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memoirs of the comtesse du barry-第78节

小说: memoirs of the comtesse du barry 字数: 每页4000字

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The king supped with me that evening。  By some singular chance he was on this occasion in the happiest temper possible: he laughed; sung; joked with such unusual spirits; that I hesitated ere I disturbed a gaiety to which Louis XV was so little prone。 However; I took him aside; saying; 〃Sire; I have to ask atonement and reparation for a most horrible piece of injustice。〃  After which; I proceeded to acquaint him with the distressing history of his unfortunate mistress。  He appeared perfectly well to recollect the female to whom I alluded; and when I ceased speaking; he said; with a half…suppressed sigh;

〃Poor creature!  she has indeed been unfortunate; seventeen years and five months in prison!  The duc de la  Vrilliere is greatly to blame in the affair; but when once he has placed persons between four walls; he thinks he has fulfilled the whole of his duty。  He should recollect; that a good memory is a necessary qualification for situation he holds; it is indeed an imperative duty in him to think of the poor wretches he deprives of their liberty。〃

〃And in you too; sire;〃 interrupted I; 〃and it appears to me that you have lost sight of it; in the present affair; as culpably as your minister。〃

〃I confess it; indeed;〃 answered Louis XV; 〃but the unfortunate sufferer herself was not without a due share of blame in the matter。  Her presumption had greatly irritated madame de Pompadour; who punished her as she thought fit: of course I could not; consistently with the regard I professed for the marchioness; interfere in the execution of her vengeance。〃

〃I do not agree with you;〃 said I。

〃Why; what else could I do?〃  asked Louis XV; with the most imperturbable calmness; 〃she had superior claims; was acknowledged as chief favorite; and I could not refuse her the sacrifice of a mere temporary caprice。〃

〃Very well said;〃 answered I; 〃and founded upon excellent principles; but surely it was not necessary to shut up the object of your caprice in a state prison; and; above all; to leave her there for such a length of time。  However; the mischief is done; and all we have to think of is to repair it。  You have now; sire; a fine opportunity of displaying your royal munificence。〃

〃You think; then;〃 returned Louis XV; 〃that I am bound to make this unhappy girl some present?  Well; I will; to…morrow I will send her 10;000 louis。〃

〃A thousand louis!〃  exclaimed I; clasping my hands; 〃what; as a recompense for seventeen years' imprisonment?  No; no; sire; you shall not get off so easily; you must settle on her a pension of 12;000 livres; and present her with an order for 100;000 more as an immediate supply。〃

〃Bless me!〃  ejaculated the king; 〃why all; the girls in my kingdom would go to prison for such a dowry: however; she shall have the pension; but; in truth; my treasury is exhausted。〃

〃Then; sire;〃 returned I; 〃borrow of your friends。〃

〃Come; come; let us finish this business; I will give your  4000 louis。〃

〃No; I cannot agree;〃 answered I; 〃to less than 5000。〃

The king promised me I should have them; and; on the following day; his valet Turpigny brought me the order for the pension; and a bag; in which I found only 4000 louis。  This piece of meanness did not surprise me; but it made me shrug up my shoulders; and sent me to my cabinet to take the sum deficient from my own funds。 With this dowry my poor  soon found a suitable husband in the person of one of her cousins; for whom I procured a lucrative post under government。  These worthy people have since well repaid me by their grateful and devoted attachment for the service I was enabled to render them。  One individual of their family was; however; far from resembling them either in goodness of heart or generosity of sentimentI allude to the brother of the lady; that same brother who formerly supplied his sister with his clothes; that she might visit the king unsuspected。  Upon the incarceration of the father the son succeeded him in his office of ; and acquired considerable credit at court; yet; although in the daily habit of seeing the king; he neither by word nor deed sought to obtain the deliverance of either his parent or sister。  On the contrary; he suffered the former to perish in a dungeon; and allowed the latter to languish in one during more than seventeen years; and in all probability she would have ended her days without receiving the slightest mark of his recollection of his unfortunate relative。  I know no trait of base selfishness more truly revolting than the one I have just related。

