what agonies are these?〃  cried she; then; after a short silence; she continued; extending to me her arms hideous with the leprous blotches of her disgusting malady; 〃yes; you have been my destruction; your accursed example led me to sell myself for the wages of infamy; and to the villainous artifices of the man who brought you here I owe all my sufferings。  I am dying more young; more beautiful; more beloved than you; I am hurried to an untimely end。  God of heaven!  die I did I say die?  I cannot; will notMother; save your child!Brother; help me; save me!〃

〃My daughter; my darling child!〃  cried the despairing mother; wringing her hands and weeping bitterly。

〃My dearest sister Anne; what can I do for you?〃  inquired the young man; whose stern features were melted into mere womanish tenderness。

〃Daughter;〃 interrupted the priest; 〃 God is good; he can and will forgive you if you heartily turn to him; with a sincere desire to atone for your fault。〃

All this took place in less time than it has taken in the recital。  My brother…in…law seemed completely deprived of his usual self…possession by this burst of frightful raving; his feet appeared rooted to the floor of the chamber; his colour changed from white to red; and a cold perspiration covered his brows。  For my own part; I was moved beyond description; but my faculties seemed spell…bound; and when I strove to speak; my tongue cleaved to my mouth。

The delirium of poor Anne continued for some time to find utterance; either by convulsive gesticulation; half…uttered expressions; and; occasionally; loud and vehement imprecations。  At length; quite exhausted with her violence; which required all the efforts of her brother to subdue by positive force; she sunk into a state of insensibility。  The priest; on his knees; implored in a loud voice the mercy of Providence for the king and all his subjects。 Had any person conceived the design of working on my fears so far as to induce me to abandon a life at court; they could not have succeeded more entirely than by exhibiting to me the scene I have been describing。  Had not many contending ideas enabled me to bear up under all I saw and heard; my senses must have forsaken me; under common circumstances; the aspect of the brother alone would have terrified me exceedingly; and even now; I cannot recollect without a shudder; the looks of dark and sinister meaning he alternately directed at me and at comte Jean。  At this moment; the doctor who had the charge of the unhappy girl arrived。 The warmth and eagerness of manner with which he addressed me directly he perceived 

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