But this story has led me far from the subject I was previously commencing: this narrative; which I never call to mind without a feeling of pleasure; has led me away in spite of myself。  Still I trust that my narrative has been sufficiently interesting to induce you to pardon the digression it has occasioned; and now I will resume the thread of my discourse。


 A conspiracyA scheme for poisoning madame du BarryThe four bottlesLetter to the duc d'AiguillonAdvice of the ministers Opinion of the physiciansThe chancellor and lieutenant of policeResolution of the council

Have you any curiosity to learn the denouement of the story I was telling you of my anonymous correspondent?  Read what follows; then; and your wishes shall be gratified: that is; if you have patience to hear a rather long story; for I cannot promise you that mine will very speedily be completed。  Let me see: where did I leave off?  Oh; I recollect。

I was telling you that madame de Mirepoix urged me to repair; as I was requested; to the Baths of Apollo。  I had a key which opened all the park gates; we entered the park; took the path which turns off to the left; and after having walked for about five minutes; found ourselves opposite the person we were in search of。  It was a female of from thirty to forty years of age; of diminutive stature; dressed after the fashion of the  of the day; but still an air of good taste was evident through the simplicity of her attire。  Her countenance must once have been handsome; if one might judge by the beauty of her eyes and mouth; but she was pale; withered and already impressed with the traces of a premature old age。  But her beauties; although faded; were still animated by a quick and ever…varying expression of a keen and lively wit。

Whilst I made these hasty remarks the stranger saluted me; and afterwards the marechale de Mirepoix; with a ease of manner which perfectly surprised me。  Nor did she in any other instance betray the embarrassment of a person who finds herself for the first time in the presence of persons of a rank superior to her own。

〃Madam;〃 she said; addressing herself to me; 〃I trust you will pardon me for having given you the trouble of coming hither; I might have spared it you; had your people permitted me to see you when I called at your house yesterday。〃

〃Your invitation;〃 replied I; 〃was so pressingly enforced; that I confess my curiosity has been most keenly awakened。〃

〃I will immediately satisfy it;〃 answered she; 〃 but what I have to say must be told to yourself alone。〃

〃Well; then;〃 said the marechale; 〃I will leave you for the present: I am going to admire that fine group of Girardon〃; and so saying; she quitted the walk in which I was standing。

Directly she was gone the stranger said to me; 〃Madam; I will explain myself without reserve or unnecessary prolixity; I beseech of you to listen attentively whilst I tell you; in the first place; that both your life and that of the king is in imminent danger。〃

〃Heavens!〃  cried I; 〃 what do I hear?〃

〃That which I well know to be true;〃 answered the female; with a  firm voice; 〃I repeat that your life and that of the king is in danger。〃

These words; pronounced in a low; solemn voice; froze me with terror; my limbs tottered under me; and I almost sank to the ground。  The stranger assisted me to a bench; offered me her arm; and when she saw me a little recovered; she continued;

〃Yes; madam; a conspiracy is afoot against yourself and Louis XV。 You are to be made away with out of revenge; and Louis XV is to suffer; in the hopes of his death effecting a change in the present face of affairs。〃

〃And who;〃 inquired I; 〃are the conspirators?〃

'The Jesuits and parliamentarians; these ancient rivals; equally persecuted by the royal government; have determined to make common cause against their mutual foe。  The Jesuits flatter themselves that the dauphin inherits the kind feelings entertained by his father for their order; and the parliamentarians justly reckon upon the friendly disposition of the young prince towards the old magistracy。  Both parties equally flatter themselves that a fresh reign would bring about their re…establishment; and they are impatient to accelerate so desirable an event: the conspiracy is directed by four Jesuits and the same number of the ex…members of the parliament of Paris。  The remainder of the two corporations are not initiated in the secret of the enterprise。  I am not able at present to give you the names of the eight conspirators; the person from whom I derive my information not having as yet confided them even to myself; but I trust ere long to obtain suc

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